Issue #14: Royal Corruption? (Part 2: Journey)
The first scene shows the surface of the planet Möbius with invading ships in the sky. Y/n, in the distance, watches from afar before he closes his helmet over his face.
Our world's about to break
Tormented and attacked!
Y/n leaps forward with his shield out front, the scene transitioning to Mobius as Shadow The Hedgehog is seen looking over a cliff.
Lost from when we wake
Sonic is then seen as he speeds around Knothole.
With no way to go back!
Y/n latches his shield to his arm as he activates his Ring Blade.
I'm standing on my own
Y/n was then seen standing against Infinite with a Badnik army behind him...
But now I'm not alone!
... only for the Freedom Fighters to walk up behind Y/n as the knight raises his shield into the air.
"Freedom Fighters! Assemble!"
They all rush forward to attack as does the Badnik army and Infinite, the two clashing head-on.
Always we will fight as one
Till the battle's won!
Sonic speeds around the battlefield as the Chaotix and others take down more robots.
With evil on the run
We never come undone!
Knuckles lifts a giant Badnik over his head and tosses it at some smaller ones as Shadow uses his Chaos Powers to take down more Badniks.
Assemble, we are strong
Forever fight as one!
Sonic and other Freedom Fighters cut through the Badnik army as Tails flies into the battle, piloting the Tornado as he shot at some Badniks. Y/n also dispatches some Badniks before he opens up his helmet and looks up to see Infinite nearby, watching him.
Assembled, we are strong
Y/n closes his helmet over his face and leaps forward to Infinite, the jackal doing the same as the two prepared for battle.
Forever fight as one!
It's been almost a full day since Y/n, Bunnie, Shard, and NICOLE had left Knothole in search for whatever was making Sally and King Max acting strangely. Y/n had a sneaking suspicion it had to do something with Eggman, but he couldn't be sure. There was thus nagging feeling inside him that there was something else at play here.
At the moment, the small group of Freedom Fighters were trudging through the Mystic Jungle. Y/n was in the lead using his Ring Blade to cut any shrubbery in his way to make a clear path for him and his friends to walk through. Bunnie was behind him while Shard was in the back.
Bunnie: "Hey, surgah?"
Y/n: *cutting through branches* "Yes, m'lady?"
Bunnie: "Can we rest? Unlike you and Shard, Ah don't have nearly limitless stamina."
Y/n turns to look behind him to see a tired look on his girlfriend's face. She was indeed exhausted from walking, and they had been traveling for nearly a whole day. The wise option would be to stop and camp for the night.
Y/n: "Alright. Let's stop for the night."
Bunnie let out a sigh of relief.
Bunnie: "Thanks, N/n."
Y/n nods with a smile and turns to Shard.
Y/n: "Shard, take Bunnie with you and go look for a place to camp for the night. I'll go look for some firewood."
Shard: "Righty-o, Dad. Follow me, Mom!"
NICOLE: "Why do you keep calling them that?"
Shard: "Well, he's technically my dad, so it fits. Now Bunnie? It's obvious Dad has a thing for her, so I'm just waiting for it."
NICOLE: "If you say so."
Bunnie giggles tiredly as she follows Shard into the jungle. Y/n watches them leave with a smile before walking off to find firewood.
Later that night, our heroes are seen around an open fire made by Y/n. Shard was on one side while Bunnie and Y/n were huddled together one the other side. Y/n held her close since they needed to conserve body heat, but it was also an excuse to cuddle that night. Y/n and Bunnie had just ate food caught by Y/n as well, and we're just waiting for sleep to consume them. However...
Shard: "So... Dad."
Y/n: "... yes, Shard?"
Shard: "... what's up with you and Mom?"
Both secret lovers turn their attention to Y/n's robotic child.
Bunnie: "Whatd'ya mean by that?"
Shard: "I mean, you two spend an awful lot of time together." *smirks* "One could say you were... together."
NICOLE: "He has a point."
Y/n: *blushes* "Th-that's absolutely ridiculous!"
Bunnie: *blushes* "Y-yeah! Ya got it all wrong! W-we're just really close friends!"
Shard: "Is that so? I mean, you two were stranded on an island for basically two whole weeks." *grins* "Anything could've happened."
Y/n: "What are you insinuating?"
NICOLE: "Cap, your tail is wrapped around Bunnie."
Y/n's tail was indeed wrapped around his secret lover. However, the prince refused to move it.
Y/n: "So?"
Shard: "And you're not moving it. So that means you two are really, and I mean really, close friends... or you two are a thing."
