Championships for Boxing
Marco Pov
After last night, I'm certain that princess doesn't hate me now and I better keep my mouth shut with all the crap it says "Marco we're home, my this is so beautiful, did you do this?" I look at my parents "Nope, the princess did, I don't know how but she did it" they laughed and I picked up my stuff and as I was walking to my room I heard singing from the bathroom..her singing was beautiful, I shake my head enter my room, I have to focus on boxing for next week, I can't lose to Alexander Vera, he must go down..
A week later...
"Hey princess want to go watch me fight?" She looked at me as she braided her hair "Your going to fight? That's so dangerous?" Ugh she's too good "Its for my championship, I might need support, you don't have to come of you want?" I said and she looked away "Sure, are there people that I know going to be there?" Ugh this girl always asking questions "Yeah, my friends and my brother, so stop asking questions princess" "Don't be rude Diaz we are doing so fine and then you don't filter your mouth.." She said annoyed, I rolled my eyes and walked to my bedroom and got my stuff for the boxing match "I'm ready, are either one of you are?" I look at my brother and princess and they seemed ready "What's with that star bag?" "Nothing..its just to complete my look, can we go please" she said kinda rude this time, wonder what princess is hiding? Can't be thinking of that, just boxing focus!
When we get there we are greeted by my friends, I fixed things with Janna turns out she liked for awhile, I didn't know but we're still friends and she's cool with it "So ready to kick some butt?" Janna said excitedly "Yes! I've been waiting to kick Alexander Vera butt for weeks!" As I turn I see princess talking to Alex and he pulls her to where all his fans cheer for him, what the heck?!
"I'll be back guys" I walled over to him "Hey! Why did you take her? She's cheering for me Very!" He chuckles, he towering over me "Because I can, and she's pretty cute and also to be treated like some object, seriously Marco that's not how you treat a lady, see you in the ring" he tried pinching my cheeks and I slapped his hand away "Arghh! What a tool!" I can't believe this "Marco are you okay? I didn't know you hated him so much, I'll cheer for you if you like" her voice was calm and soothing "Its okay, how could you possibly know, just don't fall for him please, I gotta go" she looked surprised when I said please, she's been rubbing off on me..
I was called into the ring and I could hear my friends cheering me on, even Princess, I smiled and as soon as they stopped Alex came in and everyone went wild and crazy, my friends looked terrified even princess "Ready to die?" He said trying to scare me "Bring it on.." He chuckled, the referee told us all what's happening and rules and after, the match started, I was taking hits from left and right, I had one good one but I wasn't doing so good, when he pinned me I see princess with her hands on her mouth, I can't be weak in front her , I hit him on his side and he moved and I slipped away from him and gave more punches and thinking I won, he swings and he knocks me down, I didn't get up, I stayed there only hearing the sound of my heartbeat
"Winner! Alexander... Vera!" I sat up and my friends came into the ring "Dude you did good, but not just now" "Very funny Janna" "Hey big bro you were great!" "Sure Damian, I'll go change you guys can go at the pizza place I'll meet you there" they nodded and left but I didn't see a blonde leave with them..I turn and see her looking right at me and I point in the direction of the locker room..
Star Pov
He looked pretty bad, but he did his I see the group leave i stay and look at him and points towards the locker rooms and walk down the bleachers and head there and I see him on the bench looking unhappy "You okay?" He looked up and chuckled "Not really, I thought I could win, but not this time" he looked down and I looked for a first aid kit "What are you looking for princess?" I found some and a cloth "I'm going to fix you up, so be careful it will burn" he raised an eyebrow and I cleaned his cuts "Ouch! That hurt princess!" I giggle "I warned you, now suck it up" he glared but I saw his smirk "Alright mom, I will" after cleaning him up I kissed his cheek and he blushed a little "What was that for?" "To heal faster, come on let's go" he nodded and walked to the pizza place he finally told me about when monsters came out portals "Ludo..what do you want?" "Star butterfly, I came here for your precious wand" I rolled my eyes and blasted them with my wand "What?! You have magic powers?!" Oh shoot I forgot they didn't know
"Yes, I'll explain later" "Watch out princess!" He kicked a monster back "Who the heck are you?!" "Just a guy who's gonna kick your butt!" Marco fought along me and it was fun, and ludo had enough "Let's go you animals, this why we have to have gym, no ice cream tonight!" We heard them groan and leave
"Alright princess, who or what are you?" I sigh "I'm a magical princess, from another dimensions" he looked at me up and down "Are going to see monster like that?" I shrugged "Probably.." "This so cool! We have to jeep fighting with them, it could help me box better please let me fight with you!" A smile grew on my face "Sure, but don't tell anyone what I am.." "Sure! Man that was a rush!" "Yeah, it was.." He kept talking on how he fought them and I giggled each time, maybe this isn't that bad..
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