MJ Remembers
It's been 3 weeks since we arrived in Denver. Life is great, Kol keeps telling me to remember. When I try, my head pounds. But a familiar plush wolf he gave me seems to sooth them. He says it's mine, but I don't remember it. But it makes me feel safe.
Anyway, Jeremy and I are at the batting cages again. Even with Kol's help, he still sucks. I giggle as he misses another ball as I hug my plush wolf. "There they are" I hear a familiar voice say. I turn to see Elena and Damon heading our way.
"Elena!" I squeal and run over. I hug her tightly and she returns it.
"Hi MJ" she says with a smile. "Hey Jer!" she calls and he looks at us. He smiles. He exits the cage and joins us.
"Elena? What's wrong?" he asks.
"Um" she says looking down at me. Damon holds out a twenty dollar bill to me.
"Go get yourself something from the bending machine kid" he tells me. I look at Elena and she nods her head in encouragement. I sigh taking the money and head to the bending machine around the corner. After thinking about it I settle on a bag of skittles.
As I wait for it. My eyes are covered. "Guess who?" a voice says.
"Kol!" I whine and he chuckles. Letting me see and I hug him. "Guess what?" I ask him.
"What?" he asks me curious.
"Elena has popped over for a surprise visit with Damon" I tell him.
"Really?" he asks intrigued. "I'd love to meet them" he states as he hands me my bag of skittles. I nod and gesture for him to follow me.
"Jeremy! Our friend is here!" I call as I round the corner.
"Damon, it's Kol!" Elena shouts in horror. I frown in confusion. "MJ!" she shouts as Kol passes me with a wooden bat. He hits Damon with him and I scream running over to Elena. Who holds me close.
"What are you doing?!" Jeremy demands.
"Jeremy, get back! He's an Original" Elena states. I get a flash of people and my head pounds. I groan in pain holding it.
"No hard feelings, mate. But we're not buds" Kol tells Jeremy. "Don't fight it MJ, let it in" he tells me as he grabs an aluminum bat.
"It hurts!" I cry.
"It won't if you let it in" he states. "You know, I'll never get use to aluminum. But hey, at least it won't break" he tells us. Kol swings to hit Damon with the bat, but Damon grabs it and with his other hand picks up half of the broken wooden bat and stabs Kol through the chest with it. Kol falls to the ground. I scream in horror and Jeremy picks me up as I hug my toy.
"Did you kill him?" Jeremy asks as he strokes my hair.
"No, but it'll give us a head start. Okay, come on" Damon states. He grabs Elena and we leave the batting cages. I try to relax and let whatever my head is trying to tell me through. But it's hard and hurts. But Kol promised the pain would stop once I remembered.
(Time skip)
We're in a motel and I feeling so tired. "If you're tired, you should sleep" Damon tells me.
"But I want to know what's going on" I whine.
"We'll tell you later" Elena tells me.
"No you won't" I say pouting.
"MJ, just go to sleep" Jeremy tells me.
"Fine" I agree reluctantly. I lay down on a bed hugging my plush wolf. I soon drift off.
Third Persons' POV
"She asleep?" Elena asks.
"Yes, by the way Jeremy. Who gave her the wolf?" Damon asks.
"Kol did, she takes it everywhere" he states.
"What do you need? Candles? Incense? Pottery wheel?" Damon asks as he closes the curtains.
"That's not how it works" Jeremy tells him.
"I know, I know. They push from the other side and you pull from this one" Damon states.
"Alright, you uh- you got a picture of her?" Jeremy asks him.
"Picture? What, a trip to Disneyland? Come on Rose, you're not gonna actually make us wait, are you? I know you're obsessed with me" Damon says cockily. Elena scoffs as she sits by Jeremy. Who is sitting on the bed opposite MJ's.
"All right, uh- tell me something about her" Jeremy tells him. Damon sighs and sits slowly on MJ's bed. So as not to wake her.
"Um, well she does this little thing with her tongue" he starts to say.
"Something that matters, Damon" Elena scolds him. "And please keep it PG with MJ here" she adds.
"She's asleep" he reminds her and she gives him a pointed look. "Ok, fine" he says and thinks. "She spent her last day in paradise. Soaking in the sun and reminiscing about what it means to be human. And when death came, she didn't fear it" he states. Jeremy sees a woman appear beside Damon.
"I was with her on her last day and she definitely wasn't in paradise" Elena states.
"It was in the dream he gave her. She's here" Jeremy states. Unknown to them all, while MJ sleeps she is starting to remember what she was compelled to forget. She subconsciously holds her wolf plush tighter.
"Is she lonely on the other side?" Elena asks.
"She says not to worry, she's happy" Jeremy states.
"Is she still hot?" Damon asks him and Elena gives him another look.
"She misses you" Jeremy tells him. "She uh- she misses both of you" he states. "She was sired by someone named Mary Porter" he adds.
"Uh, Scary Mary. Well, where is she, Rose?" Damon asks. Rose told Jeremy she'd find her and to sit tight.
(Time skip) MJ's POV
I wake up alone. I hear someone in the bathroom. I remember everything now, I can't believe they did this to me again. And made me leave town with Jeremy. I remember the card Kol gave me and take it out of my pocket. I dial the number on the motel phone.
"Who is this?" he asks sounding annoyed.
"Kol" I say quietly as I hear the toilet flush.
"MJ" he says.
"I remember" I tell him.
"Where are you?" he asks.
"A motel, I gotta go" I tell him and hung up as Jeremy appears. "Hey Jer, where are Elena and Damon?" I ask.
"Damon was calling Stefan and I think Elena went to get food" he states. And my tummy rumbles. He chuckles and looks at the air next to me. "I'll tell them, thanks" he says.
"Who are you talking to?" I ask confused.
"No one, I'm gonna go get the other two" he tells me. "Wait here" he says and leaves the room. I see the toy uncle Nik had given me. I hug it close, wishing I could see him and mummy. The others return and I could feel the awkwardness in the air as they packed.
We're going to Kansas apparently. Though none of them would tell me why. When we arrived they had me wait in the car with Jeremy. When Elena and Damon returned, we head back to Mystic Falls. Which means I'll see Uncle Nik and mummy again. But I can't let the others know that I have my memories back. Otherwise, they'll compel them away again.
Picture above of MJ's outfit.
Merry Christmas from South Australia, see you all in the new year.
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