Pillow Talk
Its been a couple weeks since then and Marco and I haven't really spent time together, I still felt like he was upset that I lied to him about seeing my ex, but at least I told him the truth afterwards "Marco, are you avoiding me?" He scuffs "Nope, why would I?" He said exercising "Because, you've been distant with me, is it because of that day? You can tell me you know" he stayed quiet and stop doing push ups "Wanna talk? Okay let's talk" he sat on his bed and I sat next to him
It was weird sitting next to him when he's in a bad mood "Princess, go on" he said kinda concerned "No, I want to hear that your upset with me..just tell me and I'll feel better" he sighed "Alright, I am upset, how could you just go to that ex of yours knowing I'll get mad after?" That's all I wanted to hear "Because I knew you wouldn't let me go alone, and you'll try to do something to him" "Yeah, I could've" he said crossing his arms "Are you feeling better getting that out your chest?" He smirked "Yeah, a little bit" I smirked "want me to make you feel better?" He looked at me and smiled "What are you going to do to make me feel better?" I kissed down his neck slow and softly and I could feel his body tense as I left the kisses "Whoa..princess slow down a bit" he pushed me a little and he was blushing red "Aw okay" he stood up and took a breath "Let's do something, crazy or what not?" I gave him a confused looked "Um..okay?" He grabbed my hand and went to my room "So, we are in my room? What are we doing?" He smiled and ran out and brought Damian "Hello princess Star" I held him and we gave each other weird and confused looks "What is my brother doing?" I shrugged "No idea, let's just watch and see"
I sat on my bed with Damian on my lap, and we watch Marco bring in time of pillows, which I don't understand "Marco? What are we doing?" "You'll see, and I need both of you to wear these" he handed us helmets and pads and pillows "What is this for? We could've had fun.." I said flirtously "No, I think this will be epic" he said still blushing, was he afraid to do anything with me? Or was I pushing the limit? I sigh and get suited up and I help Damian and he can barely move "I can't move" I giggle and look at Marco who isn't even suited up "Hey? What gives? Your not suited up?" "Because I'm the one in charge of this game, and I can't ruin my pretty face" I roll my eyes and push him "Your stupid, get suited up, because I don't feel good about hitting a small child" "Wait? I'm getting hit?" Damian said shocked "Fine..I'll get suited up" after a few minutes my room was covered in pillows and Marco was suited "This is the epic pillow fight ever!" I looked at Damian who had fear written on his face "Um, this doesn't look very safe" I said hiding Damian behind me "Oh come on princess, this is awesome to do, if Damian doesn't want to do it he can sit out and watch" that's exactly what he did "Now, its me and you princess" I shake my head annoyed that he doesn't want alone time, but if this is how we spend time together so be it
Marco Pov
I felt really bad that I didn't want to have fun with princess, but I'm not giving in to that so quickly, I have my standards on giving my cookie "Diaz, why are we pillow fighting? Are you scared to be alone with me?" I blush "No, please why would I be scared?" I said fluffling my pillow "Because, you stood up when I was-" I hit her before she finished "How rude! I was speaking to you, jerk!" I chuckled "Sorry, not really" I hit her again and she starts hitting back, we laugh and crack jokes that we get tired and lay on the floor filled with pillows, Damian fell asleep on the bed awhile back "I win princess, you lose" "No you didn't, I did fair and square" we laugh and I feel her hand and I look at her "Sorry" I said not even knowing why "For what goofball?" She sits up and takes the stuff on and I do too "For..getting scared..I guess I'm not ready or I'll just can't hold back.." She blushed and fixed herself "Hold back? Like you can't control your urges?" I nodded and blushed "Oh, okay I understand, back on mewni it was giving what the guy needs, sorry" I awkwardly chuckle "Its cool princess" I lean in kiss her softly and look at her "I forgive you"
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