Chapter 1
You stupid mean flamers just leave me alone, okay?! This is the best thing I have ever written and you are all just jealous because you can not write as good as me so just leave me alone! :( I'm not even going to touch this author's note...
Moonpaw was stalking the prey that she had spotted then she dived for it! She slit its throat and let the blood flow all over her white paws that were the color of fresh fallen snow! Weren't you against killing? She looked to Mockingbirdheart and said. "I am become death, the destroyer of worlds." That was random... sounds like something Lilypaw would say...
"Now we are all mousebrains." Mockingbirdheart laughed loudly. Then he looked up at the blazing yellow sun and said, "It is getting late, I should take this fresh kill to camp. You hunt some more." The sun is blazing yellow and it's late? I live in a place where it's scorching, and blazing yellow does not mean "late".
Moonpaw tasted the air, besides the familiar scent of Mockingbirdheart, she smelled a rabbit! She started to bound towards the delightful smell! She stopped when she heard a two cats talking nearby. "The effects could well be called unprecedented, magnificent, beautiful, stupendous and terrifying." Poetry? Why the sudden poetry?
Moonpaw knew that this was dire news and she needed tell Vanillastar immediately! Why not stop and see who the cats are first? Or spy on them some more? Who knew what these cats were planning, they were using so many words she did not understand yet because she was only an apprentice. She burst towards the direction she thought was camp but was tackled by a badger! She used all her training and might and she managed to fight it off. How?! Sometimes even a full-grown warrior can't fight off a badger! As she saw it running away she said in a monotone voice, "It worked!" Why in a monotone voice? I read that line in a monotone voice and it just didn't sound right...
She started running again towards camp when she plowed straight into a tree! She felt pain shoot through her body that hurt so bad! Good riddance.
When she woke up she saw white, just white, everywhere, nothing else at all. She heard Startalon say, "Any cat whose errors take ten seasons to correct is quite a cat. Oh wait, she is coming to!" WHY IS THERE SO MUCH POETRY?!
Tranquilpaw was saying, "Moonpaw, Moonpaw! Can you hear me!?"
Moonpaw was looking around confused, "Huh, wuh, how did I get here?"
Vanillastar came in, "You are lucky you are alive Moonpaw, you ran into that tree pretty hard. You were twenty foxlengths away from camp when you ran into that tree." That means she was pretty far. A red fox is about 18 inches. Multiply that by 20, and you get 360, divide by 12 to put it into feet, and you have 30. She was 30 feet away from camp.
Vanillastar turned to leave, turning his right cream colored paw Why the specificity with which paw it is? towards the exit, he moved his left paw into position. Swaggering his legs in line with his forepaws, he marched meaningfully out from the dark dank den where the Medicine cats of SapphireClan So NOW it's SapphireClan?! had resided for longer than any cat could dare to remember. The left over right monotony showed the droning of the world and how Vanillastar longed longingly Longing longingly. to be free from the punishment of being leader of a clan of wild forest cats. What.
As he left, the light of the early morning sun glimmered off of his cream white coat like sun reflecting onto the mirror like surface of clean water. After he got into the sun, he started to scamper off, showing how the sun set him free from his duty's as leader for the moment and he could be a normal cat again, walking through the forest, not having to worry about other clans attacking, not a care in the world. Free to wander as he wished free to follow a whim, but then, all the freedom came crashing down upon him like a canopy no longer supported.
Sparklefur glided up to Vanillastar with an angry face, "I smelled RubyClan in our territory while I was out on patrol with Talonclaw."
Vanillastar wanted to lash out at her and tell her that she was interrupting his daydreaming of being free from the oppressing burden of being a clan leader, You we're just told that a rival clan was scented on your territory and you want to keep daydreaming?! but no cat was to know of his secret ambition! "That is not good, Sparklefur." NO SHIT!! He meowed loudly, eyes narrowed and burning like the stars in the silverpelt as he stared at her. "We must drive them away from our clan's territory at any cost, otherwise they might try to hurt all of our clan warriors and the queens and the elders and the kits and everyone else." They could have a message, geez...
