Issue #10: Stranded Hearts (Part 1)
Art up top by my dude, Qandlewique. And it'll be used for this and the next chapter. Much appreciation!
The first scene shows the surface of the planet Möbius with invading ships in the sky. Y/n, in the distance, watches from afar before he closes his helmet over his face.
Our world's about to break
Tormented and attacked!
Y/n leaps forward with his shield out front, the scene transitioning to Mobius as Shadow The Hedgehog is seen looking over a cliff.
Lost from when we wake
Sonic is then seen as he speeds around Knothole.
With no way to go back!
Y/n latches his shield to his arm as he activates his Ring Blade.
I'm standing on my own
Y/n was then seen standing against Infinite with a Badnik army behind him...
But now I'm not alone!
... only for the Freedom Fighters to walk up behind Y/n as the knight raises his shield into the air.
"Freedom Fighters! Assemble!"
They all rush forward to attack as does the Badnik army and Infinite, the two clashing head-on.
Always we will fight as one
Till the battle's won!
Sonic speeds around the battlefield as the Chaotix and others take down more robots.
With evil on the run
We never come undone!
Knuckles lifts a giant Badnik over his head and tosses it at some smaller ones as Shadow uses his Chaos Powers to take down more Badniks.
Assemble, we are strong
Forever fight as one!
Sonic and other Freedom Fighters cut through the Badnik army as Tails flies into the battle, piloting the Tornado as he shot at some Badniks. Y/n also dispatches some Badniks before he opens up his helmet and looks up to see Infinite nearby, watching him.
Assembled, we are strong
Y/n closes his helmet over his face and leaps forward to Infinite, the jackal doing the same as the two prepared for battle.
Forever fight as one!
It's been a week since the fall of Enigma and things have gotten relatively back to normal. Eggman was back to his old ways and Infinite was allied with him once again, but he always seemed different when he and Y/n encountered each other. Maybe because they were technically brothers? Could be plausible. Y/n was also not allowed near any robot except for Shard for... reasons.
Said robot has also grown to enjoy his time at Knothole, and has even made some friends other than the Freedom Fighters. One of them was a young rabbit girl called Cream, along with her Chao friend called Cheese. Shard had also grown to have the habit of calling Y/n "Dad" for some reason. Y/n thought it was odd, but he doesn't mind it now. But the weird thing was that Shard even sometimes called Bunnie "Mom", which put Y/n and her in a very flustered situation.
Speaking of Bunnie, she and Y/n had grown closer to each other. Much closer. They spend a lot of time together and even go on almost ever mission together that they've been given from the past week. Y/n had also given her a nickname: Bun. He had always given his closest friends nicknames, so it was hightime Bunnie had gotten one.
At the moment, Y/n was in the Freedom Fighters gym as he was training with Tails. Well, more like he was training Tails. He had Tails try to hit him as he dodged, attempting to teach the young twin-tailed fox how to fight.
Y/n: "Come on, Tails. Your moves are way too predictable."
Tails: "Or you're just too fast! Maybe if you stop moving, I can--"
Tails throws a punch, but Y/n moves to the side and the young fox falls forward, landing face-first on the ground.
Tails: "Oof..."
Y/n grabbed Tails and sat him on his feet.
Y/n: "You good, Tails?"
Tails: "Yeah. I'm good. But... why did you suddenly feel the need to train me?"
Y/n: "Well, in my Zone, I had promised my Tails, Miles, that I'd teach him to fight. I wasn't able to since I came here, so I decided to teach you how to fight since... you know."
Tails: "Well, thanks, Cap. You have no idea how much this means to me."
Y/n: "No prob, Tails."
Y/n says with a smile and ruffles Tails' head, making the fox smile. Then NICOLE spoke to Y/n via comms.
NICOLE: "Captain Y/n, Sally requests your presence in the mission room."
Y/n: "On it, NICOLE. Be right there."
The Mission Room...
