Issue #4: Infinity
The first scene shows the surface of the planet Möbius with invading ships in the sky. Y/n, in the distance, watches from afar before he closes his helmet over his face.
Our world's about to break
Tormented and attacked!
Y/n leaps forward with his shield out front, the scene transitioning to Mobius as Shadow The Hedgehog is seen looking over a cliff.
Lost from when we wake
Sonic is then seen as he speeds around Knothole.
With no way to go back!
Y/n latches his shield to his arm as he activates his Ring Blade.
I'm standing on my own
Y/n was then seen standing against a masked jackal with a Badnik army behind him...
But now I'm not alone!
... only for the Freedom Fighters to walk up behind Y/n as the knight raises his shield into the air.
"Freedom Fighters! Assemble!"
They all rush forward to attack as does the Badnik army and the masked jackal, the two clashing head-on.
Always we will fight as one
Till the battle's won!
Sonic speeds around the battlefield as the Chaotix and others take down more robots.
With evil on the run
We never come undone!
Knuckles lifts a giant Badnik over his head and tosses it at some smaller ones as Shadow uses his Chaos Powers to take down more Badniks.
Assemble, we are strong
Forever fight as one!
Sonic and other Freedom Fighters cut through the Badnik army as Tails flies into the battle, piloting the Tornado as he shot at some Badniks. Y/n also dispatches some Badniks before he opens up his helmet and looks up to see the masked jackal nearby, watching him.
Assembled, we are strong
Y/n closes his helmet over his face and leaps forward to the masked jackal, the jackal doing the same as the two prepared for battle.
Forever fight as one!
In New Megaopolis, Zero is seen in a room by himself. He was holding himself up next to a table, his eyes scrunched up as he had his teeth gritted. Then he yells in anger, flipping the table before he went around the room and tore it apart. Once he was done, he was panting heavily before he collapsed to the ground. He then curled his legs up to his chest as he remembered what had happened only a day before.
Shadow is seen standing among a small group of fallen jackals. They all groaned in pain as Shadow clicked his tongue.
Shadow: "Stay out of my way next time, trash."
He goes to walk away, but he's suddenly tackled to the ground by an unknown person. However, he easily kicks the attacker off of him and gets to his feet.
Shadow: "Who dares...?"
He turns to look at his assailant, only to see a jackal with a red sword and (E/C) eyes.
Zero is seen leaping off of different pillars in the Mystic Jungle, anger written on his face. Eggman starts speaking to him via his earpiece.
Dr. Eggman: *through earpiece* "Hey! Zero! I know you can hear me!"
Zero lands on a pillar and presses a finger on his earpiece.
Zero: "What do you want? I'm busy trying to find Shadow and that damn Freedom Fighter."
Dr. Eggman: *through earpiece* "You're Jackal Squad was useless! And so was your brother! Go clean up their mess already!"
Zero growls at Eggman's words, but tries to remain calm.
Zero: "Yeah, yeah. I got it. I'll handle it."
Zero ends the communication and leaps away again until he comes across an opening. In the center of it was a black and red hedgehog with Y/n. Zero glares at the two, mainly the hedgehog who he recognized as Shadow.
Zero: "You. You destroyed my Squad, and killed my brother. I'll show you why the call me the "ultimate mercenary"."
With an angry yell, the jackal lunges at the two. However, Shadow only teleports out of the way as Zero goes in for a kick. It would've hit Y/n if he hadn't used his shield to block and then push him away.
Zero: "I'll kill you! BOTH OF YOU!"
However, before he could move, Shadow suddenly appeared next to Zero and kicked him into the air. Then Shadow teleported above Zero and slammed him into the ground, following with a kick that sent him flying into a nearby pillar and then falling to the floor.
Y/n and Shadow then walked up to the fallen Zero.
Y/n: "Battle-hog. Why didn't you let me do anything?"
