Stay With Me ☔
Marco Pov
I woke up to the sounds of rain hitting the roof, it was thanksgiving break and that means a whole week of no school, thank god for that in the school system..I get up from my bed and walk towards the bathroom and get ready and princess strolls in after and brushes her teeth "Morning princess, sleep well?" She looked at me and rolled her eyes "What? Are you upset I didn't help pick up the mess of pillows? I'm sorry I won't do that again I swear" she stay silent, wonder what's up "Hey, babe you okay? You aren't this quiet when I throw words at you?" She finished brushing her teeth and walked out without looking at me..what the heck did I do?
"Hey princess what gives?" She looked up and I noticed her eyes were red and puffy, like she's been crying and I immediately pull her close to me and she held tight "Its alright princess, let it out" she just cried, I wondered what happened "Want to talk about it?" She nodded and we went to her room " you get the feeling like we aren't going to last? Like at some point we will be at each other's throats and never go back to things?"
Where was this coming from "Sometimes, but I don't think like that, because I'll overreact to it and then everything I worked for was for nothing? No thanks.." I said holding her hand "Will we?" I nodded, I have faith in us, I know that we annoy each other and stuff but its cool when we talk it out "Yeah, I have faith, don't think like that okay?" She nodded and wiped her tears "Let's go get breakfast" I took her downstairs to the kitchen where I see my parents making breakfast for us "Morning kids, sleep well" I nodded and so did princess "Quiet aren't we? I wouldn't blame you its the weather making us gloomy" I stayed silent and princess did too and mom served us food and we ate in silence and I took glances at her and she smiled but for small amount of time
Star Pov
I stayed quiet the whole morning and so did Marco, I didn't want him to worry about me, I don't like it when he worries about me because he tries to help but sometimes he makes it worse some how "May I be excused?" Mrs Diaz nodded and I left the table and I made an umbrella and walked into the gloomy day and looked around "So peaceful yet dark" I sigh and decide to walk a bit to clear my mind, I guess its helping and I feel my cheeks getting cold by the chilly air, glad I wore my winter jacket the Diaz's bought me, they are so nice to me, this confuse me sometimes, because I care so much about them even Marco but when that dreadful day comes they will still care and I feel horrible for hurting their son the way they didn't want..
I was so deep in thought that my umbrella disappeared and I was getting soaked in the rain "Princess!" I turn and see Marco, he is soaked and his hair is on his face dripping with the rain water "Why did you leave? And your soaked? You can get sick in this kind of weather" I just gave him a blank stare not even processing what he just said "Star? Are you okay?' He came close and grabbed my arms and looked right at me "Marco..I'm sorry" I said trying not to tear up "For what?" All you could hear was our breathing the rain hitting the ground "For coming into your life.."
He shake his head "You coming into my life made me a better person! Without you I will be getting into more trouble, doing horrible things even worse..without you my heart would have never opened.." I blushed "I want you to stay" he said pulling me close to him "Why? I'm a mess and any little thing I hurt you in any way I could and we fight and then fix?" He sigh "Because..I'm a mess too" I looked at his brown eyes and looked at him "Not everyone is perfect, not even my parents, or my friends or anyone really, we all have flaws" I smiled a bit "So princess, we're not perfect, so what? As long as you love me and I love you, we're golden" I giggled
"How did I get lucky?" "Remember, you fell in my arms when we met" I blushed remembering that day, it was like a switch went off in both our minds that day "Want to recreate it?" I said and the rain eased up "Whatever to make you happy" I saw a near by tree and I climbed up "Ready?" "Ready" I jumped and he caught me "Thanks for catching me" he looked at me and kissed me "That's not how it went.." I said giggling "I know.." I smiled and kissed him again, I'm lucky I fell in arms that day, it had a meaning just I have no idea what?
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