Chapter 21 "Meeting the Family"
"That concludes today's lesson. And remember, just because your project isn't due for another couple weeks, doesn't mean you should procrastinate until the night before." My mother announced just as the bell rang, letting everyone in the room know they're free from the cell.
I shove my notebook and textbook inside my backpack and throw it over my shoulder before turning to see if Finn was ready to go.
Recently, Finn and I have been spending a lot of time together. Not just to work on our English project, but just to hang out.
As much of a total ass he is sometimes, he's not that bad to be around once you get over his huge ego.
Did I just say that?
"Alright, let's go Cupcake." Finn finally said, slinging his backpack on his right shoulder.
We walk out of the classroom together, heading down the hallway.
"So, same time tonight to work on our project? I got a couple ideas from the book we're reading-" Finn started, but I cut him of before he could finish.
"We always work at my house, let's work at yours tonight." I suggest, causing Finn to suddenly freeze in his place. "Finn?"
A couple people behind bump into him, cursing at him before going around.
As if suddenly realizing what was happening, he cleared his throat and began walking again.
"My house is boring, you don't want to go over there." He finally replied, his jaw stiff.
"That's obviously not the reason you don't want me over there. Spill the beans before I beat them out of you." I placed my hands on my hips, walking faster to keep up with him.
He ignores me so I grab him arm and yank him back, causing a traffic jam in the middle of the hall.
A couple people yell at us, but I ignore them and they eventually walk around us.
"Spill. Now." I demand, staring Finn straight in the eyes.
I learned this technique from my mother when my father tries to hide bad news from her.
It's usually something he did.
Finn bites the inside of his lip and lets out a breath, signaling my victory.
"I don't live with my parents," Finn starts. "I live with my uncle. Both my parents died in a car accident when I was four."
"That's awful-"
"No pity, please. I get enough of that from the guidance counselors."
I hold my hands up in surrender. "No pity, promise. But what does that have to do with me coming over to work on our project?"
"My uncle is a bit...weird." I raise a questionable eyebrow, urging him to go on. "He has a mental illness where his emotions are up and down. Bipolar disorder."
"And this affects me coming over because...?"
"You never know when he's going to switch, and it's really scary if your not used to it. I don't want you to get freaked out."
"Finn, I'm only going to be there a few hours and we can just lock ourselves in your room."
"No buts, I'll meet you in the parking lot after school." I smile sweetly at him, pushing his shoulder lightly with mine as I walk by him right as the late bell rings.
Finn hauls his car to a stop in front of a large house. Not a mansion, but larger than the average home.
My eyes widen at the beautiful house, it wasn't how I imagined it at all. I always assumed he lived in a house in some bad part of town.
You're a bad person, Zara.
"Here we are." Finn said hesitantly, looking at his house be turning back to me. "I still don't think this is a good idea."
"Finn, I'll be fine." I assure him, looking him straight in the eye.
His adam's apple bobs as he takes a nervous gulp.
I open the passenger side door and step out, grabbing my backpack from the floor of the car.
Finn steps out a couple seconds after me, slowly closing his door.
I roll my eyes.
He's stalling.
I walk around the car and wrap my arm around his, locking them together before speed walking towards the front door.
"Hey, I know how to walk myself." Finn objects, trying to squirm his way out of my hold.
"But not fast enough."
Once we reach the door, I turn the knob and push open the door to reveal a long hallway with grey walls.
I step inside, dragging Finn alongside me.
As soon as I close the door, the sound of footsteps from the other side of the hallway appear, making me turn my attention.
"Finn? I thought you were coming home later-" A man's voice spoke, cutting himself off once his eyes set on me.
He stares for a while, before finally speaking up.
"I see you brought a friend." The man smiled, taking another step so now he's a good distance between us.
I smile. "Hi, I'm Zara." I reach out my hand and he shakes it.
"Uh, Zara, this is my uncle." Finn speaks up, sounding anxious, to say the least.
"You look so familiar. What's your last name?" Finn's uncle narrows his eyebrows, crossing his arms over her chest.
"Thomas, sir."
He stares at me for a few second, as if trying to solve a puzzle in his head. Eventually, his eyes go wide, flashing with something. Recognition, maybe?
A smile soon appears on his lips. There was something about it that gave me the shivers.
He quickly clears his throat and shakes his head slightly, his face going back to a warm smile.
"Sorry, love. My memory isn't the best, I thought you were someone I knew."
Finn was about to say something when a high pitched scream came from down the hall.
He quickly pushed past his uncle and ran down the hallway.
In a confusion, I followed him.
He took a sharp right, then left before coming to a stop in what looks like the living room.
The walls were the same gray color as the hallway and there was an electric fireplace against the wall, a flat screen TV above it and a white couch facing them.
On the couch, stood a girl who looked to be about thirteen or fourteen years old with a frightened look on her face.
"Lucy, why did you scream?" Finn asked in a frantic voice. He looked ready to kill if he had to.
"I saw a spider on the wall." Lucy told him, pointing towards the wall length window to the right of her, screaming again.
Finn let out a relieved breath. "God Lucy, I thought you were in danger."
"I am in danger, now kill it!" She yelled, jumping from the couch to run over to us, obviously disgusted and afraid of the small creature.
Finn rolled his eyes before exiting the room to return second later with a paper towel.
He walks over to the window and squished the spider with the paper towel and throws it away in a trash can.
"There, it's dead." Finn announced.
"Are you sure?" Lucy asks, her arms wrapped around herself with a scared look on her face.
"Lucy, I would show you but the last time I did, you slapped me and screamed 'Ewe ewe ewe, get it away from me!'" Finn replied, using a high pitched voice to mimic the girl.
She narrowed her eyes and stuck her tongue out at him. "Whatever, but if I see it again I'm going to scream."
She then grabbed her phone from her back pocket and walked back to the couch to lay down.
"Zara, this is my sister after, Lucy." Finn said, walking back over to me.
"She seems...nice." I tell him, trying to hide my smile from seeing him so annoyed.
"Try living with her." He rolls his eyes, making me chuckle. "Let's just go work on the project."
He then grabbed my hand and lead me up the stairs.
Chapter 21 is written and published. Hope you all enjoyed it. <3
*Follow my social media's, all links are in my bio. :)
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