Shadow: "You were being too slow, Captain." *looks at Zero* "How pathetic. Never show your face around me again."
Shadow teleports away, leaving Y/n with Zero. He looks at the Mobian jackal.
Y/n: "Welp. I wish it didn't come to this. I hope you learned your lesson."
Y/n raised a hand to the side of his helmet, activating comms with the Freedom Fighters.
Y/n: "I'm all done here. I've already set charges around the base. It'll be blown away in a few short minutes. I'll be back at HQ as soon as possible."
And with that, Y/n turns and dashes away before vanishing in a blink of green light. Zero groans as he gets to his feet, feeling his entire body shaking as he looked at his hand.
Zero: "I... I'm shaking. Me...? Afraid?! No... no, they should be the ones afraid! You killed my brother! I'll kill you for that! YOU HEAR ME?! I'LL KILL YOU!"
Zero lets out another angry yell that echoes throughout all of the Mystic Jungle.
《End of Flashback》
As Zero sat on the floor, the door to the room he was in suddenly opens to reveal Eggman.
Dr. Eggman: "Hello, Zero."
Zero: "Doctor."
Dr. Eggman: "I apologize for my words yesterday. I'm sorry for your losses."
Zero: *stands up* "Why do you care?"
Dr. Eggman: "I care because your Squad was valuable to me and my Empire. That, and that you all are my allies. Well, most of you turned from "are" to "were", but nevermind that."
Eggman smiles as he looks down at Zero.
"But I can make sure that never happens again."
Zero looks at Eggman, his interest peaking as he wonders what the mad scientist meant.
Three Days Later...
Y/n is seen in the lab once again as he was working with Tails, Rotor, and Sonic The Hedgehog's uncle, Charles. But everyone just calls him Uncle Chuck. Y/n was helping Tails fix up a Metal Sonic Trooper that was a bit broken down while Rotor and Chuck did the same for another.
Tails: "Thanks for your help, Y/n. I'm a bit surprised you know how to fix up robots and other machines."
Y/n: "Well, my Zone's version of you, who everyone just called Miles, taught me about some robotics and engineering. I'm no pro, but I'm pretty okay with a wrench."
Y/n tells the twin-tailed fox as he used his Chaos Powers to weld a piece of broken metal back in place.
Tails: "Well, I guess I can thank him for teaching you."
Y/n: "Heh. I thank him everytime I see him. And who knows? Maybe you'll meet him one day."
Tails smiles at this, excited over the idea of meeting another version of him. Then something beeps, making Y/n turn to look at his helmet which was set to the side. Curious, he places a piece of metal he was holding down and picks up his helmet to put it over his head.
Y/n: *activating comms* "Hello? Anyone there?"
Then the frantic voice of Bunnie Rabbot comes over his earpiece, making Y/n's eyes go wide.
Bunnie: *over comms* "Y/n, surgah! We're--KZZT!--attack! KZZT!--masked--KZZT!--pinned down! Send help! Send--KZZZT!"
The line goes dead, making Y/n panic.
Y/n: "Bunnie? Bunnie! Come in! Bunnie!"
Rotor and Chuck walk up to Y/n with worried expressions on their faces.
Rotor: "Y/n, are you okay?"
Chuck: "Are you alright? What's wrong, son?"
Y/n: "Bunnie and her team are pinned down. I need to go help them."
Tails: "Wait, Y/n. If you go now, you can get hurt as well. Eggman is formidable."
Y/n: "I know." *closes helmet* "But so am I."
The Meta-Möbian instantly vanishes in a flash of green light, signaling his teleportation via Chaos Control.
In a village East of Knothole, the group of Freedom Fighters sent there were under heavy fire as they fought against the Badniks sent by Dr. Eggman. A few of them, including Bunnie, were taking cover as they fired at something hovering in the air. However, the laser fire does nothing as the masked figure they were firing at just laughs.
Masked Figure: "Why do you resist? Your little blue savior is gone."
