Chapter 4
Top 5 Reasons Why This Friday Was the Best Friday Ever:
5. I actually felt like I got enough sleep last night, for like once in my life. I woke up fully refreshed, and ready to go.
4. I made sure that my outfit was cute and presentable today, just so I could look my best for my first day as a model. I even curled my hair with these really old sponge curlers that my mom had.
3. I got to take Carmen, my little sister, to her school today, which I haven't done in forever, and I never realized how much I missed it until today. It was really nice to get some sister bonding time in, even if it was just a ten minute walk from the apartment to her elementary.
2. I smiled at everyone I made eye contact with today. I was in a really good mood, and I really wanted to spread the feeling. Some people actually smiled back, and they looked...happy.
And the number one reason why this Friday was the best Friday ever?
1. It was the Friday that I started my life changing career as a teen model.
This was of course, out of all days, the day that had to drag on and on. Every single class felt like it would never end.
But when that bell rang to dismiss 7th period and end classes for the week, I was on my toes, sprinting to go get Carmen from her school and get home.
"Whoa, Rowan!" Carmen said as I practically dragged her out of her class and started to sprint back home, "We'll be there soon! The modeling company can always wait for you."
I sigh and slow down. "I know. I'm just really anxious." I said, letting her regain her balance. She let out a laugh. "I can tell." I laugh along with her.
We reach home in a matter of minutes; because I was walking twice as fast as I usually do, with Carmen trailing behind me, laughing.
I unlock the door with fidgety fingers and throw the door open, revealing my mom, reading some papers at our worn down kitchen table.
"Hi, mom!" I exclaim while throwing my arms around her. Her arms slowly embrace mine while a look of confusion washes across her face.
"Someone's in a good mood today!" She says with a chuckle. I only smile wider.
"C'mon, c'mon! We have to get going!" I nearly yanked her from her chair. Mom smiles and sighs while Carmen just rolls her eyes. She packs up her stuff while grabbing the car keys. I start jumping up and down with excitement as we walk out the door.
"Now, this is the studio!" Mr. Vogue opens his arms, giving us a full glance at the enchanting sight in front of us.
There were different sets of the same thing scattered everywhere; backgrounds, lights, camera equipment and, of course, the models. Most of the models are older and much prettier than I am. Camera flashes were going off every second with photographers yelling things like, "Now give a little hip! Oh, that's perfect! Work it baby!" I found it kind of disturbing, but I guess that's what the photographers' normal is, and everyone has just gotten used to it. I will have to soon enough.
"Close your mouth, Rowan. You're going to catch flies." Carmen says as she uses her hand to seal my gaping mouth. Mr. Vogue and mom chuckle a little.
"I'm glad that you're liking it, Miss Blanchard. Feel free to explore a little. Miss Carpenter will be with you once she finishes her shoot. She will show you to your dressing room and tell you a little about the job." Mr. Vogue says before turning and walking away with my mom. They are both laughing, and I haven't seen my mom this happy in years.
Carmen must've gotten the same vibe, because she nudged me with her elbow and gave me a wink. I laughed at my sister's humor.
Her eyes suddenly grow wide as she stops dead in her tracks. I swear I saw her drool a little. "Carmen?" I nudge her, but she doesn't move.
I follow her gaze to a table in front of us, filled with desserts that I can't even name. Now it was my turn to drool. Our heads turn towards one another in sync, and she sends me a smirk that I mirror. With that, we both dart towards the table to stuff our faces.
Man, this is going to be amazing.
"You guys enjoying the food?" I hear a voice from behind us. Mid-bite, I slowly turn around with Carmen mimicking my actions.
There was a girl standing in front of us, who was laughing at our actions. She had on a black lace bralette, a multi-colored skater skirt and white go-go boots that pulled the look together. Her blonde hair was pulled into two fishtail braids that lay on her shoulders. Even though her makeup was simple, she was very beautiful.
Embarrassed, I put the frosting covered cake that I had half eaten in the trash and wiped my mouth with my hand. The girl only laughed harder as I blushed deeper.
"Uh, you got a little somethin'." She points to her cheek, and the heat from my cheeks rises into my ears. Carmen grabs a napkin and wipes my cheek. I look at her with a questioning smile. She nods, telling me that it's gone. I turn back to the girl and smile.
"Uh, sorry 'bout that." I say sheepishly.
She chuckles. "It's all good. I did the same thing when I came here," She waved it off, "Hi, I'm Sabrina Carpenter. I have been instructed to show you to your dressing room and tell you a little about your new job." She finishes with a warm smile.
"Hi, I'm Rowan Blanchard!" I exclaim, shaking her hand. She laughs, "We've got a giddy one over here."
"Oh, you don't even know." Carmen said while rolling her eyes. This earned a laugh from Sabrina as she turned.
