"Kim fucking Taehyung" Taehyung rolled his eyes, continuing to dry his hair. "Just don't be dramatic, Jin hyung" Jin gasped indignantly, looking at him like he was going to strangle him in just a second. "Where the hell have you been for three whole days? We were already thinking about sending people to look for you!" Jin snapped and Taehyung shrugged. "And they'd probably find my naked ass between the legs of a sexually insatiable witch" Taehyung threw the towel on the bed rummaging through his closet.
"You were with that girl for three days?" suddenly Jin's voice turned into a disbelieving shriek and Taehyung glared at him. "Enough Jin, you're treating him like a teenager who broke his bedtime" Suga's voice sounded from the door. "Did you seriously spend three days with that bitch?" Yoongi asked and Taehyung nodded, turning back to his wardrobe. "I wouldn't call her that if I wanted to keep my balls" Taehyung took off some clean clothes and threw them next to the towel on the bed, then walked over to the desk on the opposite wall, sat on its edge and lit a cigarette.
"Don't you think you'll see her again?" Jin asked, sitting on his bed, leaning on his arms. "Definitely" Taehyung replied calmly and Suga snorted. "Well it won't be tonight, we have work to do" Jin huffed and Taehyung shrugged. "No problem, she's kicking me out for the day anyway" he grumbled and Suga burst out laughing, leaning against the door frame. "She kicked you?" he wiped away a few non-existent tears as he watched mockingly as Taehyung stubbed out his cigarette in the ashtray behind him.
"She's a bit temperamental," Taehyung explained, crossing his arms over his chest. "Aha, temperamental. Is that why you're all bruised?" Jin laughed and Taehyung smirked. "And territorial" he reached down and took another cigarette. "I heard that Tae is back..." Jimin entered the bedroom but stared at Taehyung in amazement before he could finish his thought. "Didn't you fight any leeches?" he asked, scanning Taehyung's neck, shoulders, and chest. "Tae has a girlfriend" Jin explained. "Temperamental girlfriend" Yoongi added. "Temperamental, territorial and sexually insatiable" Jin blurted out jokingly and Jimin raised an eyebrow.
"You're so funny" Taehyung snarled sarcastically "Seriously, it's funny, you look like a treasure map" Jimin shook his head and Taehyung nodded. "I know and she said so" Jimin almost choked. "She called you a treasure?" Jin asked rolling on the bed laughing. "Not exactly me" Taehyung smirked and Jin raised his eyebrows. "Wait a minute, who is she?" Jimin asked suddenly confused, realizing he had no idea why they were laughing at Taehyung. "Remember the girl at the club who shot her boyfriend with Tae's gun?" Yoongi asked and Jimin nodded.
"So the last three days, our Tae has been between her legs" Jimin's jaw dropped. "Nice bro!" he came closer and they both bumped their knuckles. "So, what's her name?" Jimin asked, ignoring the laughter of the two older men. "Maya" Taehyung smiled. "Will you see each other again?" Taehyung nodded. "Will you introduce us?" nodding again, Jimin made a proud face, like a father proud of his son's achievement. "Enough talk, we have work to do" they all turned to the door where Namjoon was just pushing Yoongi to enter.
Jin got out of bed and headed for the door. "It's all set, at least we'll be full this time" he patted Namjoon on the shoulder before he and Yoongi walked out. "Tae, I hope you had fun, are you ready for work?" Namjoon asked, looking at him quizzically. "Totally" Taehyung answered and waited for everyone to leave before getting dressed.
Taehyung quietly rounded the corner, only to find himself facing the muzzle of a gun. He froze, moving his gaze from the muzzle to the small figure holding the weapon. "Taehyung?" "Maya?" she took off her gun and mask. "What are you doing here?" they both asked at the same time, trying to be as quiet as possible. "Damn it!" he pulled her back around the corner he had just appeared from. "What are you doing here, baby?" he asked, wrapping his arms around her waist and looking around.
