Issue #0: Genesis
"There has to be another way!"
"... CONTROL!"
A groan is heard as someone pushes themself to their feet. Once the figure stood to their feet, it was revealed that they wore black and red knight-like armor with white accents over their body. A round shield with a similar color scheme was attached to his back.
They shake their head and look around.
Unknown Knight: "Where am I?"
The knight's voice sounded male and a bit tired. He, however, got no answer as he looked around once more to see that he was in a forest of sorts. He then grabs his helmet and takes it off of his head, revealing his black fur, white muzzle and dreadlocks, ears, and his (E/C) eyes. This was Y/n L/n Akorn, young jackal prince of the Akorn Empire.
Y/n: "Where am I? This place doesn't look like Möbius."
Y/n slowly does a full 360° turn-around before looking up to the sky. The young jackal hums in thought before his right ear twitches a few times. He glances over to the right to see nothing at first, but when he narrowed his eyes he saw two blue glowing lines in the shadows of the forest. Soon more appeared as the figures that owned the glowing lines stepped out of the shadows to reveal themselves as...
... robots?!
Y/n: "What the...?"
Robot #1: "Freeze, Mobian!"
Robot #2: "In the name of Dr. Robotnik, you are under arrest!"
Y/n: "Dr. Who-Now?"
All seven of the robots raised their arms and turned them into small cannons, taking aim at Y/n who took a step back in surprise.
Y/n: "Okay. We're doing this."
All of the robots instantly opened fire at the prince who only flipped into the air and placed his helmet back on his head in midair. Then he spun around in midair and grabbed the shield from his back and threw it at the robots. It slammed into one robot and bounced off to smack into two others before it ricocheted back to Y/n who grabbed it just as he landed on the ground. He looks over at the remaining four robots, revealing the symbol belonging to his family in the center of it.
Y/n: "I don't know who you all belong to, but I don't like being shot at."
He thrusts his left arm to his side and a red ring bracelet on his wrist glows brightly before a bright red energy blade forms from it.
Robot #3: "Hostility recognized. New objective: eliminate threat."
Y/n: "You weren't trying to eliminate me earlier?"
The robots open fire again and Y/n blocks the bullets with his shield. He pushes forward and runs up to one of the robots before slicing it in half with his Ring Blade and then spinning around to throw his shield at one of the other robots. It ricochetes off and smacks into the one next to it before bouncing back to Y/n who catches it and spins around to immediately throw it at the last robot. The robot falls to the ground as the shield bounces back to the jackal who catches it and places it back on his arm.
Y/n: "Well, that was something. But what was it about?"
Y/n looks around again before snapping his head towards the sound of an explosion. He makes his way towards it, running through the forest before he comes to a cliff. He slowly down as he walks up to the edge, looking down below to see even more robots terrorizing a village of Mobians below.
(Imagine explosions in the distance)
Y/n: "More robots? But the Overlanders always attacked in person. They hated using robots to do their work for them. This isn't Möbius. So where am I?"
"We may be able to tell you."
Y/n jumped a bit as he spun around to see who spoke.
"Who said that?!"
"We did. We are the Ancient Walkers."
Y/n: "Ancient Walkers...? But how? The Overlanders killed you guys a year after the war started!"
"In your world, maybe, but we are very much alive in this one."
Y/n: "Anothed world? Ha! I knew it! ... why am I here?"
"In your world, Möbius, there is a Sonic The Hedgehog, yes?"
Y/n: "That is correct. Why?"
"This world has lost their's."
Y/n's eyes widened in shock as he took a double-take on what he heard.
Y/n: "Sonic... gone? How?"
"In a battle to fend off the Xorda, Sonic sacrificed himself to save his world from destruction. And that is why we brought you here to Mobius."
Y/n: "Explain further, please."
"It has been half a year since Sonic has disappeared, and the man known as Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik has taken over half of this world."
Y/n: "Robotnik? Those robots must've come from him, then!"
"Indeed. He wants to rule all of Mobius. And with Sonic gone, this world is left without a hero strong enough to help them win."
Y/n: "Okay. And the last thing I remember was..."
"... CONTROL!"
Y/n: "... thinking I sacrificed myself to save my world from a total takeover. But I'm here, so you all must've brought me here through Chaos Control."
"We did. And we hope you will accept our offer of becoming Mobius' new hero. If not, we can always return you to Möbius."
Y/n: "You kidding me? I'd love to help out!"
"Are you certain?"
Y/n: "Of course! I got these new powers to help people. This world may not be mine, but I can't turn away from someone in need."
"Well, then, thank you. This world needs all the help it can get."
Y/n: "It's no problem, Walkers. Now, where do I go?"
"You must head West to Knothole where the Freedom Fighters and the House of Acorn is housed."
Y/n: "H-House of Acorn? Father is here?"
"Yes, but he is not your father. Not in this world."
Y/n stayed silent for a moment before nodding.
Y/n: "R-right. Thank you, Walkers."
Y/n then turns around and places his shield on his back as he makes his way back into the forest.
"You are welcome, Y/n. And thank you, for helping us... Captain Möbius."
In an unknown location, a round man with an absolutely glorious mustache is seen in front of a computer.
This was Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik, and he was having trouble coming up with new robot designs.
Dr. Eggman: "Hmm... No, no, and NO!" *groans* "Why am I having such a hard time coming up with new robot designs lately?"
"Excuse me, Father."
Eggman turns to look up at a bigger computer which had turned green.
Dr. Eggman: "What is it, ADAM?"
ADAM: "The proximity sensors have picked up a strange energy signature right outside."
Raising a brow, Eggman grows curious and leaves the lab. He makes his way out of the building he was in and sees a strange purple gemstone lying on the ground nearby.
Dr. Eggman: "What in the world...?"
The mad genius walks up to it and leans over to pick it up. However, once he makes contact with it...
... it produces a strange glow and the area around Eggman starts to change and shift into one that he has only dreamed of.
Frightened, but in shock and awe, Eggman drops the strange new gemstone. However, this causes the world to return to normal.
Dr. Eggman: "Wait! No! BRING IT BACK!"
Eggman picks the gemstone up again and expected to see the world change again, but New Megaopolis remained the same as before. The evil scientist groans in dissapointment before looking down at the gem in his hand.
Dr. Eggman: "Somehow this mysterious gem caused that hallucination! That could be useful. Prepared to be researched, jewel!"
Short Timeskip...
After placing the new jewel inside a chamber and running tests on it, Eggman had found the results. But none that he wanted.
Dr. Eggman: "Bah! These results are all over the place for this... this thing. What do I even call you?"
Eggman was silent for a moment before he grew a smile as he traced his finger across the chamber's glass, smiling at the newly named jewel.
"I will call you... The Phantom Ruby."
I know this was a bit fast-paced for the first chapter, but I hope you all enjoyed anyway.
Big preesh to Qandlewique for helping me out with this, and I hope you continue to aid me in this story since a big part of Y/n's backstory came from you. You have great ideas, pal! And I hope you all enjoy this new story! Buh-bye!
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