Home (Part 1: The Blue Blur Returns!)
The first scene shows the surface of the planet Möbius with invading ships in the sky. Y/n, in the distance, watches from afar before he closes his helmet over his face.
Our world's about to break
Tormented and attacked!
Y/n leaps forward with his shield out front, the scene transitioning to Mobius as Shadow The Hedgehog is seen looking over a cliff.
Lost from when we wake
Sonic is then seen as he speeds around Knothole.
With no way to go back!
Y/n latches his shield to his arm as he activates his Ring Blade.
I'm standing on my own
Y/n was then seen standing against Infinite with a Badnik army behind him...
But now I'm not alone!
... only for the Freedom Fighters to walk up behind Y/n as the knight raises his shield into the air.
"Freedom Fighters! Assemble!"
They all rush forward to attack as does the Badnik army and Infinite, the two clashing head-on.
Always we will fight as one
Till the battle's won!
Sonic speeds around the battlefield as the Chaotix and others take down more robots.
With evil on the run
We never come undone!
Knuckles lifts a giant Badnik over his head and tosses it at some smaller ones as Shadow uses his Chaos Powers to take down more Badniks.
Assemble, we are strong
Forever fight as one!
Sonic and other Freedom Fighters cut through the Badnik army as Tails flies into the battle, piloting the Tornado as he shot at some Badniks. Y/n also dispatches some Badniks before he opens up his helmet and looks up to see Infinite nearby, watching him.
Assembled, we are strong
Y/n closes his helmet over his face and leaps forward to Infinite, the jackal doing the same as the two prepared for battle.
Forever fight as one!
Mobius. A world at war with a madman who used robots and machinery to take over the world. With the loss of Mobius' greatest defender, Sonic the Hedgehog, Dr. Eggman was free to take over Mobius and defeat the Freedom Fighters. That is until a new hero arrived.
He a hero was from another world that had no business in their war. Yet he decided to join and fight against the Eggman Empire. And the tides of battle began to chance. With Captain Möbius on their side, the Freedom Fighters started to win more than lose, and Eggman had taken no more than half of the planet. Even with Infinite by his side, a jackal that could manipulate reality with the Phantom Ruby, the two opposing sides found stalemate as no one rarely got the upper hand.
King Maximillian had used Captain Möbius as a way to boost morale for all of Mobius and the Freedom Fighters. Children pretended to be the knight and adults praised him. The hero had even found love in the Freedom Fighter Bunnie Rabbot.
But even with Captain Möbius, who was praised and basically worshipped by many, the battles raged on. Wins and losses tallied up against one another as it seemed the war would go on forever.
Well, that is until now...
A silver spaceship soars through the air at blazing speed. It then crashes into the forest floor, the force of impact making it drag through the dirt to create a trench. The ship soon slows to a stop and heaves before stopping in place. Then the cockpit opens up a white gloved hand grabs the edge, pulling out a blue hedgehog with green eyes.
He stepped out of the ship and looked around to see the forest and the sun. Wind blew by him and blew golden floeer petals towards him, and he catches one. Then he picks some plant from the ground.
Sonic: "I... I did it. I'm back... I'm back! Hahahaha!"
Sonic the Hedgehog, who was thought to be long dead, laughed as he basked in the sun. He then sped around, kissing the ground and hugging the nearby trees.
Sonic: "I can't believe it! And everything still looks the same! The green branches, the warm sun, the..."
Sonic notices something in the corner of of eye.
"... thick, black smoke?"
Sonic then panicked as he realized it was just beyond the trees in front of him. He quickly sped forward, running through the forest to see what was going on. When he made it to the source of the smoke, he was surprised to see Mobians fighting back against some giant dark-colored robots.
Sonic: "Whoa. What happened here?"
A scream catches Sonic's attention, making him turn to see someone being cornered by two SWAT-Bots. He brushes his thumb under his nose and speeds forward, Spin Attacking the Badnik and reducing it to scrap.
Sonic: "Man, if this is Robotnik's doing, he's lost his touch." *turns to Mobian* "You okay?"
Random Mobian: "I-I can't believe it..."
Sonic: "Hm? Can't believe what?"
An explosion makes the hedgehog turn to see robot parts flying back from a wall of fire and smoke. Out of it walks another robot designed after a black hedgehog with yellow highlights. His black visor made his crimson red eyes even more noticeable as his chest glowed with the gemstone in it, and his arm cannon had some smoke coming out of the barrel.