"I'm looking for a guy, how about you?" she looked back in his direction. "I'm looking to kill a man" the two stared at each other. "It's empty, isn't it?" he asked and she nodded. "Guys, it's empty, we're moving out!" he pressed his ear and Maya heard voices from his earpiece. "No wonder we got in so easily" Taehyung shook his head. "Will you come with me?" he asked and Maya thought about it. "I don't know...maybe I shouldn't" he squeezed her harder. "I want to introduce you to the boys,baby" she smiled. "Very sweet, Taehyung, but I'm really not sure I should..." he cut her off with a kiss.
"You don't have a choice, doll" his deep voice made her shiver, the dominant master note sending sweet waves up her spine. "Is someone trying to tell me what to do?" Maya raised an eyebrow and Taehyung lowered his eyebrows. "If you think you're going to do whatever you want while you're with me, you're wrong, baby" he hissed, the arm around her waist almost knocking her out. "Fuck you, handsome!" Maya huffed angrily and Taehyung smirked.
"With pleasure! Come on, they're waiting for us" she pulled back slightly. "No Tae, I have to get my car, how about I see you later or tomorrow?" Taehyung narrowed his eyes. "I don't like being rejected, Maya" he growled and she sighed. "Tae, I don't want to argue right now" Maya tried to calm him down, but she could feel her anger slowly awakening. "There's nothing to argue about, you're coming with me" he tried to pull her to him again, but she jumped back, looking around. "Taehyung, where are you?" Namjoon's voice sounded in his ear and he cursed.
Maya looked at her watch. "Look, send me your address, see you there?" she suggested and Taehyung nodded, pulling out his phone, hers signaling a message and she took a step towards him, peck his lips. "I'll be in the car in front of you, handsome" he raised an eyebrow, watching her disappear around the corner.
"What's taking you so long?" Namjoon asked as soon as Taehyung reached them. Before he could answer either, a sporty Lamborghini pulled up right in front of his feet, startling everyone. The car door opened and he raised an eyebrow. "I can't come" Maya stood next to him, nodding at Namjoon. "Doll..." Taehyung started warningly, but her phone rang and she cut him off again.
Maya looked at the name and cursed, taking a few steps back to take the call. "What is she doing here?" Namjoon asked. "She said she was looking for someone" Taehyung replied, watching her talk on the phone, pacing nervously back and forth like a caged animal. "Perhaps she is from one of the families?" Yoongi interjected and Taehyung shook his head. "If she was, she wouldn't be alone" he murmured.
"Tae, if your girlfriend is thinking of getting in our way..." he looked at Jin. "I don't think she even knew we were going to be here, we almost shot each other" all eyes turned to her again as she began cursing loudly, knocking the phone off the ground and stomping on it with her heel. She walked back to them and stood next to Taehyung. "If you're here, then you're looking for Kang Lu, why?" she asked icily and everyone gaped at her.
"What do you know about Kang Lu, baby?" Taehyung asked suspiciously and she ground her teeth. "Baby?" Jungkook gasped and Taehyung glared at him. "Too much, but not enough," Maya shook her head. "But now I can't explain" she turned and walked to her car. "Wait for me at the Blue Love cafe in two hours, obviously I can't find the address you gave me" without waiting for an answer, Maya sat in the driver's seat and drove off at a furious speed.
"Do you have a girlfriend, Tae?" Jungkook asked curiously, grinning his bunny smile. "What does she have to do with Kang Lu?" Hoseok asked, staring in the direction Maya's car disappeared. "I have no idea" Taehyung admitted, shaking his head. "First, I didn't expect to find her here and second, I didn't care who she knew and who she didn't" he shrugged. "You spent three days locked up with her and you haven't spoken?" Jin was already shaking with anger. "I've had better things to do, hyung!" Taehyung huffed, rolling his eyes.
