Issue #14: Royal Corruption? (Part 3: The Source of the Problem)
The first scene shows the surface of the planet Möbius with invading ships in the sky. Y/n, in the distance, watches from afar before he closes his helmet over his face.
Our world's about to break
Tormented and attacked!
Y/n leaps forward with his shield out front, the scene transitioning to Mobius as Shadow The Hedgehog is seen looking over a cliff.
Lost from when we wake
Sonic is then seen as he speeds around Knothole.
With no way to go back!
Y/n latches his shield to his arm as he activates his Ring Blade.
I'm standing on my own
Y/n was then seen standing against Infinite with a Badnik army behind him...
But now I'm not alone!
... only for the Freedom Fighters to walk up behind Y/n as the knight raises his shield into the air.
"Freedom Fighters! Assemble!"
They all rush forward to attack as does the Badnik army and Infinite, the two clashing head-on.
Always we will fight as one
Till the battle's won!
Sonic speeds around the battlefield as the Chaotix and others take down more robots.
With evil on the run
We never come undone!
Knuckles lifts a giant Badnik over his head and tosses it at some smaller ones as Shadow uses his Chaos Powers to take down more Badniks.
Assemble, we are strong
Forever fight as one!
Sonic and other Freedom Fighters cut through the Badnik army as Tails flies into the battle, piloting the Tornado as he shot at some Badniks. Y/n also dispatches some Badniks before he opens up his helmet and looks up to see Infinite nearby, watching him.
Assembled, we are strong
Y/n closes his helmet over his face and leaps forward to Infinite, the jackal doing the same as the two prepared for battle.
Forever fight as one!
In the icey caps of Acropolis, a flash of gold and green appears before it vanishes. There stands Y/n, Bunnie, Shard and NICOLE, and Sir Connery in the snow, all prepared for battle.
Y/n: "So, where's this pool, Connery? Do you know where it is?"
Sir Connery: "I do not know its exact location, but I can sense the magic in the area. We are close, my friends."
Y/n nearly exploded from excitement when Connery called him "friend", but kept himself in check so he doesn't embarrasse himself.
Y/n: "Alright. Spread out and look for the pool. The Arachne are bound to ne there as we--"
He stops when he, along with the others, feel a sudden pressure in the area. It made the fur on Y/n stand on its end as Sir Connery snaps his head towards a cave entrance.
Sir Connery: "We've found them."
Bunnie: "Then let's get 'em."
Nodding in agreement, everyone runs up to the cave entrance to see dark gold glow shine from within. Peering inside, the five could see a lot of Arachne standing around a pool of golden liquid; the Source of All. One of them held a large sword, aimed outward toward the Source of All.
Sir Connery: "The Sword of Acorn."
Bunnie: "Kinda didn't wanna believe it, but now Ah do. Those backstabbin' bugs!"
NICOLE: "I'm reading a large amount of magical energies."
Shard: "What are they doing exactly?"
Y/n: "Opening a doorway to the Zone of Silence, no doubt."
Sir Connery: "And trying to free Naugus. We must stop them!"
Suddenly the Sword of Acorns glowed brightly, illuminating the entirety of the dark cave.
Y/n: "I think we're too late."
With a massive surge of magical energy, Y/n could feel space and time rip apart as a vortex-like portal appears in front of the pool of golden liquid. Everyone stares at it with wide eyes for a moment before a hideous laugh was heard. It echoes throughout the cave as a metal claw reaches out of the vortex. It grabs on to the side of the swirling portal and pulls the owner of it out.
???: "Yes... Yes! I'm finally free! Let no joyful voice be heard! Let no one look up to the sky to see hope! And let thus day be cursed for those who witness the return of... Ixis Naugus!"
The troll-looking man laughs with villainous glee as Y/n and the others watch with shock.
Y/n: "That's Ixis Naugus? Yeesh. I guess my father had more than one reason to execute him. He's one ugly mother--"
Bunnie: "Language, hun."
