Issue #15: Royal Corruption? (Part 4: End of the Beginning)
Prepare yourselves for the end of this chapter. It gets... intimate.
The first scene shows the surface of the planet Möbius with invading ships in the sky. Y/n, in the distance, watches from afar before he closes his helmet over his face.
Our world's about to break
Tormented and attacked!
Y/n leaps forward with his shield out front, the scene transitioning to Mobius as Shadow The Hedgehog is seen looking over a cliff.
Lost from when we wake
Sonic is then seen as he speeds around Knothole.
With no way to go back!
Y/n latches his shield to his arm as he activates his Ring Blade.
I'm standing on my own
Y/n was then seen standing against Infinite with a Badnik army behind him...
But now I'm not alone!
... only for the Freedom Fighters to walk up behind Y/n as the knight raises his shield into the air.
"Freedom Fighters! Assemble!"
They all rush forward to attack as does the Badnik army and Infinite, the two clashing head-on.
Always we will fight as one
Till the battle's won!
Sonic speeds around the battlefield as the Chaotix and others take down more robots.
With evil on the run
We never come undone!
Knuckles lifts a giant Badnik over his head and tosses it at some smaller ones as Shadow uses his Chaos Powers to take down more Badniks.
Assemble, we are strong
Forever fight as one!
Sonic and other Freedom Fighters cut through the Badnik army as Tails flies into the battle, piloting the Tornado as he shot at some Badniks. Y/n also dispatches some Badniks before he opens up his helmet and looks up to see Infinite nearby, watching him.
Assembled, we are strong
Y/n closes his helmet over his face and leaps forward to Infinite, the jackal doing the same as the two prepared for battle.
Forever fight as one!
Soon after when the last chapter ended, Y/n is seen standing back on his feet outside of the now closed-off cave with everyone else.
Bunnie: "Thank ya so much fo' helpin' us, Sir Connery. Ah don't think we coulda done it without ya."
Shard: "Yeah. You were a big help."
Sir Connery: "There is no need to thank me, young ones. It is my sworn duty to aid heroes and protect this land."
Y/n smiles fanboyishly again before he gets an idea.
Y/n: "Why don't you come back with us? I'm sure everyone would love to have a legend like you helping us."
Sir Connery: "I am honored you would ask me that, Captain, but I'm afraid my previous task before our shared quest has yet to be completed. The Arachne are proof there are still dark magic wielders out there plotting to harm the innocent. And besides, I think it would be redundant, especially when Knothole and its citizens already have such a intrepid hero to protect them. Or more-so the world, I should say."
Y/n looked up at Connery with shimmering eyes, happy with his words.
Sir Connery: "I'm not going to lie to you, however. For a moment, I was afraid the Sword of Acorns was going to corrupt you as well, and that I may have had to act on your life."
Y/n's shimmering eyes fade as he loses his smile. He looks down in shame as he couldn't even believe he even listened to the Sword of Acorns temptations and consider them. However...
Sir Connery: "I'm glad that I didn't have to resort to that, however, when you broke from its words and resisted its temptations. That, to me, is enough to know the Ancient Walkers have made their greatest decision yet to have you protect this planet and give it hope. I may speak for your world's Sir Konnery, but know that you do have my respect and my approval as a knight."
Y/n: "Th-thank you! I'm honored."
Y/n excitedly said as he bowed in front of the armored horse who bows in return.
Sir Connery: "As am I, Chosen Hero."
Y/n smiles again before he and Connery stand back up. He, Bunnie, Shard, and NICOLE bid the Ancient Walkers' paladin goodbye as he leaves and then Y/n teleports them back to Knothole. That's where they learned that Sally and King Max had indeed been freed from Naugus' and the Source of All's control, with the king himself still recovering while Sally was only a bit tired but back to her old self.
Back at the base, NICOLE had explained what had happened, minus the part about Sir Connery since Y/n wanted to tell that part, to everyone.
Sally: "I can't thank you all enough. I hated the feeling of Naugus in my head. It felt... violating."
NICOLE: "It is our pleasure, princess. It is our job, after all."
Sally: "Good point."
Vector: "What did you all do with the Sword?"
Bunnie: "Well, we couldn't 'ave given it back ta the Arachne. They showed they can't be trusted."
Shard: "Yeah. We put it where no one can get to it anymore."
Back at Acropolis, the Sword of Acorns is seen plunged into the ground of the empty pool where the corrupted Source of All once resided. The magic barrier Connery had put up was still active, and would be for a long time.
