Chapter 30 "The Billboard Scene"
I squint as hard as I can, trying to see through the pitch black night. I bend over and pick up a small rock and take a deep breath before throwing it at my target. I miss.
Wow Zara, you really need to stop skipping gym class.
I grab another rock and throw it, this time, hitting the window.
I silently cheer for myself.
I move my hair out of my face before grabbing another rock and throwing it at the window, luckily hitting it.
It was only a couple second later when Finn opened the window, his eyebrows raised as he saw me standing in his backyard in the pitch black.
"Cupcake? What the hell are you doing here?" He shouted just loud enough for me to hear from the ground.
"I-I just can't be home right now." I told him. "Do you have some left over spray paint?"
"Yeah, I have a couple cans left, why?"
"Put on some clothes and get out here, I have a plan." I tell him before walking around to his front door before he could protest.
A couple minutes later he opened the door with a plastic bag in his hands.
"Are you going to tell me why you dragged me out of my house at nine o'clock?" He asked as I grab the bag and peek inside.
There were about five cans left: red, orange, purple, green, and blue.
"I just need to get out of my house and do something." I told him. "Come on, I know the perfect place to tag."
I go to start walking to his car, but Finn grabs my elbow before I could.
"Cupcake, tell me what's wrong." He pleaded, his blue eyes looking at me with that same look he had that night in my room a few weeks ago.
"Nothing's wrong, Finn." I lie, clenching my jaw. "Now let's go."
"Are you crazy?" Finn asked, turning his head back to look at me with his eyebrows raised.
"Probably." I shrug, a smirk tugging on my lips as I look up at my targeted location.
It was a billboard right next to the highway, right where everyone can see. There was an ad for diapers on it with a giant picture of a baby giggling.
"Cupcake, are you sure you want to tag this? You can get in a lot of trouble."
"Since when did you care about getting in trouble?" I scoff, reaching my hand out to grab one of the steps to the ladder.
I lifted myself up and placed my foot on the bottom step and continued to climb up.
"I'm just saying, you're mother will murder you if she ever found out you did this."
"Yeah, whatever." I swallow the lump in my throat as I reach the top, my hair blowing to the left as the wind picked up.
I open the plastic bag and pull out the red spray paint, shaking it up and down before pulling off the cap.
Finn soon arrived at the top, his own hair blowing back when he turned to face me.
"What are you going to spray?" He asked, yelling over the wind blowing in our ears and the sounds of cars speeding by down the highway.
"The truth." I told him simply as I pressed the top of the can down and began my idea.
A sudden rumbling of thunder filled our ears, but ignored it and continued spraying.
"Zara, we should go, it's about to storm." Finn yelled as more thunder started up again.
I shake my head. "No, not until I'm done." I tell him, lifting my arm up as high as it could go.
Suddenly, heavy rain starting pouring down from the sky and two of us were soaked in the matter of seconds. Once I'm done, I take a step back and admire my work.
In giant red letters wrote "MISTAKE" across the baby's face.
"Why did you spray this?" Finn asked, whipping his wet hair to the side so it's out of his face.
"It's the truth. What's wrong with the truth?" I choke, swallowing the lump that's been sitting in my throat for hours.
Finn grabs my shoulders and turns me to face him, his eyes roaming my entire face as if it had the answers to his questions.
"What's wrong?" He asked me in a soft voice that made the tears brew in my eyes all over again.
Stop crying, you pathetic loser.
He took a strand of my wet and hair and moved it out of my face, giving me a clearer view of his features.
"You can tell me, cupcake." He whispers, his blue eyes sending a warm tingly feeling through my body when I look at them.
His black hair was dripping wet and matted to his head, causing it to cover half of his face.
I quickly look away from his face, my lip beginning to quiver as I hold back the tears threatening to spill. The lump in my throat was so big, it was getting hard to breath properly. Everytime I took a breath, a sob made its way out of my mouth.
"Please, cupcake. Talk to me." He whispered again as I watched the cars zoom down the highway.
They all had their windshield wipers and headlights on, the bright lights causing my eyes to grow heavier.
I just want to fall asleep and never wake up.
"I-" I start, a sob breaking through my words and a tear slips down my face. "I-I keep letting myself get m-manipulated by all these people." I take a breath in as another tear rolls down my cheek. "I-I put my trust in t-these people, an-and they abuse it like I'm some kind of toy."
I take a breath in and I sob again, this time, a lot more tears start falling down.
"A-And not to mention t-that my grandmother thinks I ruined my m-mom's life. My own grandmother h-hates me." I yell, feeling my entire heat shatter under the pressure of guilt. "I r-ruined her life."
"Hey hey hey." Finn said softly, cupping my face with his hands. "You did not ruin her life."
I shake my head. ", I did. I-I was born too early in her life. S-She could've been a model, living large in Hollywood instead of this stupid town where everyone knows what everyone is doing." I look down, squeezing my eyes shut to make the tears leave my eyes.
Finn places his finger under my chin and lifts it up so I could see his face.
"You did not ruin your mom's life." He repeated, his words heavy with truth.
My eyes dashed back and forth between his, and I noticed them fall down to my lips. It felt like my heart stopped beating as his head moved down towards mine, my entire body tingling, from my head to my toes. As his lips touched mine, my head went dizzy and for a second I worried I would faint.
His lips were so soft as he kissed me and I could feel every ounce of passion seeping from his mouth. I wrapped my arms around his neck, wanting to get as close to him as possible. He placed his hands on my hips, lightly pulling me towards him. I could smell his shampoo strongly as I lifted one hand to run my fingers through his wet hair.
I completely forgot where we were until I heard the loud siren screaming in my ear and the flashing red and blue lights shining brightly from below us.
I quickly pull away, holding my hand over my forehead to shield my eyes from the bright light shining on us.
"Put your hands up where I can see them." A voice said through a megaphone. "You're under arrest."
Could this day get any worse?
Oh em gee! They finally kissed!
Chapter 30 is written and published. Hope you all enjoyed! <3
*Follow my social media's, all links are in my bio. :)
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