Rain (Mc x Kiro)
Youran's pov
The warm summer breeze blew through Kiro's messy blond hair as we chatted. He was sitting on the bench with one leg crossed over the other. I couldn't remember the last time we just hung out like this. He was always so busy, being an idol/ songwriter and all, but honestly, I liked it better when it was just the two of us.
This park wasn't very well-known, so not many people were here, plus, it was almost dark. I could still remember the amount of trouble we had to go through to "escape" Kiro's fans. We literally had to run all around town to lose them. They sure were persistent. But then again, who could resist him. His ocean blue eyes always dazzled under the spotlight, and that smile as bright as the sun itself. On stage he was like a shining star, radiant and brilliant.
"Miss Chips, what are you thinking about?" Kiro's voice dragged me out of my thoughts as I found myself gazing into his beautiful eyes.
My cheeks grew warm while I was remembering the concert. "N-Nothing," I stammered, turning away.
He cupped my face, forcing me to look at him. "Were you thinking about... me?" He asked with a playful smirk. "You know," he paused, letting go of my face, "I was looking at you most of the time I was singing." Kiro looked up at the sky. "But you kept turning your head away when I did," the idol pouted. "Maybe it was because... you were shy!"
"I-I wasn't!" I blurted out, waving my hands in the air. "I was just listening to the lyrics carefully!"
Kiro raised an eyebrow, looking at me suspiciously. "Sureeee." He didn't believe me.
The sky grew darker. Dark clouds soon filled the sky, covering the full moon. Great. Why does it have to rain now? Rain droplets landed on my face, and soon, more came.
"My apartment isn't that far away, we should hurry before it starts pouring." I suggested, getting up from my seat. A black jacket suddenly covered my head. I looked up only to see Kiro holding it over me.
"Don't worry, Kiro will protect you from the rain!" He said as if he was going to defeat some sort of furious monster. However, he was wearing short sleeves.
"You'll catch a cold, put your jacket on." I tried to push the jacket towards him but he wouldn't budge.
"I'm a man. I won't get sick," he said proudly. "Come on, we'd better go."
Gently, he grabbed my wrist and led me through the park. I couldn't help but focus on his wet hair and shimmering eyes. The rain seemed to brighten them up even more.
Suddenly, I felt my heal get caught on something, causing me to trip. Closing my eyes, I braced for impact. But instead of the wet pavement, a warm pair of arms wrapped themselves around me. I felt my feet leaving the ground.
"Kiro?" I looked up at him. The jacket was still over my head, and despite the rain pouring down, his arms were still as warm as ever.
"You're way too clumsy, Miss Chips," he chuckled and continued walking.
I leaned on his chest, his heartbeat was steady. The sound of the rain was very calming as well, and soon, my eyelids started to feel heavy as the world around me faded to black.
Kiro's pov
Youran's grip on my shirt loosened and her hand fell onto her stomach. I looked down at the sleeping girl. There were slight dark circles under her closed eyes. She must've been overworking herself again.
Since she was already asleep, I decided to walk to my place. It was raining, so I doubted any fans would be outside. I smiled to myself and held her tightly, making sure she wouldn't get wet.
Once I arrived at the building, I immediately set her down on the couch gently, putting a blanket over her. She wasn't too wet. Thank god the rain wasn't too heavy.
After I got changed into a pink hoodie and dried off my hair, I sat down next to her, a script in my hand for the shoot in a few days. My gaze was shifted onto her when she moved slightly.
Her eyebrows were furrowed and she let out a small groan. "Father..." That word escaped her frowning lips and I immediately knew she was having a nightmare.
Softly, I took her into my arms, stroking her soft hair. The girl's eyes fluttered open, looking up at me.
"Finally, you're awake." I smiled at her while she rubbed her tired eyes. "Now we can practice together." I waved the script in front of her.
I remembered the last time we rehearsed together. She stumbled over most of the lines at first but soon got the hang of saying them. The way she said them felt so genuine and real, some part of me wished it was as well...
Everything she did just had a way of making my heart flutter...
Youran's pov
I stared at the lines on the script Kiro gave me dumbfounded. It was another love scene, but this time, the boy was the one confessing his feelings. A part of me felt jealous of whoever was playing the female lead.
It was the story of a depressed boy and a dying girl with a pancreatic disease. The boy was a violinist with an overbearing mother, who passed away not long ago. And ever since her passing, the boy wasn't able to play anymore. (I swear if no one gets these references I will cry-)
"Let's start," the boy said enthusiastically, changing his expression to match the seriousness of the scene.
"I felt so hopeless before. My world was dull and every day was the same as the last. That was... before I met you." He read with sincerity. "Someone once told me that once a person meets "the one", the things they see, hear, and feel all change. Everything becomes full in color." He held my hands. "For me... that person was you..."
His blue eyes were fixed on mine. I could feel my heart beating loudly in my chest and warmth crept up on my cheeks. This all felt so real.
"Helloooo? Anyone home~?" Kiro waves his hand in front of me, pulling my from my fantasies. "It's your turn, you know?"
"O-Oh, sorry!" I apologized quickly. "It's just... your acting felt so real." I laughed awkwardly, trying to find where I was supposed to read from.
"What if... it was how I felt about you?" He looked to the side, a tint of pink on his cheeks.
"I..." I couldn't say anything. No, he must just be joking. He likes to trick me a lot... right? "Stop joking like this, Kiro." I ruffled his hair. It was still slightly wet.
His arms pulled me into his embrace. "I'm not kidding..." he mumbled. His playful tone was replaced with a more serious one. I tried pushing away from him to stop my face from going red, but he just held me tighter. "Please don't go. Staying like this with you feels nice."
His voice was extremely calming. I restart my head of his chest. The sound of rain filled the quiet room. Kiro's warm embrace made me feel safe.
"Were you really serious?" I asked, looking up at him. "About the confession?"
I shifted my gaze towards the ground, only to feel his soft lips on my forehead. "Does that answer your question?" He chuckled.
I gathered up my confidence and as fast as I could, I kissed him on the cheek, turning away right after. "M-My answer," I stuttered.
Both of our cheeks turned bright red. He rested his chin on my head. Our heartbeats synchronized with each other.
"Holding you like this... I feel so lucky..."
"I feel even more luckier..."
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