Shard: "Ha! Who's next?"
Sonic: "A Metal Sonic?"
Sonic questioned in shock before some gunfire rained on the former Metal Sonic. He blocks it with his arm before two Mobians in military gear ran in and shot at the SWAT-Bots attacking Shard. They get riddled with bullets and fall to the ground, and Sonic runs in to Spin Attack another robot and destroys it. When he lands, the two in gear couldn't believe what they saw.
Geoffrey: "There's no way..."
Hershey: "You're seeing this, too, right?"
Sonic catches their stares and raises a brow.
Sonic: "What? Do I got something on my face?"
The two weren't able to get a response out when a larger robot stepped out from the flames and aimed its large gun at them. Sonic gets ready to fight, as does Shard, only for a red blur to slice through the larger SWAT-Bot. It stands still for a moment before it creaks and its head drops to the ground. On top of it was a familiar jackal in knight armor.
Y/n: "Well, that handles that attack. Town secured, guys! Good job! Hey, Sonic."
Sonic raised a brow as he wondered who this guy in armor was. The Same jackal did a double-take and looked back at the Blue Blur.
Everyone now turns to the hedgehog, making him chuckle a bit as he rubbed the underside of his nose.
Sonic: "Yep! I'm home!"
Hershey and Geoffrey laughed in joy as they ran over to their old friend.
Hershey: *hugs Sonic* "You're alive!"
Geoffrey: "How'd you pull it off, mate?"
Sonic: "I'll fill you in later. Right now, can somebodu tell me what the heck is going on?"
Geoffrey: "After the threat of the alien Xorda had been dealt with, and all of Mobius thought you died, Dr. Robotnik went back on his promise of sharing the planet."
Hershey: "He declared war on the entire Kingdom of Acorn!"
Sonic: "War?! You've gotta be kidding me!"
Geoffrey: "We're not!"
Hershey: "Neither is Eggman, and he's amassed the atomic arsenal to prove it."
Geoffrey: "He tried to have us executed before we could warn Knothole."
"Then it looks like me and Shard got here just in time."
The three turn back to look at Y/n and Shard who was walking up to them. Sonic immediately got on the defensive when he saw Shard, but the two spies stopped him.
"Wait! They're friends."
Sonic: "Friends?"
Y/n: "Sorry. I guessed a lot changed since you've been gone. Heh. Everyone thought you died."
Shard: "We've got some explaining to do."
Shard states as his eyes and Eternity Emerald turn from red to green.
Sonic: "Uh, yeah. Like, who the heck are you two?"
Y/n lifted up his helmet as he steps forward.
Y/n: "This is Shard, an artificial intelligence that was made to help protect Mobius. Who just so happens to have taken the form of a Metal Sonic."
Shard: "'Sup?"
Sonic: "Uh... hi."
Y/n: "And I'm Y/n L/n-Akorn, aka Captain Möbius. I'm from another world, and I've been keeping an eye on things here while you've been... doing whatever you've been doing while we all thought you were dead."
Sonic: "Another world? Explains your name. Pleasure to meet you. I'm Sonic."
He offers a hand to the jackal.
Y/n: "Pleasure's all mine. Heard a lot about you."
The Knight of Akorn smiles as he takes Sonic's hand and shakes it.
Sonic: "Only good things, I hope."
(Art by Qandlewique)
Y/n: "Don't worry. I'm pretty sure that in any Zone, if there's a Sonic, he's a hero."
Sonic: "Well, I don't know about that, but it's nice to here."
Y/n nods and turns to the two spies.
Y/n: "Well, it looks like everything is settled here. Let's get going?"
Geoffrey: "Love to, mate, but we gotta help clean up here."
Y/n: "Right. I'll help."
Hershey: "No, we can handle this. You three get back to Knothole and tell the news to everyone else."
Shard: "Ya sure? You just got out of the mad-doc's clutches. Don't you wanna relax?"
Geoffrey: "Relaxation? For a Freedom Fighter? Crickey, I've never heard of such a thing, mate."
Hershey: "Go on. We've got it from here. You all get going."
Y/n: "If you say so. Shard, we're heading back to base."
Shard: "Right-o, Pops."
Sonic raised a brow at this, but before he could questions anything Y/n turned to him.