Y/n: "Oh, but that's not the best part... sorta. And it's gonna surprise you all."
Mighty: "Really now?"
Bunnie: "Yup! Y/n 'as been dyin' ta tell y'all this."
Knuckles: "I doubt you guys have anything that'll surprise me."
Knuckles states as he takes a drink of his beverage. Bunnie, Shard, NICOLE, and Y/n all shared a large grin.
Y/n: "We actually help from Sir Connery, the greatest knight there is."
Knuckles spits out his drink in surprise, spitting it all out on Vector and Mighty.
Vector: "Dude..."
Mighty: "What the heck?"
The two complained about their current situation, but Knuckles ignored them.
Knuckles: "You guys ran into Sir Connery and he helped you take down Naugus?"
Shard: "Yeah. You know him?"
Knuckles: "Yeah. If it weren't for him, I'd be serving Echantress and massaging her wrinkly feet."
Julie-Su: "You give foot massages?"
Knuckles narrows his eyes at his girlfriend.
Knuckles: "Don't think about it, 'Su."
Everyone at the table other than Knuckles laughed aloud at this. It was a hoot to see interactions like this. But as everyone laughed, Y/n slowly stopped laughing as he remembered the future of peace the Sword of Acorns showed him. His face took a solemn look as he remembered the words Bunnie told him in the vision.
"Our children, darlin'."
Later, Y/n is seen at Bunnie's home as he and his girlfriend lied together on the couch and watched TV together. It was Bunnie's turn to pick something that night, and she had picked her favorite movie. It was something about cowboys and aliens. Y/n enjoyed it, too. It was packed with action, he liked the story, and he enjoyed the romance that could never be that was shown in it.
Y/n did enjoy the movie, but his mind was elsewhere. One would think that it was on Bunnie, but they would be wrong. He was still thinking about that vision he saw about that future of peace. Bunnie had noticed her secret boyfriend's thought-filled expression and grew curious.
Bunnie: "Are ya alright, surgha? Ya seem lost in somethin'."
Y/n snaps out of his thoughts and looks at Bunnie, giving her a soft smile.
Y/n: "I'm fine, Bun. I'm just... thinking."
Bunnie: *sits up* "Thinkin' 'bout what, darlin'?"
Y/n hesitated to answer. He didn't want to burden Bunnie with it... and he didn't want her to leave him because of it as well. But... she would find out sooner or later, so he had to answer her.
Y/n: *sits up* "It's about the Sword of Acorns."
Bunnie: "What about it?"
Y/n: "While it tried to get control of me, it tempted me with a vision of a future with nothing but peace. A future... where we're together, still. You were older, as I assumed I was as well, but you looked as beautiful as ever. And... and we had children."
Bunnie gasps in happy shock.
Bunnie: "We had kids in this vision?"
Y/n: "Yeah. Two. You called them Zee and Mia."
Bunnie: "I've always wanted to have a daughter named Mia. The Sword must've showed you an actual future, since only a few know that."
Y/n: "Maybe. But... it didn't get everything right."
Bunnie: *confused* "Whatd'ya mean by that, N/n?"
Y/n hesitated to answer again as he nervously held his tail once more. He still answered, however.
Y/n: "I don't really know how to tell you this, Bunnie, but... even if we win against Eggman and we get that future of peace... we may not get everything I told you about."
Bunnie: *concerned* "Yer scaring me now, surgah. What're you talkin' about?"
Y/n gripped his tail as he finally answered.
Y/n: "... I don't think we'll ever see Zee and Mia, because I may not be able to help make kids, Bunnie."
Bunnie was left in shock. She couldn't be hearing this correctly, right?
Y/n: "I know I shouldn't have kept this from you, but I didn't want you to leave me. I was scared, but I guess all good thing must come to an end, right?"
Bunnie: "What're you blabberin' on about now?"
Y/n looked up from his tail to Bunnie in confusion.
Y/n: "Hm?"
Bunnie: "So what if ya may not be able to do... that? Ah would nevah leave ya, Y/n."
Bunnie cups the jackal's cheek as he began to tear up.
Y/n: "But... wouldn't you want someone who had a better chance at giving you children? Someone... better?"
Bunnie: "But there isn't. Yer the best person Ah've evah met, Y/n. Ah love ya, just as ya are."
