Issue #5: An Old Adventure
The first scene shows the surface of the planet Möbius with invading ships in the sky. Y/n, in the distance, watches from afar before he closes his helmet over his face.
Our world's about to break
Tormented and attacked!
Y/n leaps forward with his shield out front, the scene transitioning to Mobius as Shadow The Hedgehog is seen looking over a cliff.
Lost from when we wake
Sonic is then seen as he speeds around Knothole.
With no way to go back!
Y/n latches his shield to his arm as he activates his Ring Blade.
I'm standing on my own
Y/n was then seen standing against Infinite with a Badnik army behind him...
But now I'm not alone!
... only for the Freedom Fighters to walk up behind Y/n as the knight raises his shield into the air.
"Freedom Fighters! Assemble!"
They all rush forward to attack as does the Badnik army and Infinite, the two clashing head-on.
Always we will fight as one
Till the battle's won!
Sonic speeds around the battlefield as the Chaotix and others take down more robots.
With evil on the run
We never come undone!
Knuckles lifts a giant Badnik over his head and tosses it at some smaller ones as Shadow uses his Chaos Powers to take down more Badniks.
Assemble, we are strong
Forever fight as one!
Sonic and other Freedom Fighters cut through the Badnik army as Tails flies into the battle, piloting the Tornado as he shot at some Badniks. Y/n also dispatches some Badniks before he opens up his helmet and looks up to see Infinite nearby, watching him.
Assembled, we are strong
Y/n closes his helmet over his face and leaps forward to Infinite, the jackal doing the same as the two prepared for battle.
Forever fight as one!
Y/n is seen by the Lake of Rings as he had his shield lying against a nearby tree and his helmet next to it. Y/n had his Ring Bladr activated as he was swinging it swiftly through the air, leaving a faint red blur after every swing before it vanishes.
Y/n swings he blade through the air a few more times before he stops when a voice calls out to him.
"Heya, surgah."
Y/n lowers his blade to see Bunnie Rabbot walking up to him with a smile on her face. The mere sight of her makes the jackal smile as he turns to her.
Y/n: "Well, hello, Lady Rabbot. What are you doing here?"
Bunnie: "I could ask you the same thing, Y/n."
Y/n: "I'm just training a bit. That fight with Infinite earlier this week kinda made me open my eyes a bit. It was really the first time I couldn't defeat an enemy."
Bunnie: "Really? You've beaten ev'ry enemy that you ever fought?"
Y/n: "Pretty much, yeah. So I need to stay on my toes thanks to this Infinite guy."
Bunnie: "Okay, but how long 'ave you been up, darlin'?"
Y/n: "Since the Sun rose."
Bunnie gave him a deadpan look.
"You need ta relax. It's afternoon, now."
Y/n: "I'm fine, Lady Rabbot. I can do this all day if I wanted to."
Bunnie: "Well, even if ya could, you should still relax."
Y/n: "Bunnie..."
Bunnie: "Oh, I ain't lettin' up, hon. You're takin' a break, one way or another."
Y/n sighs, realizing that he couldn't win against Bunnie and gives in.
Y/n: "Fine. You win, Lady Rabbot. I'll take a break."
Bunnie: "Good."
Bunnie smiles as she walks over to the tree that Y/n's shield and helmet were at. Then she sits down, patting her hand at the spot next to her. Y/n sees that as a signal to sit next to her and complies, deactivating his Ring Blade as he walks up to the cybernetic rabbit girl. He sits down next to her, turning to look at Bunnie with a smile.
Y/n: "So, Lady Rabbot, since you suggested this break and you look like you don't wanna leave, what do you wanna do?"
Bunnie: "Ah dunno. Talk a bit. Tell me 'bout your Zone, maybe? One of your adventures?"
Y/n: "If you wish, m'lady. How about I tell you about the time I broke out a whole platoon from an Overlander base? It has my Zone's version of you in it."
Bunnie: "Ah'd love ta hear it!"
Y/n nods as he goes to tell the story.
At nighttime, a plane is seen flying in the sky. Wolfe is seen in the pilot seat as Y/n is in the in his armor. He was standing next to a table projecting a holographic map of the area they were in. On the other side of the hologram was the Möbius version of Bunnie Rabbot: Scarlett O'Hare, aka Scarlett Steel. Around her body was a suit of armor, one that she uses similar to a mech suit.
Scarlett: *pointing at map* "The Overlandah' camp is here, hidden between these two mountain ranges. Reports say it's a factory of some kind."
Prof. Wolfe: "I'll be able to drop you two right at the doorstep."
Y/n: "All you need to do is get us as close as you can, Professor."
Wolfe gives a thumbs-up and returns to silently piloting the plane. Y/n turns to Scarlett as the hologram turns off.
Y/n: "You know, you don't have to do this, Miss Scarlett. Fiona is my friend. I can do this myself."
Scarlett: "Pssh! Hoshposh! Ah'm helping ya, an' that's final. What Ah'm worried about is you, surgah. You don't 'ave much field experience as it is."
