"Chapter 3: The Friendship is Magic - Part 3 (Final)
(I apologize if this chapter is a bit short, but I hope you enjoy it).
The 6 Mane were worried about what Sunshine was about to do against Princess Luna, although the after mentioned managed to understand Sunshine's reasons.
She was about to accept her fate, but not feeling any pain, she opened her eyes, seeing that Sunshine extended one of her hooves.
Sunshine: Do you need help, Your Highness?
She, somewhat confused, is helped to get up.
Princess Luna: Why-
Princess Celestia: I haven't seen you like this in a thousand years. It's time to put our differences behind us. We were meant to rule together, sis. Will you accept my friendship?
Princess Luna looked up and cried as she hugged Princess Celestia, which she lovingly returned and Princess Celestia also shed tears as she was reunited with her little sister.
Princess Luna: I'm so sorry! I missed you so much, big sister!
Princess Celestia: I missed you too!
The Mane 6 and Sunshine were moved by the reunion between sisters, but that moment was interrupted when Pinkie Pie began to cry profusely, while she had a handkerchief on her hooves. But her tears in an unknown way went away and she smiled again.
Pinkie Pie: *smiles* Oh wait, you know what we need, a party!
And as if it were a comic page, now they were in Ponyville celebrating the return of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.
But all this was observed by Twilight, who had a look of sadness, which Sunshine noticed.
Sunshine: Are you okay?
Twilight: *sighs* It's just that after I finally made friends with you and the others, I would have to go back to Canterlot and I want to spend more time with all of you.
This made the Las Mane 6 feel sad about the idea of parting until Sunshine had an idea, she proceeded to approach Celestia and whisper something to her that made her smile.
Princess Celestia: Spike, please take note.
Said dragon takes out a scroll and a quill and begins to write what Celestia says.
Princess Celestia: I, Princess Celestia, hereby decree that the unicorn Twilight Sparkle shall undertake a new mission for Equestria. She must continue to study the magic of friendship. She is to report to me her findings from her new home in Ponyville.
The Mane 6 smiled as they all smiled and hugged Twilight in joy that she doesn't have to go.
Twilight Sparkle: Oh, thank you, Princess Celestia! I will study harder than ever.
Princess Celestia: I guess it's not me you have to thank.
Twilight was confused at first but when she focused her gaze on Sunshine, the after mentioned just smiled while scratching the back of his head.
But to Sushine's surprise, Twilight gave her a hug as small tears fell from her eyes.
Twilight: *crying* Thank you, really thank you very much!
Sunshine: *hugs her* Hehe, calm down, that's what friends are for.
Everyone around them cheered Mane 7's friendship.
Pinkie Pie: Isn't that exciting? Are you excited because I'm excited? I've never been so excited, well, except for the moment I went *deep gasp*-
Applejack covered Pinkie Pie's mouth as she smiled.
Applejack: We get your point, sugar cube.
Pinkie Pie: Oh, well in that case. . . TO CELEBRATE!
The Mane 6 enjoyed the Summer Sun Celebration throughout the afternoon while eating delicious food, playing games with each other, and generally having a lot of fun. Soon, when night came, most of the citizens, including the Mane 6 and the Princesses, left.
The stallion was at home watching the moon with a melancholy look.
Sunshine kept looking at the night sky until someone approached her.
Princess Celestia: The last time I saw you, you were just a little foal. I always thought you would achieve great feats, and it seems that my vision of you was true, Sunshine Shimmer.
Sunshine: It's nice to see you again after a long time, your highness.
Sunshine hugged Celestia, who accepted the hug graciously.
Princess Celestia: Your sister would be proud to see the pony you've become.
Sunshine: *sad* Yes, she would be.
He turned his gaze to the starry sky.
Sunshine: Wherever she is, I just hope she's okay.
Princess Celestia: She was also someone important to me besides having been my previous student, and I know that at some point she will be able to return.
Sunshine: *smiling slightly* I know.
Chapter 3 Finished.
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