"Why did you come?" Maya opened her eyes, the darkness covered the figure, but the voice was well known. "What are you talking about, of course I will come" she shook her head and smiled. "He won't let us go,Persephone, you shouldn't have come" the figure insisted, sighing tiredly. "I don't care what he wants, Asteria" Maya answered calmly. "You're risking your life for someone who can't be saved, you could have stayed hidden for a very long time, maybe even he would never have found out you were alive" Asteria came a little closer and Maya finally made out her features .
Maya smiled. "I'm not abandoning my friends, Astria, it's time you realize you're not alone" Maya shook her head as Astria watched her quietly struggle with the handcuffs behind her back. "Is that why you have been suffering for three days, just to see me?" Asteria asked and Maya shook her head. "I didn't come to see you,Asteria, I came to take you with me" she smiled and Asteria cocked an eyebrow. "You know as well as I do that we can't just leave, right?" she asked sarcastically and Maya shrugged.
"I can and I will leave when I want" answered Maya and the clanking of metal on the stone floor broke the silence of the darkness. Maya rubbed her stiff wrists and stood up, and Asteria caught her with a drooping chin. "You could have walked away all along?!" she gasped in astonishment and Maya shrugged. "I can take a little pain, but I won't take the loss of another friend" she smiled. "Let's go" she took Asteria's hand and led her towards the door.
"It's full of guards outside, how are we going to get out?" Maya looked at her with raised eyebrows. "Where's Kang? If you're here, then he's not around, right?" Asteria shook her head and Maya nodded. "You will go ahead and I will follow you" answered Maya simply, as if this was exactly what she had planned. Asteria looked at her suspiciously, but nodded and walked forward, and Maya clung to the wall.
In fact, Maya's plan was simple and easy to implement without them having to do anything. Asteria was part of the devil dogs, she was a regular walker around so she wasn't suspicious and under the cover of her back, the two could easily reach the exit, taking out only the nearest guard without causing too much of a commotion.
After about an hour, stopping when someone eyed Asteria suspiciously, the two reached the garage. Asteria grabbed one of the keys hanging on the wall and unlocked one of the cars, getting into the driver's seat while Maya hid in the back seat. "I can't believe it worked!" Asteria muttered, starting the engine. "Sometimes the best course of action is the simplest possible" Maya smirked and sat back in the seat as Asteria drove the car to the double gates of Kang Lu's mansion and to their freedom.
As Asteria drove the car onto the main road, unnoticed by the gate guards, she handed Maya her gun in case any of the guards got too curious, but the car passed quietly under the blank stares of the four gate guards. "Do you have a phone?" Maya asked, hopping between the two front seats when the car was no longer in sight of the guards.
"Hello?" Taehyung let out a gasp when he picked up the unknown number on the third ring. "Is that how you mean to talk to me?" Maya replied in the same tone and heard him gasp on the other end of the line. "Maya, baby! Where are you, I'm coming to get you?" he gasped, and Maya imagined him already running for the door. "You're not going to do anything like that" Maya interrupted. "Pack up, grab whatever you need and leave the mansion, nothing too much, Kang is watching you" she looked askance at Asteria.
"Call Timon, tell him I'm coming home and that we'll be waiting in the garden, he'll give you the address" Taehyung grunted that he understood. "And Tae?" her voice dropped to a whisper. "I missed you" she could almost hear him smile. "I miss you too,baby" he replied before hanging up and Maya throwing the phone out the car window.
Taehyung forcefully shoved Maya into the first empty room after she and Asteria had arrived and Maya had introduced the new member to the group, explaining who she was and that she had been her informant for the past two years.
"You promised!" he screamed, his face flushed with anger, his eyes burning with unspoken malice, his lips forming a tight straight line, but underneath it all, Maya saw the pain and fear and closed her eyes, silently bracing herself for the storm that would inevitably take her away . "You promised and did it again, why?" he continued to shout as she calmly watched his anger grow with every second of her silence.
"Answer me, Maya!" he began pacing back and forth with clenched fists, refusing to even look at her again. "Why didn't you tell me, why didn't you let me help you, why did you let me think you were probably already dead, did you even think about me, about us?" she looked down and he stopped in front of her. "At least apologize, for God's sake!" he demanded and she raised her head, but there was no trace of regret in her eyes. "We both know that if I had told you, if I had told anyone, things wouldn't have turned out the way they did and now one of us would be dead" she explained quietly and he glared at her.
"You're kidding, right?" he was looking at her like she'd punched him in the gut. "Tell me you're kidding me?" she looked away again. "You really think I'd risk your life?" he asked hoarsely, but she didn't answer. "You think so..." he took a step back, shaking his head in disbelief. "I don't think so, you're just too....too protective and you would never let me do what I did" she answered, her gaze piercing him.
"Overprotective? Is that your excuse for not trusting me?" she shook her head and turned her back on him, taking a deep breath. "Maya" he turned her towards him and forced her to look at him. "I love you, yes, maybe I'm overprotective, maybe even sometimes overreacting, but that's because I don't want to and can't lose you!" Taehyung let go of her and ran a hand over his face, ruffling the hair on his forehead.
"I'm not..." Maya trailed off, searching for the right words. "I'm not just a girl you're in love with, Tae, I'm not and never will be ordinary. If you expect me to sit at home by the stove and watch our kids while you're out god knows where doing who knows what and wait and hope you come home safe, then you'd better say it now and let's get it over with." he frowned, gritting his teeth. "Say it and be done with it because, Kim Taehyung, this will never happen!" she looked at him insistently, but somehow meekly, telling him facts of which he was fully aware.
"If that was what I wanted, I wouldn't be with you,baby" he sighed and pulled her in, wrapping his arms around her waist, she buried her face in his neck and he placed his chin on her head. "I don't want you to change,baby, I want you to trust me more, I want you to discuss things like this with me" he kissed the top of her head. "We both know what the other is capable of, imagine what we can do as a couple" he gently pushed her away, cupping her face.
"I know I'm short-tempered, demanding when I know you're not used to depending on someone, but we're in this together, baby, and I can't go through a few more of these and if you have plans to save more any informant please tell me from now on?" she shook her head and he sighed, pulling her into his arms again. "Even after an incident like this, I still can't be mad at you for long" she smirked against his chest.
"I'm sorry Tae but you're going to have to get used to not always needing your help" Maya mumbled and he rolled his eyes. "Are you going to stroke my ego now, too?" he asked sullenly and she looked up at him, rising on tiptoe and peck his lips. "Needs to sharpen it up a bit" he raised an eyebrow. "Look who says it, yours is no less!" she laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck.
"Now how about you show me exactly how much you've missed me?" Maya asked playfully and Taehyung smirked. "What about your wounds?" he asked lasciviously and she shrugged. "A few bruises, when did they stop us?" she asked and was lifted and placed on the nearest sofa, too small for both of them.
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