° Change of Plans °
Star Pov
I calmed myself from blushing so much at how he's actually pretty cute even though he's a jerk "Star, we'll take you to the room your staying in" I nodded and followed them and all I could hear was music blasting from Marcos closed door "Why does he need to gave music to high?" I said softly but his parents still heard "Well, because he likes it and we can't really do anything because he'll get mad at us" I looked at them confused
"Doesn't he respect you both?" I asked and afraid of the answer "He respects us..anyway here's your room" I enter a room and its decent "Thank you for this really, sorry for asking you personal questions" they nodded and closed the door "Your so great with first impressions Star" I shake my head and say a spell and my room turns into my old room in mewni "What the heck was that?! What in the world? Nice room princess" I turn and see Marco in shorts and a tank top and gloves "Um..thanks I suppose, what are you doing in my room, haven't your parents told you to knock before entering a room? What if I was changing?"
He looked at me down and up "I wouldn't mind.." He said biting his bottom lip "Your gross, get out" I push him out and he's pretty heavy "Fine, I leave but I'll be popping in" he entered his room and closed the door and blasted the music again and I slammed my door and jumped on my bed "Ugh I hate him!" I yell in a pillow and remove it and there was a kid standing in front of me "Ahh! Um how did you enter my room?" He chuckles "Your really pretty, are you a real princess like my mom says?" I smile
"Yeah, I am, you must be Damian, I'm princess Star" he smiles and sits next to me and holds my hand "A pleasure to meet you" he kissed it and I aww at how adorable he was "Your so cute, why are you so nice like your parents but have a evil older brother?" He shrugs and sits on my lap "I don't know, but I know Marco was never bad, he was a good boy and did well in school at some point, now he's bad and hates me" I hug Damian "Aw you poor thing, I don't hate you and your so sweet" he giggles and we talk for hours..
Marco Pov
As I enter my room and turn back the music, I start thinking about the preppy girl, ugh why is she in my head? Think about Jackie! Yeah Jackie.. I get focus and start punching my punching bag and every hit I throw the bag loses sand, dang it "Dang! I need a new one" I walk to find some tape and I hear laughter, what could be funny to the princess? I open her door and see my brother and her jumping on her bed "What are you doing in my room you jerk?" She said harshly, I deserved that "Well I heard laughing, didn't know you laugh?" She blushed again and turned her head away from my direction
"Leave Marco I'm actually having fun!" Damian says and I scuff "Sure, and mom said to not be near older women because its dangerous" he stuck his tongue out and jumped off her bed "I'm sorry Star, tomorrow we can have fun" "Okay later Damian" he hugged her, that actually hurt me in some way, I don't know what though "Move your butt you big head!" He said trying to push me away from the door frame "Whatever" I moved and he ran off and She looked at me and walked up to me "Can't resist my charms huh princess" she groans and pushes me out and locks her door this time "Not in a million years Diaz!" She said on the other side, man this chick is something
I go get dress and go hang with Janna, she's been my best friend for years now and she texted me that she had something to tell me..I head towards our hang out at the park she's up in a tree and oskar on the ground with his piano guitar "Hey guys, so Janna what did you need to tell me?" She jumped off the tree and came close and fixed my beanie "Alright, Jackie asked if you want to go on a date tomorrow after school" I gave her a look "You being honest?"
"Yes dude, I am!" "I ain't buying it dork" she rolls her eyes "Look here idiot" she shows me the messages and it was for real "Oh so its really happening, like for real?" "Yes you dummy, so is it a yes or no?" I was speechless like its been Years I've been chasing after Jackie and now the day has come "Its whatever... I guess" "Stop acting like, whatever genius its your dream girl" Janna was right, she was "Okay chill, just this seems weird" "Nah..totally normal" I had funny feeling in my stomach...
Star Pov
I take out my braids and start to brush them evenly and start singing a melody my mother used to sing to me "I feel so alone here, and there's this jerk that's always hitting on me, ugh why is this happening to me" as I put my brush on my mirror I hear a knock and I go answer it "What do you want?" It was Marco , how can a boy look cute but act so incredibly rude "I heard you sing, you have a nice voice didn't know you since princess" I crossed my arms and groan "Yeah, I only sing when I feel alone, I wouldn't be if you were kind to me in the first place" he looked anger but not at me "Sorry...I guess and you look pretty with your hair down, night princess" he walked to his room and closed his door, I did the same and played with my hair, he called me pretty? And he said..sorry? This is weird?
