Compelled Again
(Eight Days ago) MJ's POV
I woke up and filled a back pack with some clothes. And my wolf plushie before leaving the house. As I wondered town I wish I had a phone to call mummy or uncle Nik. "You know, you shouldn't be out here alone little one" Uncle Nik says appearing in front of me.
"Uncle Nik!" I cry and launch myself into his arms. "I can't find mummy" I tell him.
"We'll find her, what else is bothering you little one?" he asks me.
"Damon had Mikael to forget mu connection to mummy. And for me to hate you. It wore off when you killed Mikael" I tell him. And he looks annoyed.
"Don't worry, they'll pay for trying to take you from us" he assures me. "But I need you to do something for me" he tells me.
"What?" I ask.
"Spy on the others. Stefan took the rest of our family, I want to see if you can find nay clues about their whereabouts. Along with your mother's whereabouts" he tells me. "Think you can do that?" he asks me and I nod my head. He took me home and left.
(Time skip to present)
It's been eight days and nothing, no clues. Uncle Nik got me a phone so that we could stay in contact. He's assured me that he's not upset that I haven't found any clues yet. He said he'd talk to Elena today in person. He assured me Elena and Jeremy wouldn't be hurt. He invited me over though later. Says he has a surprise for me.
I arrive at a mansion to see Klaus talking to Tyler. "Tyler, mate. What you are feeling is the remnant of a guilty conscience. I need you to get over it, okay? End of the day human life is just a means to an end. Our means to our end. You do well to remember that?" Klaus tells him. He then smiles a me. "There's my adorable niece" he says.
"Hi uncle Nik" I say. "You said you have a surprise" I state.
"I do, come" he says grabbing my hand and leading me out of the room. He leads me upstairs. "Close your eyes" he tells me and I do so. He leads me to a room. "Now open them" he says and I do so.
"Do you like it?" he asks me.
"I love it, whose is it?" I ask.
"Yours, wardrobe and bathroom through that archway" he says pointing to it. "Once we get your mother back and my coffins. We'll all leave here together and this will me your room" he explains.
"I can't wait, but I will get to see the other two right?" I ask him.
"Of course, they are your cousins" he states. "I won't make you choose between us" he assures me.
"When you get mummy back, will you wake her?" I ask him.
"Once I have the coffins, yes" he tells me. I nod my head. "Would you like a tour of the rest of your future home?" he asks me. I nod my head. He gives me a tour. He soon gets a call. "I gotta take this, return to the Gilbert house and I'll see you tomorrow" he tells me. I nod my head and left.
When I got home, it was empty and there was a blood stain on the porch. "Elena! Jeremy!" I shout scared as I ran inside.
"MJ!" Jeremy shouts and hugs me. "Where have you been?" he asks me.
"At the park with some friends, what happened?" I ask him.
"Nothing you need to worry about" he assures me. "I have to go get Alaric from hospital, want to come?" he asks me. I nod my head, not wanting to be around the blood stain. We go to the hospital and meet up with Alaric. Who tells us about his ring mishap. "So the ring brought you back to life, but it didn't heal you. Does that mean it's broken?" Jeremy asks him.
"But it's magic, how could it be broken?" I ask confused.
"I don't know. It's never happened like that before. I guess I have Damon's blood to thank for the fact that I'm still walking" Alaric tells us.
"He said to say you owe him a drink" Jeremy tells him.
"That's funny. I'd rather have head trauma. Hey, okay?" Alaric asks him concerned.
"MJ, cover your ears" Jeremy tells me. I do so and hum the lullaby mum used to sing me. I miss her and mummy so much. Soon Jeremy grabs my hand and we left.
"Can we see mum's grave?" I ask him. He nods his head and we go to the grave yard. "Hi mum" I say when we reach it. "I miss you so much, I hope you like my new mummy. She cares for me and loves me a lot. We make each other happy. I don't want you to feel like you're being replaced. Because you're not, you were my first mum and I'll forever me MJ Sommers. But I know you'd want me happy and safe. Well Mummy and her family do that for me" I tell her.
"MJ, I got a text from Elena. She wants us home" Jeremy tells me. I nod my head.
"Bye mum, I love you and I'll visit you again soon" I tell her. Before leaving with Jeremy. When we got home, I went to shower removing my necklace like I usually do. So it wouldn't get wet. I got out and put on fresh clothes. I go to my room to put my necklace on and I see Elena there holding it. "Hi Elena, how's you day been?" I ask her.
"Could be better" she tells me. "MJ, Damon's here and wants to have a chat with you" she tells me.
"Ok, give me my necklace and we can go talk to him" I tell her with smile. She smiles guiltily. "Elena?" I say confused. Suddenly I'm grabbed and made to face Damon looking him in the eyes.
"Don't move or scream" he tells me. I freeze as tears fill my eyes. Not again, please don't do this I plead with my eyes. He looks at Elena, who must nod because he looks into my eyes again. "Here's the thing MJ, you're gonna go out of town for a while- a long while. With Jeremy. You both are gonna stay with some nice family friends in Denver. You're gonna be at a new school, you'll make new friends, forget your connections to Klaus and his family. You're going to do whatever you want and be happy" he says compelling me. As I stop crying becoming confused.
"Tell her she's gonna leave Mystic Falls behind and never think twice about it" Alaric tells him. Damon looks at Elena, who must agree. He looks into my eyes again.
"You're gonna leave Mystic Falls behind and never think twice about it. You're gonna have a better life, MJ. Both you and Jeremy are" he tells me. I close my eyes and open them. To see no one in my room and my necklace around my neck. Jeremy appears in my door way.
"Hey, excited for Denver?" he asks me.
"Yes, it'll be a fresh start for a better life for both of us" I state with a smile.
"That it will be" he agrees. "We'll organize for everything to be moved and we'll leave in two weeks" he tells me.
"Ok, that gives me plenty of time to say goodbye to my school friends" I say with a bright smile. But I feel pain in my hear for some reason. He smiles back.
"Anyway, we're ordering pizza for dinner and were going to watch a movie. Any ideas?" he asks me. I shrug. "How about Harry Potter?" he suggests. "The first part of Deathly Hallows comes out in five and half weeks" he states. I nod my head and we go downstairs. Me not knowing, what they had done to me again.
Picture above of Klaus with Tyler and picture on the external link of the Mikaelson mansion. Picture in chapter of MJ's bedroom at Klaus Mansion.
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