So cruel..
Alex Pov
I walked casually towards them and gave them my nice smile "Hello..nice to meet you? I'm new around here" the girl looked suspicious and the boy looked like he saw a ghost "Same..why do you look like me?" He said rudely, hmm dad wasn't kidding when they are defensive
"I just want to know people I moved into town so I haven't really seen..anyone around my age, I cab just go" as I turn I heard the girl speak up "Wait! What's your name?" I smirked and turn around Alex Turner, who are you and your very pretty" the boy didn't seem happy that I called his girlfriend pretty "Star, star butterfly nice to meeting you"
I smiled and I looked at the boy I got my DNA from "What about you leather jacket?" He groans "Marco" as he pulls star closer to his side "I already have a girlfriend so you don't have to worry muscles, I would like to bring you guys over my house to see my parents well my dad if you like?" I hope the girl accepts
"I would love to, come on Marco this could help me relax from all the paranoia I've been having" he nods and they follow, perfect now when we get to the woods I put them to sleep "So Alex, tell us about your dad?" I pop out of my thoughts "My dad?" She nods and gives me a friendly smile "Um he's all I got..never knew my mother...he's always there for me I guess"
I said..what the heck is wrong with me? Why am I sharing my feelings "Aw sorry to hear that at least you have a dad that loves you" I nod and think of father..only showing me evil instead of kindness "Not trying to be rude but where the heck is your house?" We were in the woods and I almost forgot the plan
"We're getting close..just follow me" as we keep moving I noticed Luna in one of the trees with a dart gun ready to shoot and I was having second thoughts "I'm sorry.." I said quietly "For what?" As I turn I saw the darts hit their neck making them fall asleep
"Master will be so proud of you" I nod and look at Star, so sweet and nice and's probably from the boy he cares a lot about her "Yeah..I feel like this was a mistake, Luna what do I do?" Luna sigh "Bring them to him, I might have an idea" I nodded and carried star while Luna carried Marco, I never thought that one girl could make me change
Star Pov
I woke up tied up with chains on my wrist and I see Marco across from me "Marco! Marco wake up!" He stirs and opens his eyes and looks around "What..where are we?!" I shrug and we hear laughter "Your in my home..nice seeing you two again..and also for this" toffee held up my wand and I glare at him
"See Star we should have never trusted that Alex dude!" I sigh "Marco..I'm sorry I just wanted a new friend.." I had tears forming "My son..Alex isnt he wonderful, I got DNA from your friend" he said pointing at Marco "No wonder he looked like me..where is he so I can kick his-"
"Marco! Language please" toffee chuckles and I see Alex come from the darkness "Alex how could you?" He looked sad or he regretted it "I had no choice.." toffee smacked his face making him yelp in pain "Stupid clone..get out of my sight, I knew sending you was a waste of time"
Alex held his face and walked away, how can he say his father cared when he just smacked him " dad ever, I'm pretty sure that's not how you treat a kid..but your the parent" toffee smirked "It's my kid, I can do whatever I like to it" how cruel I have no words or even know how am I going to even get out without my wand..
Cliffhanger..sorry I know terrible
But hoped you enjoyed the chapter
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