I stole a tag
Where were you three hours ago?
Cleaning my fish tanks.
Who are you in love with?
Is there anything pink within 100 feet of you?
First of all, do you realize how big 100 feet is, I'm in like a 15 by 20 foot area—secondly some of my books are pink.
When is the last time you went to the mall?
I haven't been to the indoor mall since pre-pandemic. I have been to the strip mall a few times for pet supplies, most recently in January.
Are you wearing socks right now?
No, it's too warm.
Does your family have a car with $2000 on it?
Have you been to the movie in the last five days?
The last time I went to the theater was to see A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood in December 2019.
Are you hot?
I am this hot:
And because I miss Rory:
It has now been A YEAR since I finished his run.
What was the last thing you had to drink?
A flavored sparkling water thing.
Do you wash your car or take it to the car wash?
We've done car wash runs in my day but mostly my dad has made us wash all the cars every Saturday religiously, interior vacuuming included, DON'T GET ME STARTED ON WHEN WE HAVE TO WAX THEM. Then my mom makes us vacuum and mop the whole house. And along with cleaning my fish tanks it takes up the entire morning.
Where were you this time last week?
Here, having a tutoring session. I have one now in an hour.
Did you buy any clothing items last week?
I haven't gotten new clothing items since Christmas.
Actually check that I got two pairs of black leggings last month and I'm living in them.
Last time you ran?
I don't really run unless necessity requires it.
Last sporting event you watched?
They're on TV all the time but the last one I paid attention to was the Super Bowl and I remember Tom Brady won but I don't remember his team rip
Favorite animal?
Number one is Mattie, number two is dogs, number three is horses (they took a top spot after I worked on a horse farm and really got to know them), number four is cats I know and like, number five is all farm animals, number six is pets like rabbits. I'm also into fish but I don't know where to put them.
Dream vacation?
Covid has made me not want to travel anymore because I lost all stamina to be away from home.
Last person's house you were in?
In the past 12 months the only house I've been in besides my own is the girls' who I used to nanny.
Worst injury you've ever had
The most recent started in October, the same day one of my fish tanks cracked and flooded my room and ruined a lot stuff I made as a kid. That same day I was vacuuming (it was a Saturday) and when I pulled the vacuum back it ripped my toenail off and I had to mop my blood off the floor. By Christmas/New Year's the nail had come back very ingrown. I was able to cut it out of my skin but despite me using epsom salts and triple antibiotic cream, the wound left behind grew infected. It became so infected my whole leg got tender and pain was shooting through it. I made a teledoc appointment and sent pictures through and got this really really really nice doctor in Missouri who called in antibiotics for the infection and said he recommended a podiatrist but if I really wanted to, I could save my toe myself. He told me what to do and by following every last word of his instructions I did indeed save my toe. I won't say it's back to normal because I'm still having to cut it and file it more than a normal healthy toe and it's still growing out to a normal length but I've prevented any more infection. That's the story of my worst recent injury because something so simple became a 5-month and counting ordeal.
Have you ever been in love?
The moment I first saw Mattie in person, I was overwhelmed with something I had never experienced before and did not expect. It didn't take even one single second for me to develop love for her. The second I laid eyes on her, what I felt is as strong as what I feel today, two years later. It completely crashed through me. It was like the birth of a child, I know probably not really but I don't know what else it could compare to. I just all of a sudden was given that love and that ability to do anything for her.
Secondly, there was a period while I was nannying the girls that their mom took on a second job, and she worked like 13 hours a day, and on Fridays she would go on date nights and I would be there from 6:30 AM to 9 PM. I would take the girls to school, pick them up (the younger one was two and only went to half-day preschool two days a week at this point and otherwise was with me), we'd do baths and dinner and oftentimes bedtime. The two-year-old started saying that I was her mom. Very abruptly and without realizing it, I had this very very very VERY strong instinct kick in, she was like my own baby and I wanted to do anything for her and be with her all the time. She was the first thing I thought about and she came first in my life. There was even a time when she developed a cold. Her mom got the doctor to call in antibiotics because she thought it was a sinus infection. My gut told me it was just a cold and that she didn't need the antibiotics. She ended up getting violently sick at her stomach and I took her to the doctor again and they basically said I was right, it had killed her good bacteria, and to stop taking them. After a few months, when their mom went back to just one job, whatever had kicked on inside of me naturally eased off, because her mom was back and she didn't need me as much anymore.
I do not experience sexual or romantic attraction but these are the two strongest instances of love I've ever felt in my life.
Do you miss anyone right now?
I miss the world before the pandemic, but that's all. I still have been seeing everyone because my "group" is very small.
Last play you saw?
We saw Mary Poppins in downtown Birmingham in July 2019.
Favorite color?
That blueish color that I always was on Among Us.
Do you have any plans for tonight?
I worked all morning and I have tutoring this afternoon so I want to do nothing tonight.
Who was the last person you sent a text to?
The mom of the girls I used to nanny.
Next trip you're going to take?
I haven't been on an overnight trip since November 2019 but we do day trips to hike and stuff so probably soon.
Have you ever gone to a camp?
Well okay. STORY TIME! I've been to two camps in my entire life. They were both day camps, both in the summer of 2003. Why did my parents put me in two camps this summer and never before or again? Who knows, who cares, it is irrelevant to the story.