In the mission, Y/n and Tails are seen among their friends with Sally with them. She was telling everyone about their assigned missions for the day, giving them an arrangement of them. Knuckles, Tails, and Shard had been given the job to investigate strange occurances going on at Angel Island while the Chaotix would be going out for a patrol around the perimeter of Knothole. Finally, it was Y/n's turn for his assignment.
Sally: "Y/n, I want you to do some simple recon in Downunda."
Y/n: "What's up in Downunda?"
Y/n smiled at his little joke, but no one else seemed to catch it as Sally answered.
Sally: "Ever since that Titan Metal Sonic had wreaked havoc in that city, the people have been sent supplies for rebuilding and whatnot. But for the last two days, they haven't received any."
Y/n: "You think someone's taking the shipments?"
Sally: "Yes. I want you to investigate and report back once you find out what's going on. If it's something simple, handle it yourself. If not, report back here and we'll all go together."
Y/n: "Aye-aye, Sal."
Bunnie: "M-may Ah join Y/n in his mission, Sally-Girl?"
Everyone looked at Bunnie in slight shock.
Bunnie: *blushes* "A-Ah mean, it would be better with two sets a' eyes, no?"
Y/n: *smiles* "I don't see why not." *to Sally* "It's good if Bun comes along, right? Like she said, two sets of eyes are better than one."
Sally: "I don't see why not. Get ready everyone. You're all dismissed."
At that, everyone went their separate ways as they went to get ready for their missions.
When both were ready, Bunnie and Y/n made their way to The Crusader. The Crusader was the jet Eggman had lent to the Freedom Fighters and had let them keep it as a "memoir of their alliance". Of course, Tails and the others stripped it of anything Eggman could use to track their location or even be used to blow up Knothole from within. It also got a new paint job, being a mixture of black and red with some white, mainly because Y/n had used it more than the rest of the Freedom Fighters. He was the one who named it, after all.
Later, in the air, Y/n is seen piloting The Crusader while Bunnie was in the back. She and Y/n had some simple conversation during the two hours that they've been on The Crusader, but now it has been a bit silent between the two. Bunnie was twiddling her thumbs nervously as she was debating with herself whether or not she should ask Y/n out. She had grown to fall in love with him over the time they've known each other. But unknown to Bunnie, Y/n was debating in his head the same thing. He had also grown to fall in love with the cyborg rabbit girl and found her to be the most amazing girl he's probably ever met. But he never has had the guts so far to tell her and ask her out in fear of rejection. Well, partly rejection. It was mainly about the Mobius-Prime Antoine. Y/n didn't really know if Bunnie was ready to get into another relationship after Antoine died, but unknown to him, Bunnie wanted to start a new relationship... with Y/n.
However, after some debate in their heads, they both finally spoke up.
"Hey, Bun/Y/n."
Both the jackal and the rabbit looked at each other before laughing.
"You can go first."
They laughed again as they had spoke over each other again.
"No, you. No, I insist."
After some more talking over each other, Y/n finally insisted for Bunnie to go first which she accepted.
Bunnie: "So, N/n-surgah, Ah was wonderin' if ya wanted ta... hang out with me aftah this mission sometime."
Y/n: "But don't we hang out all the time? Not that I don't mind it. I was actually going to ask something similar."
Bunnie: "O-of course we do, but... y'know. Like a da--"
Alarms go off, cutting off Bunnie from what she was saying as Y/n went to check what was wrong. What he said after a few short moments made Bunnie go wide-eyed.
"Something's wrong! We're losing power!"
Bunnie: "What?!"
Y/n: "The engines are going down and so are we!"
The alarms blared as Y/n turned to Bunnie.
Y/n: "Buckle up! I'm doing an emergency landing!"
Bunnie listened as she strapped herself to her seat and braced herself for a rough landing. Y/n did his best to make the emergency landing as soft as possible, but in the end...
Y/n groaned as his eyes fluttered open and he shook his head. He sits up and looks around to see sand right outside the ship via the glass in his cockpit. He takes his seat belt off, with some effort, and stands up to see an unconscious Bunnie limp in her seat. The Knight of Akorn makes his way over to his crush and lightly pats her cheek.
