HELOOOOO!!!!and welcome to my new one shots book. I just want to start off saying one of the reasons I am writing this is because I was inspired. My story, ' I will protect you' mithross story I started writing after I just couldn't find ANY MithRoss stories. At the time I could only find around two or three. They were,
'We'll be ok narwhal' by AmarisiDoesStuff
Mithzan x Ross one shots by DawnADHH and
MithRoss one shots by enderseye. I just want to say thank you to the three of you you have all been my biggest inspiration in this ship. Please go check them out, ( tho you may already have, they have like a crap ton of veiws and are very popular, also congrats to you guys! XD) anyway, I just wanted to say why I was creating this and that they are the ones who inspired me and made me smile when I woke up one morning and saw They had updated. Thank your for that.
Well anyway, I really hope you all like this and enjoy!
3rd POV
Rubbing his temples, Ross groaned quietly. He quickly shut off his mike and fell into a painful fit of coughing. He grabbed he bottle of water sitting on his desks and downed it quickly. The cool water felt good on his sore throat. He wiped his forehead as he felt the sweat begging to drip down it. He wasn't surprised when he forehead felt burning hot. He was just as hot, it felt like a sauna in his office. Though, he had turned the air conditioning up to full blast.
As he turned on his mike once again, he noticed his vision was begging to blur drastically. He tried to play as best he could but his eyelids felt heavy and he was having a hard time pressing the correct keys. His fingers slipped to the wrong keys and his mouse moved randomly, making his character move funny.
Though, no one seemed to notice. They continued to parkour through the map with ease. Not even bothering to ask why he was being surprisingly quiet. They continued to jump from block to block, laughing and yelling.
Their loud voices made a pounding sensation erupt inside Ross's head, making him whimper softly and hold his head. He didn't know how much more of this he could take. He felt like dying, well at least that's what it felt like.
" MAKE SURE TO SLAP THAT LIKE BUTTON!!" Adam screamed, making Ross close his eyes tight and begin to remove his headset. His memory was hazy and he couldn't even remember when they all had finished. Or when he had finished. Or was he teleported to the finish because he lost? He couldn't remember.
Everyone, Barney, Red, Adam, and Max, all said their outros and stopped he recordings. They didn't say much before ending the skype calls and Ross was all alone with his pain and thoughts.
He groaned as the pounding in his head increased and his body aches from the position. His stomach seemed to be doing flip flops and his head felt like a truck continued to run into it, from the inside out.
' I s-should get h-help.' He thought, wincing as he tried to stand. His legs felt like jello. He black spots began to grow inside and everything became blurt. He quickly reached out and grabbed onto the back of his desk chair, which in turn collapsed backwards under his weight. He didn't even have time to register what was happening before his body collided with the ground with a soft 'thud'. He whimpered softly as tears began to pool over.
Why had he let it get this far? It started as a simple cold four weeks ago and got worse over time. Every day it got worse and worse. But now, it went to far and he couldn't do anything about it now. Other than lie on the floor, sick and In pain.
" h-h-hel-help." His voice was just above a whisper, barely noticeable to the passing feet just outside his door. The thuds of the footsteps disappears, but soon more came.
" h-h-help!" His voice was louder and the steps outside his door stopped immediately. He couldn't help but feel over joyed as the door knob turned and it slowly opened.
" Ross?" A soft, familiar voice of his favorite ginger sounded through the room. As the door opens farther Max gasped as he saw Ross on the floor. Breathing heavy and sweating horribly.
" ROSS!" He shouted, by Ross's side in a single motion. " Ross hold on, I'm gonna get help." He spoke calmly to the brunette. Ross saw a blurry Max leaning over him before everything went black.
" Don't you dare leave me Ross, I love you." Was he last thing Ross heard before he was grabbed by the cold boney hands of unconsciousness.
__________________Time skip___________
The loud beeping of the heart monitor echoed around the hospital room. As Ross woke he was met with a blinding white light and the smell of antistatics. ( close as I could get with auto-correction) for the first time in four weeks, Ross didn't feel like utter shit. He felt kinda normal. His head still pounded slightly, but not as bad as it used to be.
Slowly, Ross forced his heaven eyes open and looked around. Max was asleep in the chair beside the bed, arms crossed over his chest and a scowl plastered on his face. He seemed to be asleep, semi-peacefully. Adam was leaning against the wall on the opposite side of the bed, he had his arms crossed and was frowning deeply, he too looked semi- peacefully asleep. Those seemed to be the only people in the room.
" M-m-max." Ross whispered, his voice hoarse and scratchy, like he hadn't spoken in a while. As soon as his words left his mouth, both Max and Adam were wide awake and both looked a mixture of happy and angry.
" Ross! You're awake!" Adam said excitedly. Grinned as he hugged Ross lightly. Ross laughed lightly and stared at Adam with a wide smile.
" h-hey, how long was I out for?" He asked, Adam handed him a small cup of water and began to explain.
" six days." He said, Ross choked on his water.
" Six days!?" He exclaimed, his voice back to normal. How the hell was he out for six days? He was only a little, exaggeration, sick.
" Yes six days. And you want to know why you were out for sick days?" Max growled. Making both Adam and Ross stare at him slightly scared.
" I'll... Leave you two alone to talk." Adam said, sweat dropping before he raced out of the room.
" Ross, the doctors didn't know if you were going to survive or not. They said it could have been easily treated, if you would have done something sooner, but no. You let it get worse and worse until it almost killed you!" Max yelled, his voice getting louder and louder every word that escaped him.
" Max, I'm- I'm sorry. I honestly thought I could handle it without help. And I'm sorry I worried you so much. I didn't mean to. I just... I just didn't want to seem like a bother." He whispered the last part, looking down at the sheets.
Max was surprised by his words. A bother? Was Ross a bother? NEVER. Ross couldn't ever be a bother, not to Max anyway. To max he was the sun that shine so bright and lit up his day, every single day. To max Ross was much more than just some guy he worked with. Or just a Friend.
To max,
Ross was his love.
" Ross," max cooed, climbing into the bed and pulling Ross up onto his lap. " you couldn't never be a bother. Not to me at least. Because, well because I love you." Ross's eyes widened at his words. Did he just say he loved him? Like love love?
" Max, I-I love you to!" Ross exclaimed, looking up and pressing his lips onto Max's. Max chuckled and wrapped his arms around Ross's waist and pulled him close, deepening the kiss.
Soon after that Ross was aloud to leave the hospital. The days to follow they told the office of their new found love and how they were going to be making a blog to tell the fans soon. All of the office workers loved the idea and so they helped. Their were haters, there always are and always will be. But Ross and Max didn't let them get to them. They just laughed at how stupid some of them sounded. They laughed how the fan girls seemed to out match the haters. It was quite entertaining.
In the years to follow, max asked Ross to marry him and he said Yes. The wedding was huge and many youtuber a arrived. Even pewdiepie and markiplier showed up.
Soon after that, Ross and Max decided to adopt a young boy named toboe ( if you know who that is I congratulate you, if you do post it in the comments please.) and they lived as a happy family. Forever and ever.
Even after death.
Ok that was it. Also please give me suggestions and tel me if you want me to make a toboe Max and Ross one shot. I'd be happy to. But anyway. Please go check the three people at the top of you haven't already and give them your support. See you in the next chapter my little readers.
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