Taehyung looked around the cafe thoughtfully, in fact the seven men were his only visitors at this hour and the silence between them was deafening, broken only by the soft music playing in the background. Behind the bar sat a young girl who watched them suspiciously, but apart from taking and bringing their order, she made no other attempt to contact them.
They had been waiting for Maya for almost three hours now, she was running late and they had all glared at Taehyung, who had convinced them to wait. "This is ridiculous, the girl won't show up" Jin suddenly shook his head and stood up. "Hyung!" Taehyung snorted and Jin gritted his teeth. "What hyung, she obviously lied to us!" Jin growled and Taehyung stood up belligerently. "I don't lie!" he turned his head sharply in the direction of the bar.
"Maya!" the girl behind the bar jumped up as if stung and supported the swaying Maya. Taehyung was the next to be next to her. "What happened?" he asked, wrapping one of her arms around his neck and she hung onto his arm as the barmaid's murderous gaze followed him intently. "I'm fine, I can walk." Maya sighed tiredly, trying to stand on her own two feet. "Su, we're going to the back, you clean up here" the girl nodded and Maya looked at the six who had stood up at their table.
Maya motioned for them to follow and they walked through the double doors to a kitchen. "Freezer Door" Taehyung carefully supported her, following her directions as the others followed behind. Maya opened the freezer and the cold wind hit them right in the face, she pointed to the bottom of the freezer. "Close the door" Maya called over her shoulder as she tried to move a box. Taehyung helped her and his eyebrows shot up in surprise at the secret lock behind the box.
Maya placed her hand on the sensor and with a slight creak another door opened in front of them that Taehyung hadn't noticed at all. The moment the door opened, Maya stood up like nothing was wrong and walked in front of Taehyung, he narrowed his eyes at the drops of blood running down her left hand, then looked over his shoulder, meeting the curious questioning looks of his friends and went after Maya.
Maya placed her hand on the sensor and with a slight creak another door opened in front of them that Taehyung hadn't noticed at all. The moment the door opened, Maya stood up like nothing was wrong and walked in front of Taehyung, he narrowed his eyes at the drops of blood running down her left hand, then looked over his shoulder, meeting the curious questioning looks of his friends and went after Maya.
"It was time..." a young man greeted them, but when he saw the group behind Maya, he fell silent and tensed. "Timo, it's Taehyung" he raised an eyebrow, eyeing Taehyung as if he were cattle for sale. "Ah, so that's your foal?" Timo smirked, crossing his arms over his chest. Taehyung also looked at him, he didn't like the familiar tone with which this Timo spoke to Maya, nor the soft look with which he looked at her.
"Foal?" Taehyung approached her, wrapping his arms around her waist possessively, defiantly watching Timo, who pursed his lips and looked at him ironically. "This one is the same as you, you two will come too much for me!" Timo huffed, shaking his head, then sat down in front of a table piled high with computers, completely ignoring the newcomers. "Where are we?" Namjoon asked before Taehyung could ask Maya what "the same as you" meant.
"In my home" Maya answered, breaking away from Taehyung's arms and turning to face everyone, sitting on the edge of a desk piled high with documents, weapons, and whatnot. "This doesn't look much like home to me" Jin looked around. The room was a sort of makeshift headquarters. On one side there was a long table piled high with computers, where Timo was sitting, clicking on several keyboards at the same time. On the other side there was something like part of a living room, a table, a couch and a few stools. Maya was sitting at a desk in the middle of the room, with three chairs around it, the rest were cupboards and shelves with God knows what on them.
"There's an apartment in the back," Maya explained, pointing to the wall behind her. "Okay, I know you have questions, am I listening?" sighed Maya, after giving them a few minutes to look around. "Who are you?" Yoongi asked directly. "Maya" replied simply with a shrug of Maya's shoulders. "What do you have in common with Kang Lu?" Hoseok asked the next question. "She is his greatest success and at the same time his most epic failure" Maya jumped to her feet and stood with her back to Taehyung, turning to an old lady who was looking at her with pity in her eyes. "Aunt Rin, why did you come down, you're still not well?" asked Maya, and after some hesitation, approached her and hugged her by the shoulders.