Y/n: "Well, I've been doing pretty good so far. No reason to stop now."
Scarlett giggles a bit.
Scarlett: "Fiona must be an important friend ta ya if you're riskin' going ta rescue her basically all by yaself."
Y/n: "She's my best friend. I've known her since I was a child. I can't bare the thought of losing her."
Scarlett: "Then let's save her."
Y/n looks at Scarlett with a smile and nods before the plane suddenly trembles as something hits the sides. Y/n looks out the window to see that bullets and laser fire were hitting the hull.
Prof. Wolfe: "Well, this ain't good!"
Y/n: "Ya think?!"
Y/n takes his shield off his back and goes to the door of the plane with Scarlett following him.
Scarlett: "What are you doin'?"
Y/n: "There's no way this plane will make it all the way through. I'm going now!"
Before another word is spoken, Y/n leaps through the now open door and falls through the sky.
Scarlett: "That little--... Wolfe! Pilot yaself outta here!'
Prof. Wolfe: "And what about you two?!"
Scarlett: "Ah'm a babysitter. As always."
Her helmet clamps down over her face and she jumps out after Y/n. Wolfe grumbles and complains before he turns the plane around.
Outside, Scarlett Steel rockets towards the descending Captain Möbius and quickly grabs his arm.
Scarlett: "You 'ave gotta stop doin' things like this!"
Y/n laughs a bit before he and Scarlett safely make it to the ground. To avoid suspicion and drawing attention, they decide to head forward on foot rather than the air. Then they stop when they see an Overlander transport coming by, making the two Vindikators look at each other before nodding in unison. They had the same idea.
When the last truck passed them, Captain Möbius and Scarlett Steel ran and flew up behind it and entered through the back. However, they found themselves with a few Overlander soldiers inside as well.
Y/n: "... hey."
Before the soldiers knew what was going on, they were beaten down and then thrown out of the truck. This gave the rabbit and jackal all the secrecy they needed to as they hid in the transport. They waited until the hover-truck parked before making another move.
As an Overlander soldier opened up the curtain to see who or what was inside the transport, Scarlett punched him in the face with an armored fist and he gets sent flying back. Then she and Y/n hopped out of the truck and snuck away.
Inside the Overlander base, Y/n and Scarlett walk up to a door. The jackal knight taps on it, getting the attention of an Overlander who walks up to it and opens it up. But before he could get a good look at who it was, the door slams into his Y/n and Scarlett kicks him in the face, knocking him out as he falls to the floor. She and Y/n then drag him through the door before walking through it and closing it back up. Then they sneak through the base, careful not to draw any attention towards themselves.
Later, in the detention center, cells are seen holding Möbian Vindikators. However, fighting is suddenly heard down the hall, gaining all of their attention when an Overlander soldier gets flung down the hall and past the holding cells. Everyone looks to see two figures walking down the hallway after him, the figures being Y/n and Scarlett.
Vindikator #1: "Scarlett Steel?"
Vindikator #2: "Wait, who's the other guy?"
Y/n, in response, slams his shield into the control panel that generated the power to the cells which now all open.
Y/n: "Name's Captain Möbius. Call me Y/n, if you wish."
Out of the dozens of Vindikators leaving their cells, one familiar fox with red fur pushes her way through the crowd and faces Y/n.
Y/n: *opens up helmet* "Fiona...?"
Fiona: *ecstatic* "Y/n!"
Fiona runs up to Y/n and wraps her arms around him, the jackal doing the same with a smile as he spins the fox around.
Y/n: "I'm so happy you're okay!"
Fiona: "Me okay? I'm happy you're okay! And holy shit, you're tall now."
Y/n chuckles a bit at this as Scarlett rolls her eyes underneath her mask.
Fiona: "And you're wearing armor. How? What happened to you?"
Y/n: "That doesn't matter right now. I'll explain later. We just need to get outta here. Now."
Fiona nods and turns to her fellow Möbians.
Fiona: "You heard him! Let's move out, people!"
Next thing everyone knew they were busting open two large steel doors and most open fire at the Overlanders with their guns while others use hand-to-hand combat. Then tanks started to arrive, opening fire on our heroes. Y/n deflects one of the attacks with his and the projectile flies to the side before exploding.
Fiona, after spin kicking two guys down, turns to see Y/n do what he just did. She goes slackjawed for a moment as her tail starts to wag before she shakes her head and gets serious again.
Eventually, though, they get sent to a trench where they go for cover.
Scarlett: "Damn! There's so many of 'em!"
Y/n presses a finger to the side of his helmet, turning on his earpiece.
Y/n: "Hello? Air support! Send air support!"
A young voice is heard on the other side.
"Got it! Prower is inbound!"
Confused, Y/n opens up his helmet as he recognizes the voice.
Y/n: "Miles?"
Scarlett and Fiona: "Prower?!"
Everyone then turns their attention to the sky where a jet engine is heard. In the clouds, a purple and yellow jet is seen flying close by before its starts to change and fall to the ground. It passes over Y/n and the Vindikators before slamming down on a tank.