Y/n: "So... how fast are you exactly? Because the Sonic of my world was faster than anything you could think of. Even teleportation. Well, when he wanted to showoff."
Sonic: "Pssh! I can beat that, no sweat. Why? You wanna race?"
Y/n: "I wouldn't mind. Sonik was always faster than me, but I wanna see your speed."
Shard: "Speed? Please, I'd beat you both. Unlike you two, I don't have limited stamina."
Sonic: "Please. As if some guy in armor and a bucket of bolts can keep up with me."
Y/n chuckles as a glint appears in his eyes.
Y/n: "Please." *lowers helmet* "As if you can keep up."
Almost immediately, Y/n sped off into the woods with blazing speed. Sonic blinked in surprise and turned to Shard, only to see him gone as well.
Sonic: "Wha--? Hey! No fair!"
Sonic chased after the two, his speed turning his legs into a figure-eight as he dashed through the forest.
New Megaopolis...
In the capital of the Eggman Empire, the man himself shouted in anger and slammed his hands on his armrests.
Dr. Eggman: "Again?! M, what just happened?"
M: "I do not know, Father. It seemed all of our video footage has been stopped."
Dr. Eggman: "Grrrr! I bet it was that blasted mutt!"
Infinite, who was standing nearby, huffed out a breath in anger. He crosses his arms and turned away.
Dr. Eggman: "ADAM! You were in control of the SWAT-Bots. What happened?"
ADAM: "The entire phalanx was destroyed, Father. This was the last recorded image."
The screen in front of the mad doctor lit up and showed an image of Geoffrey, Hershey, and Sonic. Eggman felt like his heart was going to stop.
Dr. Eggman: "Oh, me. Deep breaths." *breaths in and out* "Oh, my. Remain calm." *breaths in and out* "Oh, dear. Not really working."
The man let out a yell of fear and anger that echoed throughout his entire capital. When he stopped, his "daughter" looked at him in confusion.
M: "Father...? Who is that blue hedgehog?"
Dr. Eggman: "His name is Sonic, M. After Captain Möbius, he's enemy a-numero-uno. A thorn in my side who's halted every step I've been made toward global domination."
Infinite: "Tch. He does not look frightening in the least."
Dr. Eggman: "You will be wise to hold your tongue, Infinite. Looks can be deceiving."
M: "Why are there no existing files on him?"
Dr. Eggman: "I deleted them! I thought he was dead. Done for. Yesterday's sushi. That those animals replaced him with that trash can lid-throwing dog. I was wrong. I hate being wrong, but make no mistake, M."
Robotnik scowls as he turns back to the image, his eyes narrowed at his mortal enemy.
"I hate that hedgehog even more."
The Great Forest...
In the large forest hiding Knothole, Sonic raced against Shard and Y/n with a grin on his face. He then spun around and began to run backwards with his hands behind his head, smirking at Y/n. The knight only scoffs before leaping into the air and acrobatically leaping and flipping from branch to branch, tree to tree, with his own speed. Shard just flew through the air with his own grin, weaving through the forest to avoid hitting any trees and knocking them down.
Sonic: *to Y/n* "You're pretty fast for someone in a hunk of armor!"
Y/n: "And you're pretty fast for someone who's supposed to be dead!"
Sonic: "Hahahaha!"
Shard smiled at this. He knew that his "father" was enjoying himself. Besides Shadow, who they rarely saw, he was the only one to give the jackal a good race. Now that Sonic was back, it gave Y/n another reason to push himself.
Shard: "Well, I think you both are too slow! I'm not even breaking a sweat!"
Y/n: "That's because you're made of metal!"
Shard laughs at this and moves around another tree. Sonic then stops when he sees Knothole.
Sonic: "What the--?! Knothole is completely different!"
Shard: "It is?"
It's about time to describe Knothole, yes? Knothole is a town of homes and structures lining the trees. Everything was built out of some kind of metal material.
Y/n: "I had no idea. It's been like this since I got here six months ago."
Sonic: *shocked* "Six... six months ago? What day is it?"
Shard: "Wednesday...?"
Sonic: "H-how long has it been since the we defeated the Xorda?"
Y/n: "A year, I believe. Why?"
Sonic looked around in shock before speaking again.
"I need to speak with the king ASAP."
Y/n: "Alright. I'll, uh, bring you there. Come on!"
