Issue #2: Day One
The first scene shows the surface of the planet Möbius with invading ships in the sky. Y/n, in the distance, watches from afar before he closes his helmet over his face.
Our world's about to break
Tormented and attacked!
Y/n leaps forward with his shield out front, the scene transitioning to Mobius as Shadow The Hedgehog is seen looking over a cliff.
Lost from when we wake
Sonic is then seen as he speeds around Knothole.
With no way to go back!
Y/n latches his shield to his arm as he activates his Ring Blade.
I'm standing on my own
Y/n was then seen standing against a masked jackal with a Badnik army behind him...
But now I'm not alone!
... only for the Freedom Fighters to walk up behind Y/n as the knight raises his shield into the air.
"Freedom Fighters! Assemble!"
They all rush forward to attack as does the Badnik army and the masked jackal, the two clashing head-on.
Always we will fight as one
Till the battle's won!
Sonic speeds around the battlefield as the Chaotix and others take down more robots.
With evil on the run
We never come undone!
Knuckles lifts a giant Badnik over his head and tosses it at some smaller ones as Shadow uses his Chaos Powers to take down more Badniks.
Assemble, we are strong
Forever fight as one!
Sonic and other Freedom Fighters cut through the Badnik army as Tails flies into the battle, piloting the Tornado as he shot at some Badniks. Y/n also dispatches some Badniks before he opens up his helmet and looks up to see the masked jackal nearby, watching him.
Assembled, we are strong
Y/n closes his helmet over his face and leaps forward to the masked jackal, the jackal doing the same as the two prepared for battle.
Forever fight as one!
An entire day has passed since Y/n met the Mobius version of his adoptive sister, Sally, and some members of Mobius' Freedom Fighters, such as Amy Rose, Bunnie Rabbot, and Knuckles The Echidna.
Right now, Sally was walking through the hidden village of Knothole as she searched for the knight known as Y/n.
Sally: "Where is he? He's supposed to speak with Father about his intentions for us and why he's here. But where exactly is he here?"
After some more walking, Sally came across a small crowd gawking and even cheering as they surrounded something. She pushed through the crowd to see what was going on, only for shock to cover her face as she sees Y/n and Knuckles in an arm wrestling match.
Knuckles: *grunting* "Gnn...!"
Y/n: *smirking* "Is that it, Knuckles? Come on. I know you're stronger than that."
Knuckles: "D-dammit! How are you so strong?!"
Y/n: "Probably has to do something with my super-soldier serum."
Y/n tells the echidna nonchalantly as his arm barely moves while Knuckles' arm is shaking from the amount of force he was using. However, anything he did only did nothing as Y/n's arm didn't budge from its position.
Sally: "What are you two doing?"
Knuckles ignores Sally as he focuses on beating Y/n in the arm wrestle, all the while Y/n brings his attention from Knuckles and to Sally.
Y/n: "Hm? You say something, Sally?"
His arm doesn't move even a centimeter, angering the red echidna.
Sally: "I said, what are you two doing?"
Y/n: "An arm wrestling contest. Knuckles wanted to see how strong I am, and I wanted to see how strong this Zone's Knuckles is. Win-win for both of us."
Sally: "Can you hurry it up? I have to bring you to my father for questioning."
Y/n: "Alright. As you wish."
Almost immediately, Y/n slams Knuckles' arm down. The impact makes Knuckles go wide-eyed as the stump they were using for a sturdy surface cracks a bit.
Knuckles: "How did...?"
As Knuckles starts to contemplate everything, Y/n stands and dusts off his hands.
Y/n: "Okay, everyone! Show's over! Go on with your day."
With dissapointed sighs and groans, the small crowd that had gathered around the jackal and echidna soon departs. This leaves Y/n with just Sally and a still confused Knuckles.
The jackal grabs his helmet which was lying on the ground next to the cracked stump before walking up to his sister's doppelganger.
Y/n: "I'm ready. Let's go."
Sally nods and turns to walk off. Y/n follows her as he's led towards Acorn Castle.
Y/n: "So... how is your Zone's version of my father? Your father? Our father? Wow, this is gonna be real confusing."
Sally: "Father is... Father. Why? What is he like in your Zone?"
Y/n: "Well..."
This flashback takes place only a few short hours after Y/n was injected with the super-soldier serum. However, he wasn't the one the serum was intended for, and this made Emperor Maximillian very unhappy.
"What a complete failure!"
Inside a medical lab, Y/n is seen without a shirt and only pants. He sits on a medical bed as nurses draw his blood while his adoptive father stands in front of him.
Emperor Maximillian: "Sixty million Möbiums and all the hope for our world goes down the drain. I was promised an army, not my son with NIDS."
Y/n: "I understand this isn't what you foresaw, Father, but I can be more than a--"
Nurses draw his blood again.
"--living pin cushion."
Emperor Maximillian: "The Knights of Akorn and the entire military is under my control. Be grateful you're in the room and not being charged for treason."
Y/n: "We were about to lose everything, Father! If I hadn't stepped in--"
Emperor Maximillian: "Well, we did. Every last drop of Professor Wolfe's serum went into you. And if we get lucky, maybe your blood will tell us one day how to make a real Meta-Möbian."