CAMP NUMBER ONE: Five days of drama camp on the campus of the university where my dad was a faculty member. I turned seven on day five. I LOVED THIS CAMP SO MUCH. The theme was "fractured fairy tales" and each age group was in charge of rewriting a fairy tale however they wanted it. The group below us did Peter Rabbit. My group did Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. We all chose our characters and rewrote the story. There was Snow White, Happy, Dopey, Dopey, Dopey, and Batman. (I was one of the Dopeys.) The plot mostly revolved around Batman and the Batmobile saving Snow White and the four dwarves. We also painted the backdrop ourselves and it was chaotic and made no sense to the story. We went to the massive costuming department and could pick whatever we wanted to wear. My parents had said I wasn't allowed to wear a hat because if I brought home lice it would be expensive and a pain to treat the house. So I didn't get a hat, but I was the only one and I felt very left out (no one got lice by the way). I chose a rainbow cape to wear. We also went to the hair and makeup studio, and all sat at our own lit-up mirror and got our own stage makeup kits and it had a sponge with an amazing texture and I stimmed with it. We did our own makeup and I rubbed brown powder all over my face. The camp lasted all morning and afterwards we would eat our packed lunches and play outside. One day, one very outgoing girl pretended to be a witch living in a tree and we were all pretending to sneak up in her house and she would chase us out screaming. My parents arrived to pick me up and my four-year-old brother thought she was mean. On day four of the camp we watched Monsters, Inc. while the groups took turns painting backdrops and my parents got mad and said they weren't paying for us to watch a movie and I didn't see a problem and just wished I hadn't mentioned it. Day five was my birthday as I mentioned and I brought a little store-bought cake and the outgoing girl sang, "You're growing old, you have gray hair, you smell like a skunk and I don't care." We did our costumes and makeup that day and performed the play for our parents in the actual huge echoing theater and to this day it's literally the biggest stage I've ever performed on. I am so happy thinking about that camp.
CAMP NUMBER TWO: A few weeks later. Five days of music camp at my church. It was a megachurch, so I didn't know any of the kids at this camp, but I hadn't known any of the kids at theater camp, either. We played a lot of instruments like glockenspiels and recorders, for instance. At one point, our group leader read us When I Was Young in the Mountains for some reason. I was miserable and cried every day. I barely remember anything else, because I wasn't happy. Why did I hate this camp, and love the theater one so much? Was my group at the theater camp smaller and more relaxed? Did the theater camp give us more room for creativity and exploration? Were my leaders at the theater camp nicer? It could be anything. I'll never know.
The end. (I never went to sleepaway camp. I feel like I missed a vital experience and now I'll never get to write about it.)
Were you an honor roll student?
In college I always made the Dean's List. My brother made the freaking President's List one semester.
What do you want to know about your future?
Are my family and I healthy and happy?
Wearing perfume and cologne?
We don't do scents up in these parts
Are you due sometime this year for a doctor's appointment?
I have telehealth appointments to monitor how my meds are doing, and in October I'll get scans at the hospital on my eye.
Where is your best friend?
In Texas
How is your best friend?
I hope she's happy
Do you have a tan?
I tan pretty easily. Now that short sleeve weather is back I'm getting my regular farmer's tan.
What are you listening to right now?
The obnoxious hold music on tutor.com because I'm logged on right now.
Do you collect anything?
Only books for my kids who don't exist.
Last time you drove out of town?
I personally haven't driven outside city limits all year. I went with my family to another town two weeks ago.
Who is the biggest gossiper you know?
Someone who used to be my neighbor, I won't tell her personal things about myself for this reason.
Last time you got stopped or pulled over by a cop?
I'm scared of cops and the only time I got pulled over was in 2018. I had been to eat sushi with my friend. This was the first time I ever ate sushi. This was when my driving anxiety was really bad and I was in Hoover aka Hell. I stopped at Second & Charles on the way home. This was the first time I ever went to Second & Charles. I put on that unicorn head and took that selfie with a wall of manga books that exists somewhere on the internet. I was barely onto the road heading home when a cop had the audacity to pull me over into a Michael's parking lot. He said I'd made an illegal left turn out of Second & Charles. I was suspicious that I'd even done such a thing because I didn't see a sign. He got my license and ran a background check. While he did so, I was scrolling Instagram on my phone. When he came back over, he said I could go, but to update the insurance card in my car because I was carrying around the old one. It was my first and only time to be pulled over. He was nice about it. His last name was the same as my late great-grandmother. When I got home I googled him due to the shared name though I didn't think we were related because he was black and I found he'd been arrested a year prior for assaulting his wife. I wondered and have wondered since WHY THE FRICK HE WAS STILL ON THE POLICE FORCE. Months later I went back to check and there was obviously a no left-hand turn sign that I'd driven straight past without noticing.
Have you ever drunk pop from a straw?
I don't call it pop but yes of course I have.
What does your last text say?
It says, with no context, "And that's a good spot."
Do you like hot sauce?
I don't eat it normally but I liked it on jambalaya.
Last time you showered?
I used to almost always shower every night and now since the pandemic I have not missed one.
Do you need to do laundry?
I gather all the clothes in the house and put them away while my mom washes them. So basically I just do what she says and when.
What is your heritage?
Are you someone's best friend?
I know I'm Mattie's
Are you rich?
I live with my family who is pushing upper middle class thanks to social security but not quite there. I personally qualify for government health care if that tells you anything about my own situation.
What were you doing at 12 AM?
Sleeping with Mattie
I tag jcdwriter if she wants to and CelticWarriorQueen17 because she wanted to
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