Thanking Y/n, the blue hedgehog follows the jackal through the settlement. As they run through, the residents gawk and point at the blue and silver blurs. Back at the treeline, Shard stood there alone.
Shard: "... well, I guess I'll go see Mom."
Castle Acorn Gates...
Sonic and Y/n soon arrive at the gates of Castle Acorn. Stopping before the big wooden gates, Sonic calls out to the guards above.
The guards look down and smile when they see Y/n.
Guard #1: "Hey! It's Captain Möbius!"
Guard #2: "But... there's someone else with him. Who is he?"
Sonic: "Ten guesses!"
Guard: #1: "No way... Is that him?"
Guard #2: "Sure looks like it!"
Guard #1: "But it doesn't make sense! Should we let him in?"
Guard #2: "I mean... he's with the Captain. I don't see why not."
The two guards went to the cranks and wheels that open the gates. Once open, Sonic speeds through it. Y/n sighs and runs after him.
Castle Acorn...
Inside Castle Acorn, Knuckles was with the Chaotix as he was asking King Maximillian for something.
Knuckles: "If me, the Chaotix, and Cap infiltrate Angel Island just after midnight we can liberate it from Robotnik's forces by lunchtime, King Maximillian!"
Queen Alicia: "I'm sorry, Knuckles, but we have to deny your request at this time. Knothole City requires your presence a bit longer."
King Maximillian: "I'm in agreement with Queen Alicia, lad. We know that Robotnik's hatching a new plan up north in New Megaopolis. We just don't know what it is."
"Actually, we do."
Mighty: "Y/n? What're you--?"
The armadillo stops himself when he sees a familiar blue hedgehog walk into the room with the knight.
Julie-Su: "Knuckles... it's-it's..."
Knuckle: "Sonic the Hedgehog, Julie-Su. Sweet mother of Mobius, it's Sonic the Hedgehog."
Sonic: "'Sup?"
Sonic greets as he casually walks forward.
Mighty: "Great balls o' fire!"
Julie-Su: "This is amazing!"
Knuckles: "Well, sunnuvagun!"
The Chaotix run up to Sonic in joy. Their old friend was alive! Here in the flesh!
Knuckles: "Good to see ya, True Blue!"
Sonic: "Knux! Man, I heard you were dead!"
Sonic and Knuckles say as they high-five each other.
Knuckles: "I could say the same thing, pal!"
Sonic: "Ya got me there!"
The two give each other finger guns and Y/n smiles. He hasn't seen his new friends so happy in a while.
The hedgehog turns to see Maximillian and Alicia walking towards him.
Sonic: "King Max... Sire--You can walk!"
Y/n: 'He couldn't always walk?'
Sonic gets on his knees as the king approaches.
King Maximillian: "Yes, but how did you make it, my boy?"
Sonic: "I'm not sure. It's a tripped-out story, but I'm home safe and ready to serve the kingdom!"
King Maximillian: "Wonderful!" *to Y/n* "Captain, what did you mean about Robotnik earlier?"
Y/n: "Hershey and Geoffrey told us that he has atomics. And we have no idea how many missiles he has at his fingertips. It's too early to tell."
Knuckles: "Geez..."
King Maximillian: "I feared it would come to this."
Footsteps gets Sonic's attention and he turns to see...
Chuck: "Sonic?! Is it really you?! I thought the guards had lost their minds!"
Sonic: "Uncle Chuck?"
Sonic and his uncle both grow a smile as they run to embrace each other.
"Sonny boy!"
"Uncle Chuck!"
The two blue hedgehogs part with tears in their eyes.
Sonic: "How are you doin'?!"
Chuck: "How am I doing? How are you doing?"
Sonic: "Never felt better in my life. Where's Mom and Dad."
Chuck: "I'll send for them at once!"
Sonic: "Which brings me to my next big questions. Where's Sal?"
At the stone memorial for Sonic, Sally is seen reminiscing her times with the hedgehog. He places a hand on the gravestone and leans her forehead on it. A voice grabs her attention.
Y/n: "Sorry for the interruption, Sally, but there's someone here that I think you'd like to see."
Sally sits up and turns to her brother from another dimension, only for blue quills to catch her eye.
Sally: "Sonic...?"
Sonic: "Hey, Sally. Missed me?"
Tears form in the princess' eyes before a huge smile grows on her face.
Sally: "Sonic!"