Y/n: "You have a Meta-Möbian."
Y/n tells his adoptive father, slamming his fist into a nearby table and denting it.
Emperor Maximillian: "You're no soldier. Go back to your studies, boy. We don't want you getting hurt, now do we?"
Maximillian turns around and walks away, leaving an angered Y/n in the medical lab.
《End of Flashback》
Sally: "He really said all of that to you?"
Y/n: "Wouldn't be the first time. He never did approve of me being "Captain Möbius"."
Sally: "Hmm. Father never liked me fighting, either. Thinks I should stay in the castle and be another "pretty face"."
Y/n: "Well, if you're anything like my sister, you don't really care about what he thinks, do you?"
Sally: "Heheh. Kinda scary that you already know me so well."
Y/n: "Perks of being the brother of an alternate version of you."
Sally laughs a bit before she looks forward to see her home.
Sally: "Well, this is it. Castle Acorn."
Y/n stops walking for a moment to look at Acorn Castle, an amused smile gracing his lips. Sally notices this.
Sally: "What? Have something to say?"
Y/n: "Apologies, but this is Castle Acorn?"
Sally: "Yeah. Why?"
Y/n: "My home was at least four times the size of your "castle"."
Sally: "Showoff." *walks forward* "Come on. Father is waiting for us."
Y/n chuckles a bit and follows Sally inside. The princess leads the jackal down hallways until they went through a door and arrived in a large corridor that had two thrones at the end of it. In these thrones where chipmunks Y/n recognized as Maximillian and Alicia, but not his. Not his parents.
Sally leads Y/n up to the two.
Sally: "Mother, Daddy, I've brought in the jackal I told you about." *Y/n steps up* "This is Y/n L/n Akorn, a visitor from another Zone."
King Max: "Thank you, Sally." *to Y/n* "And where do you come from, Y/n? And why do you have a name similar to ours?"
Y/n: "And a warm "Hello" to you as well, your highnesses."
Alicia giggles a bit and whispers to Max:
"I like him. Reminds me of you when you were younger."
Max smiles a bit at this before turning back to Y/n.
King Max: "Apologies, but we've never had many good encounters with people from other Zones."
Y/n: "I expected no less from you, sir."
Y/n goes to explain to Max and Alicia what he told Sally and the Freedom Fighters with her the day before. He told them that he was from Möbius, or The Meta-Zone, and that he was part of a war for his home against an invading alien species known as the Overlanders, and that he had sacrificed himself to bring an end to the war.
Then he explained where he woke up and when he fought those Badniks sent by Eggman. He also spoke about his talk with the Ancient Walkers and his purpose for being here at Mobius.
Queen Alicia: "So the Ancient Walkers took you right from death, just to bring you here to help us?"
Y/n nods in confirmation.
Y/n: "Indeed. I know your world's Sonic is gone, so I'm here to fill the void he left. I'm not gonna be Sonic, but I'm here to help as much as I can."
Y/n smiles as the Acorn family looks at him.
Somewhere in Mystic Jungle, Badniks are seen patrolling the jungle. Jackals are seen among them as, in a base belonging to Eggman, the Jackal Squad leader is seen standing at a balcony as he looks over Mystic Jungle.
His ear twitches, making him turn to glance behind him to see a jackal with identical looks to him. Well, almost identical. The only difference was the eye color and having no scar over neither of his eyes.
Jackal: "Zero."
Zero: "Brother."
The jackal responds, now known as Zero.
Zero's Brother: *walking up to Zero* "Why are we doing this? You know I'm with you through and through, but siding with Eggman? It gives me a bad feeling."
Zero: "You have no need to worry, brother. I promise you, when this is all over, we will avenge our mother."
Zero's Brother: "But would Mom want us to side with someone who is literally killing our own people? She would want better for us."
Zero: "Don't tell me what she would've wanted! This is our only way to have our revenge! We can't do it ourselves, and you know that!"
Zero's twin brother looks at his twin in concern. He knew his brother had some sense in his words, but what he had said yesterday at New Megaopolis...
"Let's do it, Doctor. I'll help you change this world!"
The jackal didn't like the look in his brother's eyes when he said those words.
Zero's Brother: "Just... promise me that the Doctor won't come between us, okay? I don't know what I would do if I lost you, too."
Zero couldn't help but chuckle a bit.
Zero: "I could say the same for you.'
He walks up to his twin and places a hand on his shoulder.
Zero: "But don't worry. I'll make sure nothing happens. I made a promise to protect you, brother. I intend to keep it."
Zero's brother smiles as he pats his brother's hand.
Zero's Brother: "I'll take your word for it." *turns and walks away* "Imma go on patrol. Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone."
Zero: "How can I? You're taking all of the stupid with you."
The jackal flips his brother off as he walks away, making Zero let out a laugh before he turns back to look at the jungle. His smiling expression turns into one of seriousness.
Zero: "We're so close, Mom. I'll make sure the Acorns pay for what they've done. I'll make sure of it."
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