Princess Luna X Pegasus Female Reader (lemon)
Suggested by shriou
Ok this is my first lemon SOO... Don't judge too harshly and it's not gonna be REALLY intense.
You ran through the forest, timber wolves on your heels. You run as fast as you can, but you can hear the wolves gaining on you.
No, please no. I have a sister I have to look after. It can't end like this. It can't. You think, thinking about your filly sister back home.
Suddenly, you ran into a dead end. You looked up at the cliff above you, then at your broken wing. You cursed at the timer wolf who bit your wing so bad it broke.
You turned around, only to see timber solve growling at you. They step closer... And close your eyes, preparing for death.
Suddenly, something landed in front of you from the sky. The figure shot a beam out of its horn, making the wolves whimper. "You leave her alone you foul beasts!" The pony shouted, making them run away with their tails behind their legs.
You looked up at the pony who had saved you. You gasped, because it was Princess Luna.
...your crush.
"P-princess?" You say, trying to get up. But, your legs failed you and you flopped back onto the ground.
"(Y/n)! We need to get you to my castle, now!" Suddenly, she transport you both into the castle, with you in a bed. She trotted up to your wing, and touched it. You winced in pain.
"Th-they broke it, M'lady."
"Oh, don't be so formal. Call me Luna. And yes, I can see that." Princess Luma backed away and said, "Hold on, I'm going to try to heal it." Then, she shot blue Magic out of her horn and into your wing. You felt magic pour into your body, and you immediately are filled with energy.
A minute later, you looked back at your wing. Surprisingly, it was all the way healed! You flapped it, and it didn't hurt once. You grin and fly up into the air. "Thank you princess."
"Your very much welcome." She said. You started walking out the door, but she said something. "Where are you going?"
You turned and looked at her. "I need to go back home."
"Oh." Luna blushes. "Mind if we have... A little fun first?" She winks.
Your heart skips a beat. Did she mean what you think she means? "W-what?"
She looks at the floor. "I mean if you don't want to-"
"No! No." You take a deep breath. "I want to."
Luna smiles and climbs into the bed. "Then come here, cutie."
Blushing, you climb into the bed right beside her. Suddenly, she goes on top of you. "L-Luna!"
"Shh. Just let it happen." Then, she bent down and kissed you. You immediately kiss back. She pushes her tongue into your mouth, asking for access. You gladly let her in. You passionately kiss one another, her caressing your mane with her hoofs, you groaning with pleasure.
Luna then moves down, kissing your neck. Then, she licks you from your stomach to your neck. You blush and she laughs. She hugs you and you hug back. You smile.
Your about to start kissing her again when the door opens. "Luna, we need-"
Princess Celestia gasps.
Our eyes widen. "We've been spotted." Luna whispers to you, and you laugh.
"I'm just going to leave..." Celestia said, closing the door.
You both smile at each other when she's gone. "I love you (y/n)."
"I love you too Princess, you cute thing."
Hope ya liked it! See, I told you it wouldn't be TOO intense!
...and it was short. Sorry! :P
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