Y/n gives Shard an annoyed look as the former Metal Sonic could only grin at his "father". Then he lied down.
Y/n: "And I'm hitting the hay. Goodnight, and I'll see you in the morning."
Shard bellowed in laughter with Bunnie and NICOLE joining him. Once they stopped, Shard turned to his "mother".
Shard: "Go to sleep, too, Mom. I don't need sleep, so I'll keep watch."
Bunnie: "Alright. G'night, surgah."
Shard: "G'night."
With that, Bunnie lied down next to Y/n, whose tail was still wrapped around her. The cyborg country belle wrapped her arms around Y/n and then quietly kisses the back of his head, making him smile as Bunnie closes her eyes to rest. Shard smiles as well, along with NICOLE as they stay up the whole night to keep watch.
The Next Day...
The next day, the fire is seen as nothing but smoking sticks and leaves as our heroes weren't there anymore. They were already back to walking through the Mystic Jungle as Y/n cuts out a path for them. Only thirty minutes ago had they woken up and ate breakfast before going back to their quest to stop whatever was affecting Sally and King Max.
Shard: "So, Dad, we're we headin' exactly?"
Y/n: "New Megaopolis to find Eggman. I'm sure he has something to do with our Acorn mishap."
Shard: "Why do you immediately assume it's Egghead?"
Bunnie: "He's the only one that can command that kinda power. With Infinite back on his side, he can do just 'bout anythang."
Shard: "While that's true, it could be someone else. Someone who can mess with people's minds and whatnot."
Y/n: "Well, they're either an old enemy of the Freedom Fighters who knows how to hide well..." *cuts through shrubbery* "... or someone new who's smart. Either way, we'll stop 'em."
Bunnie and Shard nod in agreement as they continue to trudge through the Mystic Jungle. After a few more hours of traveling, they finally make their way out of the jungle and into a clearing. Beyond them seemed to be an open plain that seemingly stretched out for miles.
Y/n: "Well, seems we still got some ways to go. Hope you all are ready."
Bunnie: "You know it, surgah!"
Y/n turned and smiled at his lover's enthusiasm, but sees Shard starring at a tree behind them.
Y/n: "Hey, Shard! What'cha doin'?"
Shard: "There's this weird engraving here. On this trunk."
Humming in curiosity, Y/n and Bunnie walk up to Shard and examine the tree with him. It looked like... a spider, which confused Y/n a bit.
Y/n: "A spider? What's that supposed to mean?"
Bunnie: "Ah dunno. It looks familiar, though."
Shard: "NICOLE, can you scan it? See what it is?"
NICOLE: "Affirmative."
NICOLE begins to analyze the engraving in the trunk. As she does so, Y/n's ear twitches underneath his helmet, making him glance to the side as his eyes scan the area. Then he turned his head back to the jungle, narrowing his eyes to look into the darkened jungle. He hears something... no, things shuffling behind the trees and in the shrubbery, making the teen prince snap his head all around to find the source of the noise.
Y/n: "Guys, I think we've got incoming!"
Something glinting in the darkness catches Y/n's eye as everything suddenly stops moving in the jungle.
NICOLE: "Scan complete! On your toes! It's--"
The glinting object suddenly shoots forward from the darkness and Y/n moves in front of it. He takes out his shield and blocks it, making the throwing star ricochet off as a small swarm of spiders dressed as ninjas leap from the shadows.
The ninja spiders charge from the shadows as Shard aims his arm cannon at them and Bunnie creates an energy barrier to block some throwing stars. Then she lowers it and turns her arm into a cannon, aiming and taking fire at the Arachne with Shard. They expertly avoided the blasts and threw smoke bombs at the two, clouding their vision and making Bunnie cough. However, instead of going after them, the ninja just rush past them and to Y/n.
Bunnie: "What?"
Shard: "Dad, watch out!"
Y/n raises his shield to block an attack from two Arachne wielding katanas before activating his Ring Blade and swinging at them. They quickly leap away from the attack and three more rush forward, two wielding sais while the third held a bo staff.
Shard: "We have to help him out!"
Bunnie: "Right!"
The two charged forward with their thrusters as Y/n blocked an attack from one of the sai-wielders and kicks them back and counters an attack from the second one. However, the one with the bo staff jumps on Y/n's back and puts him in a choke hold with their bo staff. Y/n struggles to get the ninja off his back before they're shot off, making Y/n turn to see Shard with his cannon raised.
Shard: "Thanks, Shard!"
