all of kates time was now devoted to Tom and she didn't know wether she liked it or could accept it. it was late at night and kate was attempting to catch up on all the work she had come to miss. she heard a knock at the door, who could that be knocking on her door at this time. she crept down making her way to the front door slowly questioning who this could be, as she came to the door she saw a tall silhouette standing she was terrified. Kate looked through the peek hole to see Tom, was he really at her door how did he find where she lived she didn't tell him. Kate hadn't spoke to Tom since the incident she couldnt, she couldn't bring herself to say a single word to Tom.
kate pulled the door open and Tom looked down "hey there I hope u don't mind I asked ally where u lived" Tom explained. Kate was shook "no um it's okay I'm just confused" Kate told "but I still havnt forgiven you for the other day" Tom looked at her in the eyes "I don't need your forgiveness nore want it" Tom stepped in without question, striding in as if the house was his own. "oh yeah come in that's completely fine" Kate said sarcastically.
"don't use that tone with me". Tom said in a instructive manor
"wheres your room"? Tom asked
"I'd like to go there" Kate took him to her room still questioning why he's here and why he wanted to go to her room of all places. they arrived in her room, Tom turned to grab kates neck and pinned her to the bed. "is this what u want Kate"? he ran his lips up her body, kate was stunned she didn't know what to say or do she couldn't move.
Tom came to her lips but went back down running his lips up and down her thighs kate was out of control softly moaning un able to do anything she was in heaven Tom came up to talk to her "this is what I want shall I continue"? Kate looked at him helpless "yes please please continue I beg you please" Tom stood up looking her in the eyes "well that's unfortunate you havnt quite earnt that yet you need to show me u deserve it" Tom smiled he knew the effect he had on her but still teased her he walked out the room kate couldn't move she just heard his footsteps fade away down the stairs and out the door.
had that really just happened she was lost for words and she could clear that out of her mind she couldn't do anything g but remanis on the what she had just experienced and hope just hope she could do what it takes to make it happen again.
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