She stands to her feet and runs at her boyfriend, hugging him as the two share a kiss. Y/n grows uncomfortable and turns away, weirded out by Sally kissing Sonic. He couldn't believe he would get uncomfortable about it in another Zone, but he still does.
He spotted something in the corner of his eye. The jackal turns to see photographers creeping up with their cameras. However, one heavy glare sent shivers down their backs and they scram in fear.
Y/n: "Hmph." *turns to Sonic and Sally* "Go on, you two. Have some privacy. I'll be with Bunnie if you need me."
Sally nods in appreciation as she wipes away a tear, and Y/n walks off to be with his girlfriend. Sonic and Sally then walk the other way, arms linked as the chipmunk still had tears in her eyes.
Sonic: "So, Sal, aren't you going to say you thought I was dead? Or ask how I survived?"
Sally: "No... I knew you'd come back to me, Sonic. It was only a matter of time."
Later, Sonic reunites with his old friends.
Sonic: "Tails! Amy!"
Tails flies at Sonic and tackles him into a hug. Rotor and Bunnie, who was accompanied by Y/n, ran up to the two.
Rotor: "Hey, buddy!"
Bunnie: "Howdy, Sugah-Hog!"
Sonic: "Hey, Rotor! Yo, Bunnie!"
Sonic laughs as Tails get off of him and Sonic goes to stand. A metal hand offers itself to Sonic and he looks up to see his father, Jules, with his mother, Bernadette.
Bernadette: "Oh, Jules! It's a miracle!"
Jules: "Need a hand, son?"
Sonic: "Put 'er there, Pop!"
Sonic grabs his father's hand and he gets pulled back up to his feet. He then gets hugged by his mother.
Bernadette: "Oh, Sonic, we've missed you so much!"
Sonic: "I missed you, too, Mom!"
He breaks the hug and turns to Bunnie. Antoine wasn't there beside her like usual, but was with Y/n instead. He grew curious as to why, but he only assumed that the two had broken up and Bunnie got with Y/n. So he waved it off and decided to ask later as to not ruin the mood in the atmosphere.
Command Center...
At the command center in Castle Acorn, Sonic was being shown the large tree in the center. It was covered in tech and monitors.
Sonic: "What. The heck. Is that?"
Rotor: "I call it the 'Technolo-Tree'. It's a transcommunications port with satellite uplink. We can interface to speak with anyone on the globe!"
The monitors suddenly come alive as a man in a suit appears on screen.
King Maximillian: "Good day, Mr. President."
The President (his ACTUAL name in the comics): "That's not what they're saying in Station Square, Max. GUN, our corporate military, is urging for a preemptive strike against New Megaopolis."
Queen Alicia: "Unacceptable. Thousands would perish."
Alicia says as she refers to the dozens of captured Mobian settlements near the Eggman Empire capital.
The President: "GUN is calling it 'collateral damage'."
Y/n: "Those are innocent lives. No way I'm letting that happen."
Sonic: "There's gotta be another way, and I'm all for finding it!"
The President: "Glad to have you back, Sonic, but you're seriously out of the loop. Robotnik's playing hardball. Maybe it's time we played--"
All of the screens suddenly show static as the communication was cut off. Everyone was confused before a familiar face replaced the static.
Dr. Eggman: "Salutations. I'm plain thrilled to see you alive and kicking, Sonic. Can't wait to see you dead and buried!"
Y/n: "Doctor.
Dr. Eggman: "Hello, mutt!"
Sonic: "Hmph. Whatever you have, you can bring it on, Robuttnik!"
Dr. Eggman: "Oh, I intend to, rodent. Observe the irradiated city of Robotropolis--safe inside the protective force field."
The image of a city surrounded in a bubble shows up on screen. Dozens of Badniks then appear to be marching towards it.
Dr. Eggman: "My robot horde is preparing to penetrate that barrier and release that radiation on your surrounding habitat."
Old Megaopolis Harbor...
In an expanse of water, a military ship is seen afloat. Eggman was on it with M nearby. Along with atomic missiles.
Dr. Eggman: "But, wait, it gets better! Right behind me, there are two atomic warhead missiles! One is aimed at Knothole City, the other is targeting Station Square. I call it Operation: Triple Threat! Can you tackle it?"
Back in Knothole, Sonic and Y/n both gulp at the same time. They've both fought in wars, but this was going to be something very difficult.
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