Y/n turns to Bunnie with a playfully smirk.
Y/n: "Oh, so you're the one calling me out now?"
Bunnie: *giggles* "Maybe."
Shard smirks at this.
Shard: "Oh, yeah. They're made for each other."
Sir Connery: "We must stop him before he does anything else. I will put a spell of protection on the entrance so he cannot escape."
The Freedom Fighters nod as the horse does his thing. Back in the cave, Naugus looks to one of the Arachne and points at the one with the Sword of Acorns with his metal claw.
Naugus: "You there! Tell me who you are and how long it has been since I've been away."
Arachne #1: "Lord Naugus, we are the Arachne! The children of Uma Arachnis, and like her we are your humble servents. It has been two years since you have graced this world with your presence."
Naugus: "And what of the quickster? Here is he?"
Arachne #2: "The one called Sonic The Hedgehog is no longer among us. He died almost one year ago, giving his life to save this planet."
Naugus: "Then there is no one to challenge me. Oh, how exciting!"
Naugus cackles excitedly before...
"Think again, Naugus."
The sorcerer snaps his head towards the cave entrance, along with the Arachne, to see Sir Connery and the Freedom Fighters at the entrance.
Naugus: "Ah, Sir Connery. You're still alive, I see. And you bring meager pests and scrap metal with you."
Shard and NICOLE: *offended* "Hey!"
Naugus smirks.
Naugus: "It matters not. You will meet the same fate as those who dare to defy me. I'm sure you'll make an excellent crystal pawn."
Y/n: "Not your life, ugly."
Y/n says as he brandished his Damaskus Steel shield. Naugus turns to him.
Naugus: "Ah, you. You are the one the Ancient Walkers have sent to protect this world. I've watched you from the confines of the Zone of Silence. I will admit, you appear formidable, but looks can be deceiving."
Y/n: "And you know all about looks, don't you?"
Naugus' smile drops into a scowl as he glares at Y/n. Then he turns to the Arachne ninja that spoke to him.
Naugus: "You said that you were my servents, yes?"
Arachne #1: "Of course, Master."
Naugus: *snatches the Sword of Acorns* "Then kill them!"
Without thinking, the Arachne charge at our heroes. Bunnie brings up an energy barrier to cutoff the Arachne's path to them and Connery brandishes the Sword of Light.
Sir Connery: "Captain, Shard, you two shall take Naugus! Lady Rabbot and I shall fend off the Arachne!"
Y/n: "Right!"
Shard: "Got it!"
Y/n: "Bunnie! Drop the shield!"
Bunnie: "Ya got it!"
The energy barrier disperses and blows the Arachne back a bit. Then she activates her arm cannon as Y/n and Shard leap over the ninja and rush at Naugus.
Naugus: "You wish to fight me! Fine! I accept your death wish!"
Aiming his palm at the two, he fires a beam of deadly magic at them. They move out of the way of the blast as Y/n throws his shield at the sorcerer and Shard opens fire at the same time. Naugus blocks the blast with the Sword of Acorns and then uses his magic to deflect Y/n's shield. He then swings the Sword at Y/n who slides underneath and punches him in the back of his leg, making him fall to a knee and Shard punches him in the face. He falls to his back but teleports back to his feet and backhands Y/n with his metal claw, sending him crashing into the cave wall and then knocks Shard back with the Sword of Acorns.
Naugus laughs again before Y/n's shield hits him in the back of his head, making him turn to see Y/n catch his shield.
Y/n: "I've got a bone to pick with you, Naugus. I'm making sure you get sent back to the Zone of Silence... for good!"
Naugus: "You really think I'll stay there for long, even if you send me back? As long as I have my beacons in my command, I can always come back!"
Y/n's eyes widened in shock as his helmet opens up, but his shock soon turns to anger.
Y/n: "Beacons? You've been using Sally and the king as beacons? Getting into their minds so they could further guide you out like lighthouses and let you take control of them?! YOU'RE SICK!"