Holding out his hand, the masked figure conjures a ball of energy into his palm before making a laser swipe through the Freedom Fighters, leaving only Bunnie standing.
Bunnie ducks down behind the makeshift barricade, cursing quietly as she tries to stay hidden.
Bunnie: "Ah, c'mon, Y/n. Where are you?"
Masked Figure: "I know you're there, girl. I can taste your terror."
Bunnie scowls before standing back up and turning her arm into a laser cannon, aiming it at the masked figure as it charges.
Masked Figure: "All that anxiety and doubt... heheheh. It's delicious."
Bunnie fires her laser cannon at the figure right as the masked opponent does the same. However, his thin blast cutting right through Bunnie's as the energy blast nears her. She raises her arms for a defense, but suddenly...
Bunnie's eyes widen in shock as she sees a knight with a shield take the blast for her. She recognized him as...
Masked Figure: *unhappy* "You again..."
The jackal opens up his helmet and turns to Bunnie.
Y/n: "Are you alright, Lady Rabbot?"
Bunnie: "Now that you're here, sugah!"
Bunnie smiles happily at the sight of her new friend.
Y/n: "Good. Now get out of here. I'll take whoever this guy is."
Bunnie: "R-right. Good luck, surgah."
Bunnie turns to run off and aid her fellow Freedom Fighters, but the masked figure had other plans.
Masked Figure: "Oh, I don't think so."
With a dark aura around him, the figure charges at Bunnie, only to be knocked off course by Y/n who had his helmet closed again.
Y/n: "You're not hurting anyone else!"
Masked Figure: "Hmph. You were not part of the agenda, but I'm always happy to kill heroes. Keeps the rabble in line. Shows them that there is no hope for victory against the Eggman Empire. And this way, I can have my revenge on you."
Y/n: "Revenge? Look, pal. I don't even know who you are."
Masked Figure: "Of course you wouldn't. But for the brief few moments that you have left, you may call me...
... Infinite."
Y/n: "Great! Now that I know who you are, we can get this over with!"
Y/n charges at Infinite, his Ring Blade activated. However, Infinite felt no fear.
Infinite: "I will not go down as easy this time!"
Suddenly, Infinite unleashes a surge of energy, revealing the Phantom Ruby lodged in his chest as the area around him and Y/n turns red. Then gravity starts to reverse, making Y/n stop charging and start floating upward.
Y/n: "Whoa... Whoa. Whoa!"
Y/n tries to keep himself steady, but is immediately rammed into by Infinite and is sent flying away. Y/n sails through the air a bit before crashing through a building, crashing into the street below soon after.
Y/n: "Okay. Did not expect that. And that thing in his chest... could it be...?"
Suddenly, Infinite appears in the air in front of Y/n.
Infinite: "Still alive, I see. Don't worry. I'll make your death as painful as possible."
Y/n: *thoughts* 'That doesn't matter right now. I have to take this guy out!' *aloud* "Hmph. I ain't dying anytime soon, Infinite."
Infinite: "We shall see about that."
Activating the Phantom Ruby, Infinite flies away as he still faced Y/n. The jackal dashed after him. They ran/flew through the streets of the village as Infinite created barriers made red cubes. Y/n expertly managed to avoid them by jumping and leaping over them.
Y/n: "Is that all you got? Flying and some cubes?"
Amused, Y/n smirks under his helmet and leaps over at Infinite. However, the jackal only created another barrier in front of him that Y/n passes through, giving him a major shock through his body as he falls to the ground.
Infinite: "Oh, I have more than that up my sleeve."
Y/n stands up, groaning a bit from the painful shock before he sees a giant buzzsaw charging right at him. With a cry of shock, Captain Möbius avoids the saw before he nearly gets hit by a wrecking ball.
Y/n: "What's going on? These weren't here before."
Suddenly, Y/n was surrounded by multiple Infinites, making the jackal growl.