Shard nods and nearly toppled over when another Arachne jumped on to his back. He reached behind him and grabbed the spider, throwing them away. Bunnie shoulder rammed two away before two more jumped her and tackled her to the ground.
Y/n: "Bunnie!"
Y/n goes to assist his girlfriend, but something wraps around his ankles and makes him trip and fall over. He turns to see a rope tied to a kanui wrapped around his legs. Using his strength, Y/n snaps the ropes in half and leaps to his feet.
Y/n: "I've had enough!"
Coating his open palm in golden, sparking energy, Y/n spins around and swipes his hand through the air.
"Khaos Bullet!"
Multiple narrow energy "bullets" sail through the air and strike the ground in front of some Arachne. Small explosions erupt, only for the Arachne to easily charge through the smoke and at Y/n. The jackal flips over them and throws his shield, hitting two in one bounce before it bounces back at him.
He lands on the ground and turns around to knock an Aracne away with his shield. But three more tackle him to the ground with a grunt.
Shard: "Get your head in the game, Dad!"
Shard told his father as he was being jumped on by more Arachne.
Y/n: "Hey! I've never fought ninjas before! You try it!"
Bunnie: "Stahp fightin' and start fightin'!"
Bunnie says as she tosses away a ninja spider, only to be pulled to the ground by a rope and kanui.
Bunnie: "Dang nabbit!"
Y/n tried to push himself back on to his feet, only to get tackled to the ground by more. Y/n begins to growl as he become a bit angry, his eyes glowing gold as he grits his teeth. However, before anything could happen, a bright flash of light blinds everyone and the Arachne basically hiss in distaste.
Y/n: *eyes returning to normal* "What the...?"
All of the Arachne back away and then run off back into the Mystic Jungle. Y/n stands back up and runs up to help Bunnie to her feet.
Bunnie: "Thanks, Surgah-N/n."
Y/n: "You're welcome. Are you alright, m'lady?"
Bunnie: "Yea, Ah'm okay. Nothin' too bad."
Y/n: "That's good. I'm glad."
Bunnie nods but wonders...
Bunnie: "Who saved us?"
Shard: "Um... some horse guy in armor?"
Y/n's ear flaps a bit at this as he turns to face Shard. Behind him was indeed a horse in knight armor. Almost immediately, Y/n's face lit up with almost childlike excitement as a huge smile formed on his face.
Y/n: "Y-you... you're the Sir Konnery of this Zone! Sir Connery!"
Y/n laughs excitedly as he looks at Sir Connery.
The horse knight steps forward.
Sir Connery: "You have heard of me, Chosen Hero?"
Y/n: "Heard of you? I know all about you! You're a huge hero in my Zone! I'm a huge fan!"
Shard: "Didn't know you were a fanboy, Dad."
Y/n's childish glee immediately vanished as a blush formed on his face.
Y/n: *corrects self* "Ahem. A-apologies, Sir Connery."
Sir Connery: "All is well, Captain Möbius. Although, it is I who should be thrilled to meet you."
Y/n: "Really?"
Sir Connery: "Indeed. You are the Chosen Hero of the Ancient Walkers. It is an honor to meet you."
Y/n: "N-no way! The honor is all mine, Sir!"
Shard: "Yeah, as adorable I find this as, we got more pressing matters, Pops."
Shard says, butting in and making Y/n blush again.
Y/n: "R-right."
Bunnie: *steps forward* "Thank you fo' helpin' us, Sir Connery. We were in a real pickle."
Shard: "Yeah. Big preesh, Connery."
Sir Connery: "It is my job to help those in need. Although, I do ponder on why you Freedom Fighters are here so far from Knothole."
NICOLE: "We're on a mission, Sir Connery. Princess Sally and King Max have been acting extremely strange lately and we believe someone is trying to take control of them. We're searching for that reason, and Captain Y/n believes it's Dr. Eggman."
Sir Connery: "Ah. I see. Then we have the same quest."
Y/n: "We do?"
Sir Connery: "Indeed. And I believe I may know the cause of your problem, Captain."
Bunnie: "Ya do? What is it?"
Sir Connery: "I believe that someone is corrupting the Source of All, resulting in your princess and king's strange behavior since they are connected to it."
Y/n: "But... that's not possible. Everyone's confirmed to me that the Source of All was trapped in a domed off, radioactive Robotropolis. It was destroyed and completely evaporated."
Sir Connery: "And yet, it still continues to exist. The Sword of Acorns along with its sibling, the Crown of Acorns."
Bunnie: "But Sally-Girl handed the sword over ta the Arachne a while back. She an' the king shouldn't be affected by it."
