You don't remember me?
Star Pov
I woke up alone in my giant bed and it was still night, I entered Marcos room and cuddled in him "Sleep well princess" he whispers as I fall into deep sleep, when I wake up he's not there and I call for him and no answer, I go to the bathroom to get ready and he's in there brushing his teeth "Morning Marco" I say happily and he just glares at me and leaves "Rude? Why shoot me glare?" He chuckles and looks at me up and down "You look good princess, you should show off more skin for me" he said pulling me close and I push away "What's the matter with you? You don't act this anymore?" He scuffs "What world are you living in? Me and you don't get along, are you dumb or something?" He just called me dumb? Where's my Marco? "Shut up you ignorant piece of turd! I'm not dumb, your my boyfriend? We have been dating almost a year and a half?" He made a confused face "Boyfriend? Please I would never date a preppy princess like you, keep dreaming doll" he walks out while he puts his beanie and I hold on the sink, what happened to Marco? He was fine last night? His memory must of got erased or something? I get ready and go downstairs where he's eating cereal and his mom looks at us confused "Did you kids have a fight? I hate when couples fight" "Mom me and princess aren't even dating, what's gotten into everyone this morning?" He got upset and stormed out the house "Star what's going on?" "I don't know, I have to find out, don't worry I'll have him back before you know it" I run up to him and he groans "What do you want princess? I told you me and you are never going to happen" I looked at his eyes but it was fine "You don't remember when I walked in the rain and you went to look for me?" He shakes his head "Nope, why would I go in the rain for you?" He walked by me and I tried remembering another memory he might remember "Look, see this scar?" He looks at it "How did you get that?" "My ex boyfriend digged his nails in it and made it bleed, you healed it for me, you were upset with me but forgave me" he raised an eyebrow "Why would I if we aren't that close" he said bluntly and continues walking "Diaz! Do you remember when you saved me from the blood moon dance? Me and your soul is bound for eternity!" He scuffs and comes close "One problem there, I don't dance like a princes should, and why would I save you and bind our souls together?" I had a tear running and I wiped quickly "You don't remember anything of all our adventures not even when we were fighting ludo?" "Who the heck is ludo?" He shoved his hands in his jeans and walks away, what happened last night? He was perfectly fine last night we talked and laughed and we were okay, what happened? I quickly get to school and I see him with his friends, and I walk by them and bumped into someone "Ouch" as I rub my head "Star, I'm sorry why are you alone, what happened to Diaz?" I look back and Marco glaring at Alex, that's right he gotten mad when Alex was around me "Oh..Um we aren't together anymore.." I say pretending to cry and Alex hugs me "It's okay, I can be here for you" I smile and then someone grabbed my waist and I look and its Marco "In your dreams Alex, she's mine move along" I smile and look at him "Marco you remember?" He looked confused "I have no clue why I did that..ugh I gotta go" he was there for a brief moment and all my happiness left my body and I walked into class and looked out the window of the classroom, how am I ever going to get my Marco back when he remembers brief moment we shared
I look in my bag and have my wand in there, maybe I could get his memory back no I might hurt him and that's the last thing I want..I put my head down and cried quietly, I was afraid of this ever happening, this was my fear that we go back at each others throats, I knew I couldn't do it, might as well get used to it again..after class I was a mess and I went to the bathroom and cleaned my face and as I was walking out I bumped into someone, I didn't really care I'm so sad that I don't even pay attention "What's up you princess?" I opened my eyes and it's Marco and I get up and hug him "I miss the old Marco" as a tear ran down my face, he was shocked and or surprised that I hugged him "Why are you hugging me?" I look up at him and he looks confused "we're ditching school, let's go" he was surprised "I washed off on you huh?" I nodded and we ran to the park and then I remembered the tree with our names "This way!" I still had his hand in mines and we make it to the tree with our names "Look you did this Diaz, when we were dating, and I touched it and made it pink, you said it was cool and I blushed" he blushed a little and touched the tree and ran over our names "I wrote this? Ugh my head!" He held his held and sat on the couch, he's probably remembering it "I remember, I left the house, you came looking for me and you didn't seem impressed but you touched it...I remember it" I smiled "What else do you remember?" He shrugs, I don't really know.." I saw the tree that I jumped off "I'm gonna jump you catch me" "What?! Are you insane?" I nodded and climbed the tree "Catch me" I jumped and he caught me and he kissed me "You remember that time" he nods and he held his head again and I stood there "It's slowly coming back.." he looked around and look right at me "Star, the girl that has been the pain in my butt but still stuck with me, you love me so much and wouldn't change me for the world. I liked your personality and I didn't care what who you were, we got close to the point we almost lost each other.." he fell to the ground and started to hit the ground and scream, he sounded in pain and when I fell to the ground with him he had black vile coming out of his mouth and I jumped back and he threw it up and the vile left and Marco was out of breath "How did I get so lucky" "I fell in your arms that day" he smiles and kissed me slow "I missed you Star" "I missed too Marco" I just wanted to know who gave him that vile "that black stuff was probably turning off the memories we shared, I wonder who did it?" Marco nodded and sat up and looked at the black stuff "At least I got it out of my system" I nodded and hugged him tight "I was so afraid, that we go back to that.." he held tighter "Never going back" I sigh and thought who would do that to him..
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