So I was told to wait in the car. But ever since we got to Mystic Falls. My headaches have gotten worse and I keep getting flashes in my head. I wanted to hug my mum. So I got out of the car and head into the high school. Which is empty due to it being night time.
I walk around aimlessly until I hear voices from the gym. I head for the door and see mum holding someone. While Uncle Nik stands beside her with three other people. "Mummy" I say as she hands the boy to Uncle Nik. They all look at me and i hug my wolf plushie.
"MJ!" the three strangers shout. I step away and mum rushes over to me. Picking me up and I rest my head on her shoulder.
"I thought Nik told you to wait in the car" she says.
"My headache is worse mummy, I wanted a cuddle" I tell her.
"Shush, everything will be ok" she assures me stroking my hair.
"Remember little one, none of this would of happened if not for them and the Salvatores" uncle Nik tells me nodding to the other four. "I gave you a new better life, a mother and family. They haven't even cared that you've been gone" he states I frown in confusion.
"That's not true!" the brunette snaps. "We've looked for her everyday since you stole her from us" she states.
"What's she talking about Uncle Nik?" I ask confused.
"You've compelled her" the dark skinned girl states.
"MJ, try to remember. I'm your cousin, I gave you that necklace and Jeremy gave you the bracelet" the other girl tells me.
"No, mummy gave me the necklace" I say looking up at her.
"That's not your mother MJ, try to remember" the light haired boy begs. My head starts to hurt more. I groan tearing up as I grip it.
"Rebekah cover her ears and eyes" Uncle Nik says. Mummy does so as I frown in confusion. But just clutch onto mummy and my toy. Wishing the headaches would go away.
Third Person's POV
"I'm going to make this very simple...Every time I attempt to turn a werewolf into a vampire hybrid, they die during the transition. It's quite horrible, actually" Klaus tells the others. Once he was sure MJ couldn't hear.
He bites his wrist and makes Tyler drink his blood. He looks at Bonnie. "I need you to find a way to save my hybrids, Bonnie. And for Tyler's sake...You better hurry" he tells her. Before snapping Tyler's neck. Elena, Matt and Bonnie are shocked.
"There's a kid here man" Matt says.
"Who didn't hear or see a thing" Klaus states looking at MJ. "I've have shielded MJ from every evil thing Stefan and I have done all summer. Unlike you lot, who allowed her to watch Katerina threaten Caroline, hurt her and allowed her to be kidnapped" he states. They all avoid his eyes, knowing he's right.
"Now, if Bonnie's successful, he'll live through his transition. Go on, then. Go and fetch your grimoires and enchantments and what-not. I'll hold on to Elena...for safe-keeping" he states gripping her arm. Elena makes a sign to Bonnie and she leaves with Matt. Rebekah looks at Elena while keeping MJ's face hidden.
"So this is the latest doppelgänger. The original one was much prettier" she states.
"Enough, Rebekah. Take the wolf boy and MJ elsewhere, would you?" Klaus suggests. Rebekah drags Tyler away while carrying MJ.
Mummy and I are in a hall way. With two people unconscious. Mummy says they are sleeping. I feel like I've meet them before. But everytime I try to remember, my head bounds like crazy. "Mummy, how come these people look familiar?" I ask her.
"You were here with your uncle" she states as she plays around with a phone.
"But, it feels like more then that" I whine. "Everytime I try to remember where I know them from. My head starts throbbing, please tell me the truth mummy" I plead. Just then the blonde girl wakes up from her nap.
"We didn't have mobile telephones in my day. Would have made life a whole lot easier, I suppose" mum tells the girl. Who looks at us.
"MJ!" she exclaims and I frown. "So it's true, you were compelled" she says sadly. "Where's Tyler?" she asks mummy.
"Napping" mum says nodding to him.
"What did you do to him?" the blonde demands.
"Mummy did nothing" I tell her pouting.
"That's not your mother" she tells me.
"Why dos everyone keep saying that?" I ask confused. Mummy just continues to play with the phone.
"MJ, don't you remember when I used to baby sit you? We'd go shopping" the blonde tells me. My head hurts and I grip. "Don't fight it, your mind wants to remember" she tells me.
"Why is that doppelgänger bitch wearing my necklace?!" mum demands. The blonde girl says nothing. "Stay here MJ" she tells me before storming off.
"MJ, please remember us" the blonde tells me. "I'm Caroline, you'd call me..." she starts to say.
"Care-bear" I mutter as an image flashes through my mind. She smiles.
"See, you're remembering" she tells me. "Try to remember your real mother, your cousins" she tells me. "You look just like your mother, she took over guardian ship of your cousins after their parents died. Your cousins names are Elena and Jeremy Gilbert. Your mother was Jenna Sommers" she explains.
"What happened to them?" I ask her.