"I will go and gather more warriors so that we can make sure that if they are still there we can drive them away." Sparklefur said obediently, rushing off to find someone to help her fight off the warriors of RubyClan!
"What is going on?" Asked Sunsetshine as Sparklefur rushed by him in a bounding manner, almost hanging in the air as she slowed to a sudden halt!
"RubyClan is on our territory and we have to drive them off! Go get Thunderingbreeze, Gazingflight, Cursedheart, and Braveheart so that we can teach those terrible cats a lesson they will never forget for as long as they live!"
Sunsetshine looked both shocked and distraught as he rushed off towards where the warriors were gathered sharing tongues and eating prey from the fresh kill pile! They were all surprised to see him running towards them and they got up to leave because they thought that he was being crazy and wanted to kill them all. "Wait I am not trying to kill you!" The worst thing to say to someone when this happens is "I'm not trying to kill you". It sounds like a lie. He yowled loudly, and they came back to him.
"You scared us, Sunsetshine!" They exclaimed, breathing hard as they glared at him.
Sunsetshine looked utterly embarrassed as his ears grew hot and his pelt flushed. "I am sorry, it is just that RubyClan is on our territory and I had to come and get you so that we could drive them away before they hurt someone!"
"Wait!" Came a loud meow from the medicine cat den. It was Moonpaw, looking better already despite the fact that she had just nearly killed herself by crashing into a huge tree! "You can not go and fight them, you must just talk to them!" Moonpaw has a point here. RubyClan may just have a message.
"Are you a mousebrained fool you stupid apprentice?" Growled Sunsetshine. "These are RubyClan cats and they will hurt us all!"
"If you provoke them they will only do more. At least try to speak with them before you start fighting. It is not like I do not approve of fighting, I just think there are better ways to deal with things!" Moonpaw sighed loudly.
"I suppose you are right." Meowed Sunsetshine. "We will try to speak with them first, but if anything bad happens it will be all your fault, you know!"
"Do not talk to her that way!" Hissed Tranquilpaw from behind Moonpaw. "You are just a stupid mousebrain, Moonpaw is ten times smarter than you will ever be! If there was any chance of the clan listening to Moonpaw, Tranquilpaw just squashed it. She is very kind and caring for telling you to talk to the RubyClan cats before you attack them. She could be saving you all from terrible, bloody deaths!"
Sunsetshine looked absolutely furious as his fur bristled. "You are not the bosses of me, you stupid apprentices! I will attack anyway despite what both of you say! Come warriors let's go teach those RubyClan cats that EmeraldClan Soo, it's EmeraldClan again...? cats are not afraid to get their paws dirty!"
He turned around and led all of the cats out of the camp. Lilypaw came trailing behind them, he wanted to fight because that was something he really liked to do. He enjoyed tasting the blood of his enemies in his mouth and feeling them squirm as they give their last dying breaths like the winds on the moorland slowly fading. It did not take them long to find the offending RubyClan, and they were hunting and eating lots of EmeraldClan food!
"You thieving cowards." Exclaimed Sunsetshine, launching himself at them loudly. He screeched as the enemy warrior ripped his belly apart and his guts spilled out onto the ground. Blood leaked everywhere shining in the midday sun! It flowed crimson until it had leaked onto the paws of every warrior standing around! Suddenly they all jumped into battle and began slashing at each other left and right. It could have all been avoided if they had listened to Moonpaw's wise and insightful words. RubyClan did have a message?
After the battle was all over many cats were laying dead on the ground, their bodies rotting in the sun and a terrible stench of death leaking through the forest all the way back to Moonpaw's nostrils! She bowed her head and had a moment of silence because she knew that what she had told them before had come straight from StarClan and if they had only listened to her blood would never have been shed on that day! Can we at least get a list of the cats who died? If Bubbledusk died, I'm going to throw hands.