Y/n: "What in the name of Khaos...?"
Everyone stands and turns to see a big purple and yellow mech in the jet's place, its eyes and chest glowing reddish-purple as it turns to Y/n.
Miles: "Hey, Cap! Told ya I'd return return the favor!"
A laser shot hits Mile's mech, but does nothing to damage it as it turns around and crushes the tank's cannon. It explodes as a result and a smiling Y/n runs up to the mech.
Fiona: "Wait a sec. That's Miles?"
Scarlett: "Ah guess so. An' it looks like Y/n an' him are friends."
Tails raises his mech's arm and aims a laser cannon at one of the Overlander tanks, firing a powerful beam of energy at it and destroying it. Then Y/n runs up to another mech as he activates his Ring Blade, cutting through the tank's side like a hot knife through butter and the tank falls to its side. Miles then flips another tank over and hits it with a laser blast, destroying it and taking care of the last tank.
Y/n smiles at Miles as the mech walks up to him. Then its top opens to reveal a small yellow fox wearing a blue and orange jumpsuit.
Y/n: "Miles? I can't believe it!"
Scarlett: "How?"
Scarlett asks with a laugh, opening up her mask to reveal her amazed smile.
Fiona: "Okay. So, we got a rebooted prince and a kid with a giant robot. Alright. I've finally seen it all."
Fiona says as she crosses her arms over her chest while Miles smiles down at Y/n.
Miles: "Everyone! Give it up for Captain Möbius!"
Miles, along with the other Vindikators and Knights of Akorn, cheer for the Meta-Möbian who smiles with joy.
《End of Flashback》
Y/n: "After that, we went to all fight against the Overlanders together. Then, after a big battle where I had to use Khaos Control, I ended up here with you all."
Bunnie: "That's amazin'. And you said yer world's version of me wore ahrmor, yes? Am Ah... fully flesh an' bone in yer world?"
Y/n: "Yeah. You are."
Bunnie looks away from Y/n and down at her cybernetic arm and legs. Y/n takes notice of how silent his friend went and turns to her. Her face was down, and she looked a bit solemn. Y/n couldn't stand her looking like that.
Y/n: "But, you know what? I think you look just as beautiful as you do now when you didn't have cybernetics. Maybe even better."
Bunnie turns to look at Y/n in shock, only to start blushing with a flustered smile.
Bunnie: "D'ooooooh. Yer so nice, surgah."
Y/n: "While that may be true, I didn't like how down you looked just earlier. You look much better with a smile."
Bunnie blushes a bit harder than before before looking away. Then Y/n became curious about something.
Y/n: "Hey, Lady Rabbot? May I ask you a question?"
Bunnie: "S-sure, darlin'."
Y/n: "Where is your world's Antoine?"
Bunnie: "Wh-what?"
Y/n: "Antoine. In my world, we called him Titou. What happened to him here? I haven't seen him around."
Bunnie looked down, saddened.
Bunnie: "A-Antoine... died seven months ago."
Y/n was caught off-guard. Antoine dead? How? Thankfully, Bunnie began to answer his mental questions.
Bunnie: "We were fightin' against the Xorda, an alien race that wanted ta conquer Mobius. We fought them off, and destroyed their doomsday weapon, the Quantam Dial, but... out world's Fiona told us that he took a hit for her and... died."
Bunnie was crying now as she held her legs close to her chest.
Bunnie: "Ah was heartbroken. Surgah-Twan and Ah were..."
She trailed off, but Y/n already knew what she was gonna say.
Y/n: "A couple?"
Bunnie nods sadly.
Y/n: "Yeah. It was the same way in my world. You two were inseparable."
Bunnie smiles a bit at this, but her face is still washed with sadness.
Y/n: "And I know what it's like to lose loved ones."
Bunnie: *looks up* "Ya do?"
Y/n nods.
Y/n: "When I was old enough to know, my father told me that the village I was born in was attacked by some rogues. Everyone was killed... but me. I was told that I had a twin brother, and my mother was a great member of the Knights of Akorn. Cornelia, I think her name was."
Bunnie: "And your father?"
Y/n: "Emperor Maximillian was the only father that I knew."
Bunnie: "And your mother and brother? Did you ever know them?"
Y/n: *shakes head* "No. I didn't. They both died when I was just a pup." *looks up* "But I feel like they're always with me, watching from above somehow." *looks at Bunnie* "Just like how Antoine is doing for you right now."
Bunnie looks up at Y/n and smiles at him, the jackal smiling back before turning to look at the Lake of Rings in front of him. Bunnie's gaze remains on Y/n for a bit longer before looking at the lake with him. Her hand makes its way down to Y/n's, wrapping around his fingers which gains Y/n's attention. He looks down at their intertwined fingers, but doesn't say anything about it as he turns back to the Lake of Rings. The jackal and rabbit stare at the Lake of Rings as they enjoy each other's company.
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