Hai guys! :D I guess were at the end of the sstroy. L It makes me kinda hapy and kindof sad at the smaet time. Same for me. but i had lots of gun riting it 9eventho some saytanists FLAMED me glares0 But anyway I wanted to rexomend listening to Rome and juilet overture by chekhovsky when yu read his chapter. ~ I am unable to listen to the song right now sadly. Also what's with the tilde?
I know I aredy said this allot but I cant say it enogu, thanks you so much 2 everyone who liked this trory!!!!!11! =3333 u were what mad it wot it even with the flames, even when it got deleted even when Jzzy didnt like me and i got relly dpressed. So may StarClan light your path! :D!!!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( jsus does too!!!)
RedFur and LakePol walked out of the nruseusy their kits walkgint behind. "Hello" siad HawkFrost from the Hirghock, he was depudy now that GleamStar was dead dna JazzSong was the lder. Him and JazzStar wre mates now nd she was prengint, What. FlamePelt was leader while she was gone. "hi Hawkfrost siad Lakepolo and REdfur happly, they were friends now.
RedFur loocked around her. there were cats were rebulidng Thonderclan piece by peace she could see JayFether dragging in some sticks, But... he's blind. he looked happy she thought. he hadn't looked this happy since StarGlema was life. She was glad. Also she saw Firestar and GaryStripe building up the apprentices den and SandStorm helping them, NightRain was helping with the miedince den.
ReFur and LakePal smiled at heach other happily. Life would never be th se ame without StarLeam but it could be better agin.
"Hey mama" said one of their kits it was BlueKit in honour of BlueStar. "Whose STaraGlame."
"WHAT said LakePOol afast, dont you know at alll?" 'Don't be so hred on them LakePool," said ReddFur "their jus its."
"Well alrite" said LakePpl, "listen close." Allt he kits came closer, especially StarLit. If this is a reincarnation of Stargleam, I am going to cry. RedFur wandered if she culd no about who she rlly was.
''You see once there was this xat who was born with a porpecy about her........" RedFur lsitedn as her mare told the kits all about there ant. as she was listening she looked up ath he sky wherethe sun smiled down at her. then she realized..... it really was smiling!!!1111
StarGleamStar was looking down at them all from Above. "LakePool look" she gasped and LakePool did look so did the kits. The StarGleam slimed even widder and winked a shining eye. Then she was gone. I- huh? What...? What just happened...?
"look at that," siad LakePool smiling the kites asked what was going on but she just said, "she relaly is watching after all." RedFur and LakePools eyes met and therei tails twinned, and they jissed. Again, cats are not capable of kissing.
All was well in Thunderclan.
Soul looked on from abve the canp. He was bemeaing gayfully. everything had goen like hed wanted it to. Wait, Sol was involved in this? Why? How? WHEN?!?!
He locked up at the sky were he knew GleamStar was watching & the rest of Sratsclan. His work was done. Everythang was going to be Everything is going to be what?!?! Guess we'll never know.
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