Sir Connery: "Not unless the Sword managed to make some sort of connection to them. Even the smallest contact is more than enough to open a gateway into their souls and minds."
Shard stepped forward.
Shard: "But even then, it's still too small to do that kind of damage to the princess and the Old Chipmunk."
Sir Connery: "Not unless the Source was still en masse."
Bunnie: "Like a pool?"
Y/n brought a hand to his chin as he began to think.
Y/n: "So the Source of All wasn't completely destroyed, but reconstituted itself somewhere else. It makes sense. If it can spontaneously appear where Alexander chose to build his castle, why couldn't it sense itself in danger and go somewhere else?"
Connery nods, impressed by Y/n's deduction skills.
Sir Connery: "Indeed. And the children of Uma Arachnis, the Arachne who you had just fought, are in on this ploy."
Y/n: "The Arachne are the children of Uma Arachnis? The shinobi? In my Zone, they're just a group of rogues."
Shard: "Wait, wait. Lemme guess, Dad. You had a version of "Uma" that you knew back in your Zone?"
Y/n: "Well, I didn't exactly know her in person, but I do know she served as the Empire's spy master and Lady of Whispers during my father's first few years of his reign. She was good at her job, and they didn't call her a black widow for nothing, if you know what I mean."
NICOLE giggles.
NICOLE: "Ooooh, so close!"
Shard: "Oh, like you would've guessed any better."
Sir Connery: "The Arachne only know two things passed down to them from their mother: her obsession with seeking the Sword of Acorns... and seeking her master to serve."
This caught the attention of the Freedom Fighters.
Shard: "Master?"
Bunnie: *realization* "Oh, mah stars. Y-ya don't mean... Naugus?"
Y/n: "Whoa, whoa, wait a second! Naugus? As in Ixis Rasputin Naugus? The sorcerer?"
Bunnie: "Ah don't know 'bout the Rasputin part, but yeah. Why? Ya know him, N/n?"
Y/n: "Not exactly, Bun. He was before my time. I read about him thanks to the Royal Archives. He came during the time of my grandfather, Emperor Fredrick Akorn, was ruling the Akorn Empire and was made the official royal wizard due to the power he could command."
Sir Connery grew a bit interested in this, as he has not ever known of many other worlds than his own.
Y/n: "However, in time, he proved himself to be too ambitious for his own good. He was planning on disposing the Akorn Dynasty and putting himself on the throne. However, the Oracle of Akorns got wind of this and the Knights of Akorn quickly arrested him before he could even begin."
Shard: "So what happened to him?"
Y/n: "They didn't call my father "Maximillian the Hammer" for nothing. He didn't take two things lightly: liars and traitors. He had Naugus paraded through the streets in his undergarments before taking him to the executioners block, where he personally separated his head from his shoulders and mounted it on a spike as a message for anyone else that thought of going against his rule. Though I guess Kodos and Bloodhound didn't receive the message."
Shard: "Yeesh! Sounds like Grandpa was one hard nut."
Y/n: "You can say that again."
Bunnie steps forward.
Bunnie: "If Naugus really is behind Sally an' King Max actin' so outta character, then there's without a doubt we have ta stop him. An' fast."
Y/n nods in agreement.
Y/n: "You're right. We don't have time to call and wait for anyone else. Sally told me that one of the only people the original Robotnik was afraid of was Naugus. If Eggman is afraid of him as well, then he's just as dangerous as Enigma."
Sir Connery: "Indeed! It seems we are on our own for this quest."
Shard: "Uh, question. Could this Naugus have magic that could turn me against you guys?"
NICOLE: "There's no reason to worry, Shard. Due to your Mobranium exo-body and the Eternity Emerald, I can successfully say that the odds of Naugus turning you against us is ten to none."
Shard: "And I'm immediately comforted. Let's get this guy!"
Immediately, Shard activated his thrusters and shot into the sky. Everyone watched him before Sir Connery looked back down at Y/n.
Sir Connery: "He does know that--"
Y/n stops him by raising a hand. Then he uses his fingers to count down from three before Shard flies back down to them.
Shard: *embarrassed* "I, uh, just realized that I have no idea where Naugus or the Source of All is."
Bunnie: *giggles and turns to Sir Connery* "Do you know where they are, Connery?"
Sir Connery: "I do. Far in the north in Acropolis. I can feel the presence of the Source of All there."
Y/n clamps his helmet down over his face.
"Then that's where we're going."
Sorry that this one seemed kinda rushed or fast-paced. I was trying to finish it before I went to bed, so here ya go! Hope you enjoyed!
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