"C'mon. I shall show you the ins and outs of modeling." She says.
I follow, looking at anything I can get my eyes on. Models are posing here and there, camera flashes create a strobe light and different equipment is being hauled everywhere.
"Now, just know that there is a lot of responsibility and commitment put into being a model. You're going to need to be able to balance your life out. School work, extracurriculars, relationships and your job. There is a slight chance that you may need to be schooled here in the studio. We have our own tutors, but very few models use them. Most models, such as myself, have already graduated high school and are taking online college courses. With you being only a junior, it's going to be a little tougher. Usually we don't hire people until they've graduated. Mr. Vogue must've seen something special in you." She smiles. I smile to myself as well, that thought putting me in an even better mood.
We continue walking throughout the studio, sometimes watching models, sometimes experiencing new things and sometimes just laughing. Sabrina taught me the ups and downs of this job, which only made me even more excited to start.
We finally reach a hallway that has four doors on either wall with names on each one. Sabrina leads me to the one farthest on the right wall. Unlike all of the other doors, it was plain and empty. The other doors were decorated differently, like they were supposed to match each model's personality.
She stops in front of the door and turns towards me with her hands folded in front of her. "This is your dressing room. As you can see, it is much duller than the others," she motions to the other doors, "Each model is given the chance to decorate their door when they're first hired. It is not a must-have thing, though. It's just like a tradition that we've been doing for years now." She laughs. I nod with a smile painted across my lips.
Sabrina reaches out for the door knob, but the door yanks open before she can even turn it. Carmen stops the door with her foot before it can slam into our faces. A taller and more muscular figure's backside is revealed.
"Well, this is not my room." He says as he turns around. He jumps when he sees us, and clasps his heart like he is having a heart attack.
"My god, Sabrina!"
"Seriously, Peyton? You've only worked her for what, two years now? And you still can't find your own dressing room?" Sabrina puts her hands on her hips and rolls her eyes.
"It's like a maze up in here! Imma need a GPS soon." He sighs. He looks at me, his eyes locking with mine. There was a hint of familiarity in them, but I brushed it off.
He was a well built guy with a very structured face. His cheekbones were sharp and his jaw line could cut your finger. His shirt showed his toned torso and arms. His tan skin made his piercing green eyes pop, and his shaggy bowl cut brunette hair stand out. He wore black square glasses that somehow made him even more attractive.
He smiled at me and stuck out his hand. "You must be the newbie. I'm Peyton Meyer."
"Uh, hi," I say while shaking his hand, "Rowan Blanchard." I say it slowly, trying to process this information.
His face is slowly washed with confusion. "Do I know you from somewhere?" he slowly slows our handshake down, but doesn't let go of my hand.
I look down and chuckle, embarrassed. "Well, I wouldn't expect you to." He only looks at me with even more confusion.
"We go to the same school." He lets go of my hand.
"Really?" he asks.
I nod. "I think so. Well, if not, then you just have the same name as someone at my school."
"Oh!" he laughs. "Sorry 'bout that." He grabs his hairline a glasses, and takes them off with ease.
What the hell.
"I disguise myself as a different person to model. I am really Peyton Meyer, but in the studio, I am Jacob Earl." He says.
And right before my eyes, was the one and only Peyton Meyer. More importantly, my crush.
"How come I don't remember you?" he asks while tilting his head.
I laugh. "I'm kind of invisible. I'm not surprised that you don't know me. No one really does."
"Oh," but he only looks even more baffled, "Really? I think I would remember seeing a girl like you." He rubs the back of his neck.
I fluster before saying, "Thanks."
"Well, better get going, 'Jacob.' Rowan and I have some more looking around to do." Sabrina pushes him aside and drags Carmen and I into the dressing room.
I hear a slight, "Bye!" before the door is slammed.
"Rowan. You cannot like him. He will play you and crush you." Sabrina says quietly.
"Really? But he's always so good and nice at school." I say with a tilt.
"That's his cover up," she rolls her eyes, "I can guarantee you that he has slept with every girl that you have seen modeling today."
"Including you?" I ask.
She pauses for a second. "Let's not talk about that right now."
"Okay." I say awkwardly.
"Well, enough of this awkward-sadness thing! Let's look at this incredible dressing room!" Carmen exclaims while dragging both me and a giggling Sabrina.
Man, it was incredible.
Hey guys! Sorry for not updating sooner. Life's been crazy and I've been lazy. (ß someone needs to give me credit for that quote) But I tried to make this a pretty long chapter to make up for it.
I've also had another idea for a book.
What if there was another hunger games, but the tributes were from famous fandoms? (e.c. Harry Potter, Doctor Who, Disney, etc) I really like the idea, so if you have a request for which characters I should use, either comment or PM me. But I am going to finish this book first. So just hang in there.
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