Chapter ten
CHAPTER TEN: abdominal snowmen
MAXWELL KENNER WOULDN'T SAY THAT HE WAS THE SMARTEST OUT OF THE THREE MEN. Callum apparently was close to two turned years old, there was no way he wasn't smarter than all the human population. And, Max definitely wasn't good at hacking and tracking, or even reading people as good as Jack was. But, at the moment, as the other two stood there. Callum had even stepped closer.
The truck rumbling, tilting in its wheels a little. Before the running stopped. Then the doors flew open, causing people to scream. Came out three large, snow creatures.
"Are those fucking snowmen?" Max yelled.
The creature moved it's hand, grabbing something form its back before it tossed something on the the direction of Max, Jack, and Ted. Jack shoved Ted out of the way, grabbing onto Max and diving the other way.
Max collapsed, falling on top of Jack. "Shit. Sorry." He says, as he props himself up, his hands by Jack's face.
And, Jack is staring at him. The snowflake dagger and hit a man, freezing him. He had bene completely engulfed by ice.
"No," Ted.
"Hey, would you two stop staring at each other for one second?" Calum asked Jack and Max. "Get him out of here. He's like only lead. Don't let him get iced."
"All right," Max says, standing up and pulling Jack up. He grabbed Jack's hand as they ran. Ted, apparently wants as fast of a runner as the other two men were. They pushed open the gate, running pasts two huts, toward the pool, then past it. They ran into another hut, where the bar was.
"Go. Go," Jack rushed, looking back.
When a snowman dropped from the roof, in front of them. The people began to scream. The snowman lifts his weapon, and Ted stays staring at the tall creature
Jack pushed Ted. And Max pulled Jack, throwing a chair to block the hit before running. The snowman's weapon slashed through both the wooden beam pole, and the chair.
"Jack!" Max yelled as he ran back to him, who had turned around to punch the snowman. Jack shook his hand. The creature stepped forward, leading to Jack jumping over the bar. Max also jumped over the bar, taking a bottle of alcohol, shoving the cleaning rag into the the top. He pulled a lighter from his pocket, lighting the towel on fire.
"Max! Max! Run!" Jack yelled, scrambling away when the snowmen had hit the shove of the bar, and froze it entirely. And a section has broke.
He tossed the bottle at the figure, that caught it with ease, looking at it in confusion. Then, it exploded in its face, immediately melting half of its face. The pipe that it had been holding, also burned. But, the face morphed back.
"What the fuck?" Max yelled.
"Max!" Jack pulled the taller one back, then shoving a blender up, to block the ice sword. The blender freezes. So, Jack dropped it, a both he and Max pin the snowman's face to the grill, turning the nozzle of the grill. The Face of the snowman, the nose and eyes shifted, turning to the back of its head to look at Jack and Max.
The snowman swatted both men, making them fly to the same end of the booth. Max grunted when he hit the roof, and again when Jack fell on roof of him. The snowman pinched the tiny fire at the edge of its nose, extinguish the fire.
"Oh, fuck," Max lets out a pained grunt, moving to prop himself up against what was held of the booth.
"Are you alright?" Jack asked, moving up. He hadn't noticed how Max's hand was on his waist.
"Look out!" Max shoved Jack to the side, grabbing a large piece of wood and tossing it into the air, before rolling out of the way. Max quickly joined where Jack was, behind the grill. "Where the hell is that asshole when you need him?"
"Get back," Jack says as he takes a sharp object, stapling it into a propane tank, the gas hissed as it escaped. Before Jack tossed it at the snowman. And grabbed Max's hand before he ran forward, taking one of the alcohol bottles and throwing it as the snowman. They both dived over the counter. Just as the small structure exploded, flying them both into the pool.
"Oh my god!" Max yelled out in annoyance and frustration at seeing another snowman, at the edge of the pool, holding the large ice sword.
The two started to swim to the other side of the pool. But, the snowman had tilted his sword to the pool, ice rapidly covering the water. Max pulled himself out, before turning and grasping Jack's hand and heaving him up. Only, one of Jack's foot was still in the pool when the ice reached them. And without thought, Max punched the ice.
"Max! Go!" Jack yelled.
"No way in hell am I leaving you!" Max kicked the ice, that section breaking. Just as Max rounded the corner to break the other side, the snowman had stood in for me if then. Max lifted the lawn-chair, telling Jack to dunk.
The chair didn't hit the snowman, instead, it had melted before the chair even hit it. So, instead, the chair hit Callum, who had pulled the snowman's carrot nose off. Callum was knocked to the ground, a grunt escaping him. He tossed the carrot with a glare to Max. "Just got to rip off thier carrots."
"Oh, right! Sorry, I didn't activate the mind reading to know that before!" Max sarcastically called to him.
"I'll remember that next time it comes up," Jack sarcastically replied.
Max kneeled down, breaking the other section of ice.
"Want to give us a hand?" Jack called out to him.
"Your boyfriend will figure it out!" Callum walked off.
Max blushed. He swore if that Callum continued to make comments like that, he would be able to melt the ice from how embarrassment heated his body.
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