"Klaus tried to kill Elena and failed. But he killed your mother after turning her into a vampire" she tells me.
"No, he wouldn't" I say.
"Try and remember" she stresses. "It was your tenth birthday. You were at the Salvatore boarding house, when your mother got a call from Katherine. Pretending to e Elena" she tells me. I try to think of my birthday and my head starts bounding. I grip my hair. "Don't fight it MJ, embrace it. Remember" she tells me.
I relax and suddenly it feels like a tidal wave had been released in my head. And I remember everything. "Care" I say looking up at her with recognition.
"It's me MJ" she tells me smiling.
"My mum" I say tearing up and she pulls me into her arms. As I start to sob.
"Shush, everything will be ok. They won't take you from us again, you're home safe" she tells me. As Rebekah appears.
"Why are you holding my daughter?" she demands. "MJ, come here" she says holding her arms out to me. I grip onto Caroline tightly shaking my head. She looks at me hurt.
"She remembers now, you can't manipulate her anymore" Care tells her. Just then Tyler wakes up. He asks where he is and what happened.
"MJ" he says and Care hands me to him. I hug him and he hugs me.
"Tyler" Care says timidly.
"Don't be shy about it" Rebekah tells her.
"What's going on?" Tyler asks.
"Klaus is turning you into a vampire. A hybrid. You're in transition" Care tells him.
"Don't leave out the hard part, sweets. You'll only survive if your witch is successful. If not. You're pretty much dead" Rebekah states.
"How can you say that so causally with a child present?" Care demands taking me from Tyler. "You're going to be okay. Okay? It's going to be okay" she assures him.
"I wonder how she's doing" Rebekah says.
"Who?" I ask.
She doesn't answer and holds up the phone. Which showed a count down with two minutes left on it. "Tick tock goes the gym clock" she states. Soon Klaus appears and I bury my head into Care's just scared. "She's remembered" Rebekah tells him.
"We'll deal with that later" he states. "The verdict's in. The original witch says the doppelgänger should be dead" he adds. Is he talking about Elena?
"Does that mean we can kill her?" Rebekah asks.
"No, I'm fairly certain it means the opposite" he tells her. She wraps arms around Caroline and I. As Klaus approached Tyler. "Elena's blood. Drink it" he says offering Tyler a test tube.
"No! No, no, no, Tyler, don't!" Care protests.
"If he doesn't feed, he'll die anyway, love. Consider this an experiment" Klaus tells us. "It's okay" he tells Tyler and I. Tyler struggles but he finally drinks it. Tyler coughs, rolls over the desk, and falls to the floor, screaming and groaning and writhing. He holds his head and screams and his face finally changes. His eyes are yellow, he has fangs and veins under his eyes.
I gasp and bury my head into Care's shoulder. "Well, that's a good sign" Klaus states. "Now little one" he says and I look at him shyly. "You have a choice, you ca stay here with the people who let your mother die and you suffer. Or come with my sister and I, and start a new life. The choice is yours" he tells me.
"You killed my mum" I say tearing up.
"Only because Damon Salvatore, took Caroline and Tyler from me that night of the sacrifice. I wanted Elena to suffer, I knew using your mother would do that. But I also knew it'd hurt you, so I gave you a new life. I made you forget all the hurt they have allowed you to go through, gave you a mother and family that will never die. That will always put you first, no one else" he tells me. "You have until we leave to decide" he states before leaving with Rebekah.
"Are you ok Tyler?" Care asks.
"I feel great" he tells her smiling. "Lets go for a walk" he suggests. Care puts me down and I grab my wolf toy. We all go outside. I walk beside them as they talk. Ignoring them as I'm in deep thought. Right now all I want is to hug my cousins. But will I be safe with them?
Mum would want me safe and happy. I was happy wit Klaus and Rebekah, they kept me safe. Shielded me from the evil of this world, while the others failed too. But can I really be happy staying with the man who murdered my mother? Even though he did find me a new one. Why do I have to choose?
I hear Caroline laugh and look to see Tyler put her down smiling. Before he kisses her gently before pulling away. "This is going to be an amazing year" he states. For him maybe, but for me? What will happen to me? Will Elena become my guardian? Or will I be put into foster care?
"Lets get you home" Care tells me.
"But I want to see mum's grave" I tell her.
"You can do that tomorrow, right now it's way past your bed time" she tells me. She picks me up. "I'll see you tomorrow Tyler" she states before we left. We arrive home, to see no one there.
"What now?" I ask her.
"Well I'm not leaving you here alone" she states. "We'll pack bag and you can sleep at my place tonight" she tells me. I nod and we do so. Before going to her house. Where I fall asleep in her arms.
Picture above of Rebekah restraining Tyler and picture in chapter of MJ's outfit.
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