Naugus laughs maniacally.
Naugus: "Guilty as charged. Though the Acorns have outlived their usefulness, I suppose it would be a shame to waste such perfect pawns to endorse my claims to the throne. Wouldn't you say?"
Y/n: "Not on my watch, you mind controlling sicko."
Narrowing his eyes at the sorcerer, Y/n ignites his blade and raises his shield in front of him.
Y/n: "If you think I'm gonna let you set a single foot out if this cave, then you've got another thing coming!"
Naugus: "I'd like to see you try... Captain."
Y/n charges at Naugus and swings his Ring Blade, Naugus swinging the Sword of Acorns in retaliation and their weapons connect. They get into a power struggle before Shard jumps on to his back and puts him in a headlock.
Shard: "Haha! Got you now, ugly!"
Naugus growls before he unleashes a blast of magic energy and sends Shard shooting into the wall while Y/n crashed into the golden pool. Naugus laughs before running forward and through a now empty cave tunnel. The battle between the Arachne and Bunnie and Connery had gone outside to give room for Y/n and Shard's fight with Naugus.
However, once the troll reached the cave entrance, he only bounced back and slammed into the ground. He dropped the Sword of Acorns as he sat back up in surprise.
Naugus: "What?!"
Shard laughs as he and his "father" stand to his feet to face Naugus.
Shard: "You really think we'd be that simple to just walk in without thinking about everything that could go wrong? Connery marked this place with some serious magic runes from that sword of his. Sorry, ugly, but you ain't goin' anywhere anytime soon."
Naugus, enraged, growls and lashes out at the two to attack again. Forgetting about the Sword of Acorns in his rage, the troll stands and sends a blast of magic energy at the "father and son" duo. Y/n jumps in front of Shard and blocks the attack with his shield, only to be pushed back as Shard moves out of the way.
Shard: "Dad!"
Growling, Shard aims his cannon at Naugus and opens fire. However, Naugus creates a shield out of magic and blocks the energy blasts.
Naugus: "Do you think you can resist my power, machine? You are but an insect to me!"
The magic-user sends a blast at Shard to crystallize him, making Shard raise his arms in a crossguard to tank the blast. Naugus expects Shard to become crystal, but Shard remains standing and regular metal.
Naugus: "Wh-what?!"
Naugus sends a much bigger crystalizing blast at Shard, only for nothing to happen again.
Naugus: "This usually works."
Naugus states as he looks at his hand in confusion.
Shard: "Well, I mean, with Mobranium and a little gem power, performance issues aren't that common. One out of five, give or take."
Naugus: "I see."
Almost immediately, Naugus uses his magic to teleport in front of Shard and grabs him.
Naugus: "Then I'll just take half of what you--GRAAGH!"
Naugus goes to grab Shard's Eternity Emerald, only for a massive shock to go through his system and blast him away. He crashes into the ground as remains of green sparks shoot from his body.
"What in the--?!"
Shard: "Sorry! No touchy!"
Outside, Bunnie and Sir Connery are seen in the snow with unconscious Arachne around them.
Bunnie: "Alright! Now that we got rid a' them, we can help N/n, now!"
Bunnie, ready to fight with her love, runs back to the cave with her arm cannon ready. However, Connery calls out to her to stop. She doesn't listen, though, and runs right into the barrier, bouncing back from it and landing in the snow.
Bunnie: "What in blazes?!"
Sir Connery: "I was trying to warn you, Lady Rabbot, that you cannot enter anymore. When we exited the cave, I activated the runes. We cannot enter, and they cannot leave until I open it again."
Bunnie: "What? So Ah just have ta watch as Y/n an' Shard fight that monstah?!"
Sir Connery: "I'm afraid so, m'lady."
With worry across her face, Bunnie turns to watch her lover and Shard fight Naugus.
