Issue #1: Welcome To Mobius, Captain!
We begin this chapter where the last one left off on, with Eggman naming the new jewel he found "The Phantom Ruby. However, as he admired it, a sudden explosion grabs his attention as alarms blared.
Dr. Eggman: "What was that?"
Outside the lab Eggman was in, a large group consisting of only jackals were running through New Megaopolis as they destroyed any resistance in their way. In front of them was a jackal with similar looks to Y/n, but he had dual-colored eyes and a scar over his right eye. He held a curved and sharp red sword in his hand, presumably the leader of this group of jackals.
Jackal Leader: "Jackal Squad! Move in for the kill! Raid all that you can! All of that Eggman technology is sure to fetch a hefty bounty!"
The Jackal Squad listens to their leader as they rush forward and take down robot after robot. Eggman, now outside and in his Eggmobile, watches with anger as he holds the Phantom Ruby in his hand.
Dr. Eggman: "How dare they attack me! It's actually pretty bold of them, since this is my capital, BUT NO MATTER! I should've been building up my army instead of studying this rock!"
Eggman slams the Ruby on to his console in anger, only for it to shine brightly. Once the shine subsides and Eggman can see, he discovers that he's now surrounded by new batches of his Badniks.
Dr. Eggman: "What the...? Where did these...?" *smiles evilly* "That doesn't matter. Badniks... ATTACK!"
The Badniks rush forward for combat as the Jackal Squad leader dashes forward, cutting through them with his red sword.
Jackal Squad Leader: "Take care of the Badniks! I'll handle the fat man!"
Growing closer, the jackal leaps into the air to deliver a fatal swing from his sword. Eggman, without thinking and having no mech with him, holds out the Phantom Ruby in front of him as his only means of protection. When the jackal's sword makes contact with the gem, the Ruby glows and causes a new hallucination.
The world around the two was burnt to the ground and in ruins, completely destroyed by some unknown force.
Jackal Squad Leader: "What is this...?"
Confused, the jackal looks around to observe his new surroundings. However, Eggman only smiles before pushing the jackal off of his Eggmobile and sending the attacker to the ground with a laugh.
Dr. Eggman: "Now you are an interesting guy. I like you."
The mad scientist offers his hand for the jackal to take.
"How about I hire you to lead my forces? We'll take over the world!"
The jackal looked at Eggman's hand, a bit tempted to take the deal before one of his men behind him call out to him.
Jackal Squad Leader's Brother: "Brother! Don't be tempted by him. We'll be fine!"
The leader of the jackals looks behind him to see that his entire squad had been captured by Eggman's Badniks. If he didn't take the scientist's deal, would his team be okay?
But the jackal soon began to realize something after he saw that strange hallucination from the Ruby. He stands as he looks at his gloved hand.
Jackal Squad Leader: "Hahahaha! Interesting. All this time I've been going through the motions. I've actually grown quite tired of the world as it is."
The jackal smiles as he takes Eggman's hand, making the evil genius grin even wider than before.
Jackal Squad Leader: "Let's do it, Doctor! I'll help you change this world!"
The first scene shows the surface of the planet Möbius with invading ships in the sky. Y/n, in the distance, watches from afar before he closes his helmet over his face.
Our world's about to break
Tormented and attacked!
Y/n leaps forward with his shield out front, the scene transitioning to Mobius as Shadow The Hedgehog is seen looking over a cliff.
Lost from when we wake
Sonic is then seen as he speeds around Knothole.
With no way to go back!
Y/n latches his shield to his arm as he activates his Ring Blade.
I'm standing on my own
Y/n was then seen standing against a masked jackal with a Badnik army behind him...
But now I'm not alone!
... only for the Freedom Fighters to walk up behind Y/n as the knight raises his shield into the air.
"Freedom Fighters! Assemble!"
They all rush forward to attack as does the Badnik army and the masked jackal, the two clashing head-on.
Always we will fight as one
Till the battle's won!
Sonic speeds around the battlefield as the Chaotix and others take down more robots.
With evil on the run
We never come undone!
Knuckles lifts a giant Badnik over his head and tosses it at some smaller ones as Shadow uses his Chaos Powers to take down more Badniks.
Assemble, we are strong
Forever fight as one!
Sonic and other Freedom Fighters cut through the Badnik army as Tails flies into the battle, piloting the Tornado as he shot at some Badniks. Y/n also dispatches some Badniks before he opens up his helmet and looks up to see the masked jackal nearby, watching him.
Assembled, we are strong
Y/n closes his helmet over his face and leaps forward to the masked jackal, the jackal doing the same as the two prepared for battle.
Forever fight as one!
Meanwhile, in another location, Mobians are seen fighting against large dark-colored robots that seem to easily take the hits and fight back.
These were called Shadowbots, powerful creations of Dr. Eggman.
Shadowbot #1: "Give up. You cannot win!"
One says as it slams its giant foot on the ground, nearly crushing a Mobian.
Random Mobian: "WHOA!"
Nearby, a pink hedgehog with a giant hammer slams her hammer into one of the Shadowbot's legs and sends it toppling downward, only for it to get back up and nearly hit the hedgehog with its fist.