Lilypaw and several other warriors and apprentices limped into camp, Lilypaw was limping too...? I'm surprised he even got injured. blood leaking from their wounds and fire in their eyes! Startalon and Tranquilpaw rushed to help them as they collapsed onto the ground. Suddenly Moonpaw remembered that she had something to tell Vanillastar, but she couldn't remember what it was! She thought she had heard something important out in the woods but she guessed that since she couldn't remember exactly what it was it wasn't too important. Vanillastar tiptoed carefully towards the injured warriors, fearing that one of them would still think they were fighting and lash out at him.
"What happened here? Why are they all bleeding was there a fight with another clan that I did not know about?" The leader meowed, worry all over his face and tears in his eyes. What are you talking about?! You're the one that sent everyone to attack!
"Do not be so upset there was just a simple border fight with RubyClan," Oh yeah, a simple border fight in which several cats were killed or severely injured. One of the warriors said to him. "Sunsetshine and several others were killed. We should have listened to Moonpaw before doing anything. She is a lot smarter and nicer than all of us." So now you believe the apprentice. Goddamn.
Vanillastar was blocking out their voices with his mind. He did not want to hear any of it. He did not want to be the leader of the clan anymore! Too many cats were dying! "I quit, Moonpaw can lead if you think she is so great!" Please no.
"No no I am too young!" Moonpaw yowled. "Wait until I am older, please, Vanillastar. Let Sparklefur run the clan if you do not want to. When I am old enough I will take over leading the clan but for now I know that I am not experienced enough. But it is very flattering that you wanted to pass the leadership on to me and I thank you for that." SHE DECLINED. THANK GOODNESS.
"Alright." Said Vanillastar. "But I think I will lead the clan maybe just a little bit longer. Sparklefur can take over leading next week. I never wanted this job to begin with. I only took the deputy position so that I could be closer to my love, Lavenderstar. No, you didn't pick this. Lavenderstar chose you. It was a coincidence. But then she was killed by someone or something and now I have practically nothing left to live for except for this stupid leader job that I did not ever want to begin with!" You should have known that being deputy meant that you might become a leader eventually.
"Calm down Vanillastar," Soothed Sparklefur. "We all know you are upset but there is no need to yell about all this out loud! What if another clan was spying and they heard that we were weak because our leader did not want to lead us? That would be very bad!"
"I agree with Sparklefur." Meowed Moonpaw. "We must be careful about what we say. RubyClan cats may still be lurking every where on our territory and if we showed them any sign of weakness they might not even hesitate to attack us!" Weren't you the one that originally suggested peaceful tactics to deal with RubyClan?
Vanillastar shut his mouth and closed his eyes. "I am sorry for my outburst." He apologized, feeling ashamed of himself. "I need to be punished somehow. I will go and clean out the elders den because I am no better than an apprentice myself!"
"That sounds like a good idea for you." Moonpaw meowed. "Remember that we do not think any less of you because you do not want to be leader. It is just too big of a job for some cats to handle and I can understand that you do not want to do it. I can feel in my heart that it was never your destiny!" That sounds oddly cold...
"Do you know what my destiny is?" Asked Vanillastar, turning around instead of continuing to walk away. Why are you asking an apprentice this?!
"I do but it is not for you to know right now. You will find out in good time, I promise you." Moonpaw said. "I have dreams from StarClan sometimes, I do not know why, though." But I do... it's because you're "special".
"It is because you are a very special and possibly very powerful cat." Said Startalon, dipping his head to touch Moonpaw on hers. Called it. "One day you might even save the clan from some terrible evil." Called it again.
But Moonpaw already knew this. Then why ask about the dreams from StarClan? She was prepared, too, she was going to be the best warrior in the forest so that she could fight whatever troubles came.
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