Back inside the cave, Naugus swiped his hand through the air and sent a blast of energy at Shard who slides back from the attack. Then Y/n punches him in the face, sending him flying back and crashing into the ground. He aims his metal claw at Y/n and sends him flying back with an energy blast, making him fly back over to the cave entrance.
Bunnie: "Y/n! Are ya alright?"
Y/n pushes himself up to one knee and looks at Bunnie who watched from behind the barrier.
Y/n: "I'm fine, m'lady. But I gotta send him back and--"
Y/n stops when he sees the Sword of Acorns lying on the ground nearby. Gettung an idea, Y/n grabs the Sword in his hand and stands to his feet, turning to Naugus as a dark golden glow shines around the blade.
Sir Connery: "Captain, what are you doing?"
Y/n: "Fighting fire with fire, per say."
Charging forward with the Sword, Y/n swings it at Naugus who barely has any time to block with his metal claw. The sorcerer gets sent sliding back from the force of the impact.
Naugus: "Give me back that sword! It's mine!"
Y/n: "In your dreams!"
Swinging the Sword downward, Y/n sent a blast of pure force at Naugus which sends him flying back. Y/n smirks under his helmet as he's never felt so powerful before. He felt great!
Y/n: "I'm ending this! Just like Father did!"
"Yes, and so much more."
Y/n: "Wh-what? Who said that?"
"I did. The blade you're holding, Chosen Hero."
Y/n looks over at the Sword of Acorns in his hands, surprised at hearing it speak.
Y/n: "Incredible..."
Sword of Acorns: "Yes. And I can help you stop Ixis Naugus... and more. You've seen what this world has gone through... how much it's lost... how much its inhabitants has suffered. Sonic The Hedgehog couldn't end it, Max Acorn couldn't end it, and not even Sally Acorn could end it even when we gave her the chance to do so. But you... you can't tell me that your not too stupid enough to see the bigger picture. Think about it! You can be the one who ends two wars from two different Zones! You'd be a legend to future generations. Perhaps it's best to show rather than tell, no?"
Suddenly Y/n's eyes shined a bright golden color with black swirls in them. He then gets a vision of a... strange future, showing a beautiful scene of peace. Children were running around and giggling as birds chirped. Y/n has never seen something so beautiful.
"Are ya alright, surgah? Ya looked a bit spooked."
Turning to see the speaker, Y/n sees a fully organic Bunnie. His eyes widened as his heart skipped a beat, as it always does when he sees his love.
Bunnie: "C'mon, surgah. Zee and Mia are waitin' for us."
Y/n: "Zee... and Mia?"
Bunnie: "Our children, darlin'. Are you alright?"
Y/n: "I... I..."
Sword of Acorns: "You can have all of this. A world of peace, a loving wife, and children. Wouldn't that be lovely, Y/n L/n Akorn? A world where you don't have to worry about Eggman and the other dangers? We can solve ALL of it! Just... let me in, Captain."
Y/n looked almost enticed by this offer. A world of peace? He's never seen anything like that. He could...
"Y/n! Snap outta it!"
Y/n's eyes widen in surprise as he looks around for the voice. Then he hears a terrible, mechanical laugh echo through his ears as his breath quickens. The vision then glitches around him as it turns from peaceful and happy to the world he saw when he was the Devil's Gulag... that terrible scene where the world was on fire and his friends dead. He couldn't bear to see that again.
Y/n: "No... No!"
Shaking his head, Y/n's eyes return to their normal (E/C) color as he grits his teeth.
Y/n: "No! I'm not gonna let some temptation of a future cloud my judgement again!"
Shard: "What?"
Naugus: "No! What are you doing?!"
Y/n raises the Sword of Acorns up to his face as green energy shrouds his eyes. It starts to trails up the Sword as well as it screams in a panic.
Sword of Acorns: "No! What are you doing?!"
Y/n: "Doing what should be done! Here and now!"
