Solid Lead
It's been eight weeks since we began our hunting trip. I still feel like I've forgotten something important. But Uncle Nik always makes sure I'm happy though. He even took me to Disney World when we were in Florida. Stefan is weird, he's always telling me to remember. I don't know what. Uncle Nik doesn't leave me alone with him often.
We're now in Tennessee. According to Uncle Nik, we're close to finding a pack of wolves. He wants to turn them into hybrids like him. He said it's so that he can protect me and our family better. He said once he had them he'd wake up mummy.
Right now we're visiting two girls. Pretending our car is broken down. I don't understand why we couldn't just ask them. But I trust my uncle. We saw a dog and Uncle Nik through a stick for it to chase. A young woman came out of the house calling the dogs name. She bends down to pick up one of his toys and we appear in front of her. Starling her.
"I'm so sorry. We didn't mean to scare you" Uncle Nik tells her.
"Can I help you both?" she asks us.
"My uncle's car broke down" I say pouting.
"Not broken down little one, just ran out of gas a couple miles back" Uncle Nik corrects me. "Eh I feel like we've been walking forever yours is the first house we come to so I was just hoping I could use your phone?" he asks the girl.
"Uncle's battery died" I tell her.
"Look, I promise I'm not a serial killer I just wanna use your phone" Uncle Nik tells her.
"Sure" she says with a sigh.
"So, we can come in?" Uncle Nik asks her.
"No, I'll get the phone and I'll bring it out to you" she tells him.
"I thought you country folks were supposed to be more trusting" Uncle Nik says annoyed.
"I'm from Florida" she tells him.
"We went to Disney World in Florida" I tell her excitedly. "Have you been?" I ask her.
"Went often as a kid" she tells me with a small smile. Uncle Nik grabs her throat looking her in the eyes.
"Now show me a little southern hospitality. Sweet pea" he says compelling her.
"You can come in" she says in a monotone.
"Wonderful, MJ please go tell Stefan I've been invited in. Then wait in the car like a good girl" he tells me.
"Yes uncle" I say with a smile. I leave them and head for the car. Where Stefan is sitting on the bonnet waiting. "Uncle Nik was invited in, he's waiting for you" I tell him.
"We can spare a few minutes" he states.
"No we can't, Uncle Nik promised we'd go see Marmaduke at the drive in. It starts in an hour and it'll take forty five minutes to get there" I tell him.
"Fine, but please MJ we really have to talk" he tells me.
"No we don't" I tell him and get into the car. He left. I grab my wolf plushie and hug it. Thinking about last nights dream. A baby was born at a lake house with five other people. Two kids and three adults. One of the women was holding a the baby while the man tended to a small boy's broken arm. It look like they were a family. They baby looked so happy. I feel like the dream meant something important, but can't figure out why.
"MJ" Uncle Nik says pulling me from my thoughts. He and Stefan had returned. "Are you ok?" he asks me concerned wiping tears away. I frown in confusion, I didn't know I was crying. Why would I e crying over a dream?
"Just thinking about a dream" I tell him. "I'm ok uncle" I assure him.
"Are you sure? What was the dream about?" he asks me.
"A family at a lake house, there was a new born baby. Two kids, one with a broken arm and the other a girl with dark brown hair. There were three adults, one appeared to be a doctor" I tell him. Stefan looks happy about my dream.
"It's just a dream" Uncle Nik tells me.
"Are we going to the drive in now?" I ask them.
"Yes, then going to a bar. Where you'll stay inside the car with your guard" he tells me. I nod my head. He and Stefan get into the front seats. Uncle Nik drives us to the drive in, the movie was great. Though the ending was a little scary. With Marmaduke nearly dying. But Phil saved him and he ended up dating Mazie. It was a happy ending.
(Time skip)
I'm so bored. My body guard left to go to the loo. So I decide to go to the bar and see my uncle. I leave the car and head for the bar. I enter it and Uncle Nik appears in front of me. "What are you doing here MJ?" he asks me.
"I'm hungry" I tell him pouting. He sighs and kneels down in front of me.
"Where's your body guard?" he asks me.
"She went to the loo" I tell him.
"Ok, what do you want to ate?" he asks me.
"Nuggets and chips" I answer. "Can I have a coke, please?" I ask him.
"Naughty girls who don't do as they're told don't get soft drinks" he tells me. I pout. "Now return to the car, Claudine will escort you" he states as a woman appears. "Don't leave her sight, Claudine send Penelope to me when you see her" he tells her. She nods her head and takes my hand. Taking me back to the car. Where a frantic Penelope is waiting.
"Penelope, Klaus wishes to speak to you" Claudine tells her. Penelope looks scared as she nods her head and left us. Soon a guy appears with my nuggets and chips. Along with a bottle of water. I ate in silence. Then did my teeth before falling asleep tired.
(Mystic Falls News Studio) Third Persons POV
Damon enters the studio looking for Andie. "Andie!" he calls playfully. He gets a call from Elena and speaks to her briefly before hanging up. "Stefan" he says as he enters Studio 3.
"Hello brother" Stefan says.
"You don't write, you don't call" Damon says.
"Need you to stop following me. Causing some problems" Stefan tells him.
"With who? Klaus? Are we supposed to care with he thinks? What's he done with MJ?" Damon asks him.
"What you're supposed to do is let us go, MJ is happy" Stefan tells him.
"How can she be happy? Her mother is dead and she's not with her family" Damon states. "He compelled her" he says in realization and Stefan nods his head. "Saw your latest artwork in Tennessee. Walking a fine line there my friend. Keep that up and there will be no saving you" he tells him. "What if MJ saw?" he asks.
"She never sees anything, Klaus makes sure of that" Stefan states. "MJ and I don't need saving, I want you to let us go" he tells Damon.
"Nah, I got a birthday girl at home that's not gonna let me do that" Damon tells him.
"You know, maybe I haven't made my point. Hey, Andie you still there?" Stefan asks. Andie is standing on a ledge up in the rafters scared.
"Damon? I can't move Damon. He told me that I can't move" she says scared.
"No, no, no, it's okay, Andie. Stay calm" Damon tells her. He glares at Stefan. "Not cool brother" he sneers.
"Aw, come on! A little bit cool" Stefan tells him. "Andie, you can move now!" he calls. Damon screams 'NO!'. But it was to late. Stefan restrains him as Andie falls to the ground and her neck cracks. "I said let us go" he tells Damon before leaving.
(Time skip)
Stefan exits the bar and walks outside into the parking lot. After a while he stops walking and stands still. He takes his phone to call someone. Elena picks up her ringing phone. "Hello? Hello? Stefan? Stefan, if this is you, you and MJ will be okay. I love you both Stefan. Tell MJ that, hold onto that. Never let that go" she tells him. Stefan stays quiet on the other end of the phone but nods tearfully. Before hanging up. He goes to the car to see MJ sound asleep. He vowed to get her home somehow.
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