Y/n: "Now that's just dirty! But I have a few tricks of my own."
Y/n slowly gets a red glow around his body and he clenches his fists.
... BLAST!"
The eruption of red energy knocks back all of the Infinites and makes the fake ones vanish into thin air, leaving the real one in their wake.
Infinite: *standing up* "Fascinating... You have more fight in you than I thought. Let's see how much longer you last."
Y/n smirks under his helmet as he dodges Infinite, avoiding being rammed into again and then chasing after him. He throws his shield at the jackal and hits him, but it barely does anything as the shield only bounces off and back to Y/n.
Infinite: "You're going to need to try harder than that, Captain."
Infinite tells Y/n as he raises his hands and makes two walls made of red cubes form on either side of Y/n. Infinite brings them in to crash into Y/n, only for the knight to teleport above them and avoid being shocked again.
Y/n: "Sorry, but I'm not a fan of whatever that last group of cubes did to me last time I hit them!
Y/n then teleported in front of Infinite, knocking him in the face with his shield and sending him flying back as Y/n falls back to the ground. However, Infinite instantly recovers and sends an energy blast at the Freedom Fighter who raises his shield and deflects the blast back at Infinite.
Infinite: "GRAGH! So annoying! I've had enough!"
Infinite instantly appeared in front of Y/n and kicked him away, sending him flying into a wall of red cubes. The wall sends a massive shock through Y/n's system as he screams out in pain before falling to the ground, his helmet coming off of his head and rolling forward.
Infinite: "Hmph. Seems like I shouldn't play with my food. That is a fault the Doctor has, not me."
Infinite descends to the ground and softly lands on his feet. He looks down to see that Y/n's helmet was right in front of him and looks forward to see Y/n who was slowly getting back on his feet.
Infinite: "You are as resilient as they say you are. Even if you have had a short time here, you have indeed made your mark, Captain Möbi--... what?"
Y/n stands all the way to his feet and looks at Infinite, still ready to fight. But that's not what caught the masked jackal off-guard. It was his eyes. His (E/C) eyes.
Infinite: "That's not possible..."
Y/n: *confused* "What?"
Infinite: "No... No! No-no-no-no-no! This can't be real! You're dead!"
Y/n: "I'm sorry, but you've lost me."
Infinite begins to have a panic attack.
Infinite: "No-no-no-no-no! This can't be possible! How... do you... look... like... HIM?!"
Out of confusion and panic, Infinite releases a blast of actual force instead of just energy, ramming into Y/n and sending him crashing into a building. The jackal, however, stands from the rubble of the wall he crashed through and runs back through the whole his body made. He's ready to go against Infinite again, but the masked jackal is nowhere to be found as only destruction was in his wake.
At Knothole, Y/n is seen sitting down as Sally was in front of him, berating him about his irrational and rash decision to go after Bunnie when he could've gotten hurt.
Sally: "Are you even listening to me, Y/n?"
Y/n: "Yes, I'm listening. Thanks to my sister, I made it a habit to listen to people."
Y/n has a quick look of fear in his eyes, but it immediately vanished as he looked up at Sally.
Sally: "Good, because I have yet to praise you, as well."
Y/n: "Eh?"
Sally: "If you hadn't acted rash and instantly, Bunnie and other Mobians could've been killed in that fight. So, thank you. For saving them."
Y/n: "You're very much welcome, Sally. It's my job after all."
Sally: "And I thank you for it. Now go rest up. That fight you had with that "Infinite" fellow must've roughed you up a bit."
Y/n: *nods* "Will do, Sal."
Sally smiles at the jackal before walking away. Y/n stands from his seating position and grabs his helmet before walking off. However, as he walked to the room Sally allowed him to have in Castle Acorn, Y/n couldn't help but remember what Infinite said in his panicked state.
"Why... do you... look... like... HIM?!"
Y/n couldn't help but wonder... who was "him"?
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