The next day I got up early for school and I met his parents and they made breakfast "Good morning star how did you sleep?" I smiled "Good, how about you both?" "Good, well me and my husband are off to work so bye star, love you Damian, and please wake up Marco" "Love you too, and will do" she pinched his chubby cheeks and I giggled "Waking up Marco is awesome, come on follow me" I nodded and followed and he pulled out a picture "Who is that?" I asked pointing at a beautiful girl "Oh, this is Marco's crush, Jackie Lee Thomas, the hottest girl in his school, and then there's Brittany"
I nodded and watched "Marco wake up, its me Jackie... I don't want you to be late babe" I covered my mouth so I wouldn't laugh too hard "Jackie, I wouldn't be late...not for you babe.." As Damian pinched his arm he woke up screaming "What the heck?! Get out my room you pest! You've brought princess in here too?," he said rubbing his eyes, man I never knew he was ripped and I quickly move from the door frame "Star where you going?" I stop at the stairs and look at Damian "Um..I need air and I'm getting to school, later" I kiss his forehead and walk quickly to the school but not soon enough "Hey..slow down princess, where you heading?" Marco said as he fixes his chocolate brown hair and cover it with his beanie "School, where else genius?" He chuckles "I like your sarcasm, it fits you well..come on first class is this way"
I gave him a glare and crossed my arms and followed in annoyance "This is our room, our first class, you can sit in the front because, I don't know you seem to learn?" Ugh he's a pest "I'm sitting in the back with my crew, so don't wait up for me" he smiled at me "Please, as if I would wait for you.." "Ouch gotta get ice on that burn" he touched my face and I smacked him "Dude hitting in the exchange student already?" A girl with black hair and a beanie said "Nah..just messing with her" I just sit and wait for this day to be over..
After class I am the first one out of there "Hey new girl" I turn and see a girl that looks Luke the picture that Damian had "Hello, nice to meet you, I'm Star Butterfly, you are?" She smiled and took my hand "My name is Jackie Lee Thomas, nice name by the way" I smiled, she seems nice "Thank you,so do you" "Anyway I'm off to my next class, here's my number if you want to hang out" "Thank you, and sure I'll like that" she ran off on a skateboard, man she's cool "Was that Jackie?!" What a time to ruin a good moment "Yes, she gave me her number to hang out with her sometime" he glared at me "Why would she want to hang out with you?!" I felt offended "I don't know, excuse me jerk"
I push him out of my way and run into the bathroom, I had tears running down my face, man he is so freaking rude! As I wipe my tears Jackie enters "Hey Star, oh no what's wrong girl?" I look at her clear my throat "Nothing, just someone giving me a rough time" she came near me and hugged me "Hey, I was going on a date today want to go eat pizza or something?" She was so nice "I would love that, thank you Jackie" I hugged back and she giggled "Anytime"
Marco Pov
What's gotten in her? Whatever I'm waiting on Jackie at the front.. I wait for her and she comes out with the princess? What gives? "Hey..Jackie ready for our date?" She looked at me and nodded "Gotta give you a rain check, my new friend is having a bad day maybe next time" she waved and I glared at a smirking princess, oh she's going to pay..I follow them to where they were heading and it looked like a pizza place..him wonder where we were going to have a date? I enter and sit far away from them and they were talking and laughing and stuff, girls..and I see Jackie leave and this was my chance
"Alright, you just ruined my date! What gives princess?" She giggled "Nothing gives, I told you she wanted to hang out, and I didn't know she was actually going on a date with you? You seem not the type for her.." I groan, she's been here for a day and a half and she's already talking like us "Whatever, she's different for me, she makes me nervous and get butterflies in my stomach" "Wow that was cheesy" she laughs and I scuff "Says you, when your home, be prepared.." She rolled her eyes "You do know I could hurt you right?" How in the world could she hurt me? "Marco? What are you doing here?" I had no words and she had a evil look "Remember when I said the guy that was rude to me?" She nodded "Yeah, what a jerk, who was he?" "It was-" I covered her mouth "Um Marco that's rude, take your hands off her, she was talking" man I didn't want Jackie to think I was rude already "Sorry..um star I'm going home" I fixed my jacket and beanie and walked out of there, man so awkward..
As I walk home I'm attacked by Janna "Hey dork! Whoa what's wrong?" "The princess stole my date, unbelievable!" Janna patted my back "Its cool Diaz you'll have your chance and also, you might have connection now that you live with the new girl.." Janna winked at me, she was right star can help me if she becomes friends with her "That's true, but she hates my guts haven't you seen the way we agrue?" "Dude I know, the only reason why Jackie canceled was because you made her cry"
Dang it, maybe if I can get on her good side, maybe she'll like me if I'm nicer.. "Yeah I know but I got an idea" we both laughed "Sweet" she high five me and walked away "Watch out princess, you just met your match"..
Author Note
Another done, 😉👍lets see if these two do get along..anyways bye
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