Chapter 1
"but i can't breathe
and all you're doing
is standing there,
watching me suffer."
Top 5 Reasons Why My Life Is a Stereotypical High School Movie:
5. My high school is ruled by the popular girls. I honestly feel like I'm living in Mean Girls. Everyone knows to step out of the way when they walk by, and everyone obeys what They say for some goddamned reason.
4. My school is also divided into who you are. For example, the geeks, the jocks, and of course, the popular girls. Again, living the life of Cady Heron. I myself have never been a part of a stereotypical group. I prefer books over most people.
3. I have two best friends that are always by my side, and always help me. At least, I did. What are the odds that they both become exchange students and study abroad in France for the rest of high school? Shit.
2. I have a crush on the hottest guy in school, Peyton Meyer. Honestly, just cast me for the role already. I know the script by heart.
And the number one reason why my life is a stereotypical high school movie?
1. I am invisible to everyone. No matter how hard I try, no one seems to notice me. And that's all I want; popularity. I want people to actually like me. Why don't they like me?
It has always confused me how people become so popular. Is it that they try their hardest to keep up with the latest trends? Is it that they cake their faces in makeup and wear so much perfume that you'd faint? Is it because they're rich?
If so, then there is no way that I'm ever going to be popular.
I try so hard to keep up with the latest trends and buy make up that will make me pretty, but it's really hard to do that when your family is broke. It's a miracle that we still have our apartment. Once my dad left my mom, sister, and I, he took all of our money. And now we struggle to even get food on the table. If it weren't for the lunch lady that always slips me some food with a sympathetic smile a lunch, I'd be starving. Even if I gave most of the lunch to mom and my sister, Carmen, at least I wasn't starving.
But nobody knows any of that. If someone found out, I would never have a chance at popularity. And that's all I want; to be known. So, I try my hardest each and everyday to show people that I have what it takes to help rule the school. Yet it never works.
"Miss Blanchard!" My head pops up and whips my hair onto the back of my neck. My eyes slowly open, and I realize that I'm at school. I must've fallen asleep.
"The bell rang, Rowan." My geometry teacher, Mrs. Clark says, nodding her head towards the clock which reads 3:45.
"Oh," I say, awkwardly getting up, "I'm really sorry, Mrs. Clark. I didn't mean to be rude and fall asleep during cl-"
"It's okay, Rowan." she softly smiles. I return the smile.
"Are you feeling okay? You've been kind of off lately." she asks.
I immediately nod my head. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just haven't gotten much sleep lately." I shrug my shoulders.
She nods. "Well then, go home and get some rest, Rowan. See you tomorrow." she says as she walks back to her desk and sits down.
I grab my bag and walk towards the door. I turn around quickly and say, "See you tomorrow, Mrs. Clark," before turning and shutting the door behind me.
I decided to walk home the long way, just so that I could breathe for a little while.
My stomach growled as I held it and sighed. I needed food. My family needed food. What am I gonna do?
An idea popped in my mind, but I immediately push it far back in so that I can think of something better and easier. But nothing came except for that one. Sighing, I knew that I had to do it.
I walk up the steps to the first house I see, and hesitate before knocking lightly. I suck in a breath as the door slowly cracks open. An older woman stood there with curlers in her hair and a green face mask on her face. She had a robe tied tightly around her waist, and her pink bunny slippers completed the whole thing.
"May I help you?" she asks, a little too harshly.
I look down and regain my confidence. "I'm so sorry to bother you, ma'am, but I was wondering if you had any leftovers of food that you could give to me and my family? We lost all of our money when my dad left, and we have nothing to eat tonight. I don't want my mom and sister to starve. Please." my hands are folded together, as if I'm begging her, which I basically am.
At first, she holds sympathy in her eyes. Then, they slowly fade into anger. She frowns and scrunches her nose.
"You expect me to believe that crap?" she yells, catching me off guard, "You really think that I'm that stupid?"
"N-no, ma'am. I never thought t-that you were s-stupid." I stutter out, my voice trembling.
"You come here, begging for food, dressed like that? With the most expensive clothing on?" she barks, looking me up and down.
I forgot about the clothes that I was wearing, and I frankly did not care. "Ma'am these clothes are from a friend." I mumble. I wan't lying at all; my friends gave me some of their unwanted clothes once my dad left.
"Sure they're your friend's," she rolls her eyes, "Now get out of my house before I call the police, you brat!" she slams the door in my face, and I stand there, in utter shock and disbelief. A tear rolls down my cheek, but I quickly wipe it away and take a deep breath. I turn around and walk down the steps, replaying what had just happened a million times over in my head.
My family is going to starve tonight. And it's all my fault.
My steps gradually grow bigger and faster as I get closer to my apartment. Soon, I break into a sprint. I run and run until I get to my apartment.
I stop in front of the door, and lean up against it, taking deep and harsh breaths. Once I've caught my breath, I dig in my bag for my key. I finally feel something cold against my fingers and I pull it out to find my key.
I stumble while trying to get my key in the slot, but I finally get it. I turn it, yank the key out and put it back in my bag. I turn the door knob and slowly crack open the door to find my mom Carmen sitting on the ground.
Carmen jumps up and smiles. "Rowan!" she exclaims.
But that's thing that I see before everything turns black.
Hey guys! So, chapter one is finally here! Sorry it took so long, I had trouble coming up with this chapter, so I'm sorry that it's really bad.
So thanks for reading, and keep an eye out for chapter two!
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