"Su told me you brought someone" the woman smiled lightly, patting Maya on the arm. "Is this the boy you told me about?" Taehyung bowed slightly. "So she told them about me" he thought, glancing at Timo out of the corner of his eye, he was still ignoring them. "Where's Cami?" Maya asked to change the subject. "Where you left her, with the children, she will come down in a little while" replied Aunt Rin with a small smile. "Children?" Taehyung narrowed his eyes.
"Aren't you here for them?" the old woman asked in surprise and Maya rolled her eyes. "Why would they be here for the kids, aunty?" the woman looked at her. "Maybe because you need help?" she snorted reproachfully and Maya threw her hands in the air. "I don't need help!" Aunt Rin huffed. "Not at all, I don't know why you don't just stand up to Kang Lu and let him kill you?" the old lady shook her head.
"You're being dramatic" Maya pouted. A small door to the right of the couch opened and a girl, roughly Maya's age as far as Taehyung could tell, walked in, heading straight for her. At this stage, Taehyung and the others just stood and watched Maya, the old woman, the new girl, and the quiet Timo. "Let me look" Maya took off her tight black jacket, leaving her tank top on, there was a wound on her left shoulder that was bleeding profusely. "Nothing serious" Maya muttered, looking apologetically at Taehyung.
"So, will you help her?" Aunt Rin asked, looking around at the seven men who were looking at the ground, confused by her question. "Aunt, I said I don't need help!" Maya raised her voice, pushing away the hands of the girl who was cleaning her wound. "Enough!" the old woman snapped at her and Maya clenched her fists, turning red with anger. "Don't give me that iron lady look at all, miss! Not only do you need help, you need a kick in the ass, and they look strong enough for both!" Aunt Rin pointed at the boys.
"Don't you dare!" Maya closed her mouth and pressed them into a straight line. "It's not weakness to admit you need help, Maya! Why don't you think about us for once? What about the kids? You're their only hope, but instead of staying and taking care of them, you risk Kang Lu finding out that you're alive!" Maya was already grinding her teeth. "That's my problem!" she hissed and the old lady shook her head. "Yes, everything is your problem, but this" she pointed to her injured shoulder. "It's our problem!" she stated angrily.
"Why don't you just leave me alone for a day?" Maya pushed the girl's hands away again, who was trying to finish her work on her wound. "Maybe it's because I love you and care about you? Because it hurts us all to see you destroy yourself by helping others but you can't help yourself? Because we're sick of hearing you scream when do you finally get to sleep or do we watch you overwork yourself, training to forget? Because we're horrified every time you pick up a weapon and go out? How long do you think you're going to last like this, anyway?" the old woman was already shouting.
"What do you expect me to do? Huh? Sit and watch the damn bastard continue to ruin children's lives and turn them into monsters like he did to me?" Maya asked in the same tone, towering over the elderly woman. "Or maybe you expect me to sit in a corner and mourn my lost childhood? Or no, maybe I should seek professional help? Tell someone how I got here? Try to forget by recounting the days and nights that was I tied up and tortured so that I would be numb and feel no pain during combat? Or how I was made to look into another child's eyes as I ended his life so that I would learn not to react to the death I was causing? Is that what you wanted to hear?" the old woman's eyes were full of tears, while Maya across from her could barely hold back from attacking her.
"Doesn't it make it easier for you to say it out loud?" Aunt Rin asked softly. "You can't swallow and suppress so much pain and hate forever, child," she sighed and turned her back on Maya, walking towards the door the other girl had entered through. "You already know my relationship with Kang Lu" Maya turned to Taehyung. He just stood there looking at her, she was a reflection of him but for different reasons. She was filled with anger and hatred and fighting against the cause of them she suppressed her pain instead of expressing it like any other woman would have done in her place and to be broken.
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