(By Qandlewique)
Bright green Chaos Energy covers the Sword of Acorns as Y/n faces the pool of the Source of All. He swings it around before aiming it at the pool. Naugus' eyes widen in surprise as he realizes what Y/n was planning.
Naugus: "No! Don't! I-it's the only thing that can help you stop Eggman! You can't destroy it!"
Y/n: "You're not stopping me!"
Sword of Acorns: "No! Please! Don't! Y-you don't know what's coming! I can help stop it!"
A new vision appears in Y/n's sight, showing a dark void with seven different gemstones revealing themselves one at a time. Then a large hand appears above the stones before grabbing them and pulling back to reveal a strange gold and silver gauntlet with all seven gems in it. However, Y/n wasn't falling for it.
Y/n: "No! You're not going to trick me!"
Y/n rushes forward, making Naugus rush in front of him to stop the jackal.
Naugus: "Not on my watch, boy!"
He swings his metal claw at the knight, only for him to easily leap over him and kick him in the back of his head. Naugus gets sent to the floor with a grunt as Y/n now stands in front of the pool of golden liquid.
Sword of Acorns: "You can't do this! What about that future I showed you?! You could have peace! A loving family! Children! You could be worshipped across the multiverse!"
Y/n: "Sorry, Sword... but that's not possible for me."
Letting out a yell, green and gold energies with black sparks swirl around Y/n and the Sword as he swings it down. He plunges it into the golden pool, creating a mighty flash of light that blinds everyone nearby. When it fades, everyone can see Y/n panting heavily as he used the Sword of Acorns as a cane to help him stand. Steam was emitting from a now empty pool as the black sparks fade away, leaving only the pure emerald and gold colors around him. The corrupted Source of All... was finally destroyed, resulting in the freedom of Sally and King Max's minds from Naugus.
Naugus: *shook* "No... No! You insolent brat! I'll kill you!"
The troll lunges at Y/n, only for the prince to move to the side to avoid it. Naugus rolls across the ground as he looks up at the Knight of Akorn.
Naugus: "How did you...? You look exhausted. How are you still moving?!"
Y/n: "Because as long as there is breath in my bones, I'm going to fight for this world. Besides..."
He looks up at Naugus with a smirk on his face as he raises the now uncorrected Sword of Acorns.
"... I can do this all day."
Naugus growls and leaps at Y/n again, only to be blasted back by Shard.
Shard: "Sorry that I came in so late. Didn't wanna steal your thunder."
Y/n chuckles a bit before he narrows his eyes at Naugus.
Y/n: "Think it's time to send him home, Shard?"
Shard: "I know it is, Dad."
Y/n nods his head before he aims the Sword at the recovering sorcerer, aiming it behind him as yells...
"Khaos Control!"
A bolt light blast of emerald and gold shoots out of the Sword of Acorns and hits the wall behind Naugus. A new vortex forms behind him, making his eyes widen in shock as it begins to pull him in. He keeps himself planted by holding on to a nearby rock, glaring at Y/n with killing intent in his eyes.
Naugus: "You... You'll regret this day, Captain! I'll remember you! Your voice! Your face! All that you love will be destroyed at my hands!
(Also by Qandlewique)
I promise you... ONE DAY, I WILL RETURN!"
Y/n: "And I'll be waiting for it."
Naugus yells out in anger before he loses his grip on the rock and flies back into the vortex. He continues to yell over and over again that he'll be back before the vortex shrinks...
(Again by Qandlewique)
... and eventually closes. Y/n stares at where the vortex once was before smirking.
Y/n: "He's gone. Great. Now... I think I need a nap."
To Shard's shock, he watches his "father" fall to the ground face-first as he goes unconscious from overexertion.
This arc will have one more chapter. Also, I'm having problems uploading things up top. I would try to add both videos and pictures, but one would always be missing. Hopefully I'll be able to do that again soon since Wattpad is getting some maintenance Nov. 1st.
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed. Laters.
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