Y/n: "Bun? Come on, Bunnie. Wake up."
Bunnie groans a bit before her eyes flutter open and she shakes her head before she looks up to see Y/n.
Bunnie: "Y/n...? Erg... what happened?"
Y/n: "The jet crashed. Come on. Let's get out of here."
Bunnie nods and tries to take her belt off, but it doesn't budge. Then Y/n stops her.
Y/n: "Let me."
Y/n raises his arm and activates his Ring Blade, using the energy saber to cut the belt and letting Bunnie free.
Bunnie: "Thanks, surgah."
Y/n nods with a smile and backs up so Bunnie could stand to her feet... only for her to almost fall to her face if Y/n hadn't caught her.
Y/n: "Whoa! You okay, m'lady?"
Bunnie: "A-Ah don't know. Ah can't move mah cybernetics..."
Bunnie says as she tries to move her legs or her arm, but nothing happens. Not even a small fidget. Y/n furrowed his brows as he hoisted Bunnie up, wrapping her arm around his shoulders to help her stand.
Y/n: "Whatever happened, it must've turned off your cybernetics along with The Crusader. Must be an EMP or something of the sort."
Y/n leads Bunnie out of the jet and looks around to see that they had landed on the beach of an island.
The jackal brings Bunnie over to a rock and sits her down.
Y/n: "You stay here. I'm gonna go see how much of our stuff still works."
Bunnie: "Where else could Ah go?"
Bunnie jokes, making Y/n smile before he heads back over to the jet to see what was left working.
Later, both the rabbit cyborg and the jackal soldier are seen sitting next to each other by an open fire Y/n had made. After looking through the jet, Y/n had discovered that the only electrical thing still working was a small radio that he had brought in case things got boring and wanted to listen to music. Y/n was a bit upset that the radio was the only thing working and wasn't even able to send Morse Code messages to Knothole to rescue him and Bunnie, but oh well.
Speaking of Bunnie, she had told Y/n that while he had searched the jet, she had switched her cybernetics from "advanced mode" to "manual mode". Basically, advanced mode was what Bunnie used to fire lasers and fly and whatnot while manual mode was just using her cybernetics as regular limbs. She mainly did this because manual mode was easier to use after her limbs had been cut off by an EMP... and that they would recharge faster than her weapons system and whatnot. Her limbs would be back in mostly working order by tomorrow, by what Bunnie told Y/n.
In front of the open fire, Y/n poked at it with a stick as he had his helmet sat to the side. Bunnie was leaning on him for support as she lied her head on his shoulder, not that Y/n minded it, of course. In fact, he liked being that close to Bunnie. Almost gave him enough courage to... kiss her. But he doesn't think now would be the right time for it.
Bunnie: "So, surgah, what are we gonna do until our friends find us?"
Y/n: "Survive, I guess. Can't be too hard, though. We have rations that'll last us a few days which is the length of time it'll take for them to realize we may need help."
Bunnie: "So... it's just gonna be you an' me fo' a few days, huh, N/n?"
Y/n: "I guess so. But I can think of worse situations to be in."
Bunnie: "Oh, yeah? Like what?"
Y/n: "Well, I could be alone here..." *smiles at Bunnie* "... without you. You make stranded here better."
Bunnie blushes at Y/n's words and seems flustered, but smiles nonetheless at her crush as she uses her organic arm to hug the jackal.
Bunnie: "Awwwww, thanks, surgah! Guess it would be way worse if Ah didn't have ya around ta keep me company as well."
Y/n: "I'm... glad to hear that, m'lady. You have no idea how much that means to hear, especially coming from you."
Bunnie smiles at this and rubs her head against Y/n's. The jackal returns the gesture with a similar smile, the two of them looking at each other as the fire crackled in front of them. And for that brief moment, looking in each other's eyes, both of their hearts skipped a beat. However, instead of taking their chance, the two lean away from each other with small blushes on their muzzles as they look back at the fire. Bunnie leaned her head on Y/n's shoulder again and Y/n wrapped his tail around the rabbit girl, the two of them enjoying the other's company.
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