She lovingly and softly kisses Y/n's lips as tears began to roll down his face. He kisses back as he cupped Bunnie's face as well, savoring the feeling. The two kiss for only a few minutes, but it felt like hours to them. Hours of amazingness.
Eventually they part and looked at each other. Then Bunnie leans her forehead against Y/n's as they smile at each other.
Bunnie: "Feelin' better, love?"
Y/n: "I always feel better when I'm with you, m'lady. You're too good for me, though."
Bunnie: "Yer wrong on that one, surgah. But don't worry. Ah'm about ta make ya feel much better~"
Bunnie kisses Y/n's cheek for only a moment before she trails her kisses to Y/n's lips. Their lips connect again as Y/n kisses back, the two kissing for a few moments before Bunnie's tongue locks Y/n's lips, requesting for access inside his mouth. He allows it and her tongue began to explore the insides of Y/n's mouth as Y/n let it happen. He never was good at that kind of kissing and always lost against Bunnie in their "battles for dominance", so he just lets Bunnie explore his mouth freely without resistance now.
Bunnie began slowly pushing Y/n down on the couch as they made-out, taking her jacket off as well. Then she pulled away from Y/n's lips, confusing him a bit as he opens his eyes, only to not see anything when Bunnie covers his face with her hat. He raises it up, only for his jaw to nearly drop when he sees Bunnie showing him her chest, nearly being naked since she only wears clothing for her upper body.
Bunnie: "Are ya ready, surgha~?"
Y/n: "Y-yes, ma'am."
Y/n nods as Bunnie smirks. The cyborg rabbit girl then smashes her lips against Y/n's again, the two going back to kissing before they head to Bunnie's room for a night of sexual intimacy.
10:27 PM...
It was almost 10:30 at night and most of Knothole was at rest. Well, almost everyone. Sally was wide awake as she stood in front of Bunnie's front door, knocking on the hard wood.
Sally: "Bunnie? You in there?"
There was no answer from behind the door, so Sally knocks again.
Sally: "Bunnie?"
Once more, there was no answer from anyone behind the door. The chipmunk grabs the doorknob, hoping for the door to be unlocked, and twists it, letting the door slowly open. She pokes her head inside to see the barely lit living room.
Sally: "Bunnie? Are you here? I'm just looking for Y/n. Would you know where he is?"
She didn't hear any response or the sound of footsteps drawing close to her. However, she did hear some loud noises coming from Bunnie's room. Growing curious, the princess steps inside the house and makes her way through the living room, passing some parchments of clothing strewn about which she takes notice of, especially some armor which looked strangely like Y/n's.
She makes her way to Bunnie's bedroom door and goes to open it.
"Bunnie? Are you al--"
Sally begins to ask as she opens the door, only to stop immediately when she sees the scene on the bed. Bunnie was fully naked as she rode Y/n who was hogtied. Sally blushed as she witnessed the scene before her just before Y/n notices her.
Y/n: "SALLY?!"
Bunnie: "WHAT?!"
Bunnie immediately snaps her head to see a completely shocked Sally standing at the doorway. She immediately realized the position she was in and ran out.
Bunnie and Y/n: "G-GET OUT! OUT!"
Both Y/n and Bunnie fell off the bed as Bunnie threw one of Y/n's shoes at the fleeing Sally. They looked at each other with massive blushes as they realize that they'll have to explain what just happened. And that they'll need to remember to lock the doors more often.
(Bonus Scene)
In the atmosphere above Mobius, a strange wormhole opens up and something shoots out of it. It was nothing but a silver streak in the air before crashing into the forest below, steam emitting from it as it revealed itself to be a silver spacecraft.
After a few moments, the cockpit opens up with steam coming from it. Then a white-gloved hand grabbed on to the edge of the open cockpit, pulling its owner out to reveal someone with green eyes and blue quills.
Okay, so to explain the ending (not the bonus scene), that was the first time I wrote anything remotely like that, so I hoped I did relatively okay and that it wasn't cringe.
To explain the sudden change in attitude when Bunnie and Y/n went to have... "bedtime sparring", I imagine Bunnie being dominant and someone who would be a top during those kind of interactions (did I use the right terms?). Y/n is more of a switch, being okay with either being top/dominant or bottom/submissive, just for those who were wondering.
Also, I hope I used the right terms for this. I feel a bit uncomfortable writing this since it was my first time. And don't expect for these scenes to come a lot. I don't know how to write them, but they will be shown every-so-often if I can put it in.
Have a good day!
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