Pink Hedgehog: "That was close!"
A female chipmunk with red hair and wearing a blue jacket watches everything going on just before she narrowly dodges an attack from a Shadowbot.
Chipmunk: "This isn't good. We need to get out of here."
She turns to her fellow Mobians and cries out...
She stops when she hears a laser cannon charging. The chipmunk then turns to see a Shadowbot aiming a laser cannon at her and she goes to move, but before she could something slices the Badnik's head off, exposing its wires. The head falls to the ground, the body soon following as the robot shuts down.
Sally: "What in the...?"
Sally, along with the other Mobians, all catch sight of a disk-like object ricocheting off of trees and the Shadowbots, cutting a few down before the shield is caught by a figure with black, red, and white armor who lands on the ground in front of the chipmunk girl. His opens up his helmet and looks up at the girl, revealing his (E/C) eyes.
Y/n: "Hello there."
Y/n stands to his feet as he smiles at the girl.
Chipmunk: "Huh?'
Y/n: "Mind if I help out?"
Chipmunk: "N-not at all..."
Y/n nods and his helmet closes back down over his face, turning around to face the remaining Shadowbots. He clenches his fist and his Ring Blade ignites, creating a crimson blade that hums a bit. Then, in a blink of green, Y/n teleports in front of one of the Shadowbots and slices through the Badnik, making it split in half and fall to the ground.
As the Mobians watch in awe, Y/n moves out of the way of another attack which hits the ground instead of him. His uses his crimson saber to slice through the arm before he tosses his shield into the robot's face, cutting tight through it as it bounces off a few more bots and wrecking them.
Rabbit Mobian: "Who in the hay is that?"
A female rabbit asks the chipmunk as she walked up next to her.
Chipmunk: "I-I don't know."
Y/n swings his arm through the air and sends out green, spear-shaped energy blasts at some of the robots, taking them down. The pink hedgehog from before walks up to the bunny and chipmunk.
Pink Hedgehog: "He looks like some sort of knight, but none that I've ever seen before."
Suddenly, a Shadowbot falls down in front of them with a red echidna on top of it.
Red Echidna: "No time for spectating! We still have some stragglers! We need to take 'em out, Sally!"
The now named Sally nods with a determined face and turns to her fellow fighters.
Sally: "Everyone! Keep fighting! We need to keep these Shadowbots from reaching Knothole!"
Nodding, the Mobians spread out and help each other take down the last remaining Shadowbots. With Y/n's help, the machines stood no chance and they were all reduced to nothing but scrap metal.
Pink Hedgehog: "Woo-hoo! That was a close one. They almost got to Knothole this time."
Sally: "This is bad. If this keeps up, Eggman is gonna take us out eventually."
Someone clears their throat, making everyone else turn to see Y/n looking at them. He takes off his helmet to reveal his smile.
Y/n: "I believe I can help with that."
Sally: "You can?"
Y/n: *nods* "I can." *bows gracefully* "My name is Y/n L/n Akorn, prince of the Akorn Empire and Möbius."
Rabbit Mobian: "Hol' on, sugah. What are ya talkin' 'bout?"
Y/n: "What do you mean?"
Sally steps forward as she walks up to Y/n.
Sally: "I believe what my friend is trying to get to is, well, what do you mean? My name is Sally Acorn, princess of the Acorn Kingdom and Mobius. How come you have the same last name as me? And why did you call my kingdom an "empire"?"
Y/n: "I know well who you are, Sally. And the whole name thing? Well, it's a bit hard to explain."
Sally: "Try me."
Y/n: "Well, if you insist." *clears throat* "I, uh, come from another Zone, called Möbius, which is a bit like this place, which you call Mobius. But, to keep things from being confused, I guess I'll just call it "The Meta-Zone"."
Sally and the other Mobians raise a brow as they listen to Y/n.
Y/n: "In my Zone, your kingdom was turned into the Akorn Empire a couple hundred years ago by Karolus the Ambitious. I was adopted by Emperor Maximillian, who I call "Father"."
Sally and Friends: "EMPEROR?!'
Sally: "My father is an emperor where you come from?"
Y/n: "Well, yes. You're accepting that I'm from another Zone pretty easily."
Sally: "You aren't the first person we've encountered from another Zone."
Y/n: "Oh. Well, may I continue?"
Sally nods as her friends stand by her, also curious as to where Y/n came from.
"In my Zone, an alien race my people call the Overlanders invaded my world to try and conquer it. There has been a war for my home ever since I could remember."
Sally took on a solemn look as she feels like she was the same way, her life consisting of nothing but a effort for war.
Y/n: "My father needed a new weapon to fight against the Overlanders. He had the brightest minds create a "super-soldier serum" to make the first ever "Meta-Möbian"."
The red echidna steps forward.
Red Echidna: "And he is?"
Y/n: "Standing right in front of you."
The Mobians all stare at Y/n in slight interest as the jackal smiles.
Y/n: "Like I said before, my name is Y/n L/n Akorn. But everyone in my Zone called me Captain Möbius."
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