Chapter 12 "The Emo and the Bad Boy"
Walking into school side by side with Finn Rider is an experience I'll never forget.
As soon as we stepped out of his car, all eyes turned towards us.
I was used to the normal whispers and giggles as I walked by, I've been getting them ever since I started dressing the way I do.
Most people consider me the 'emo slut'.
So for the emo freak and the criminal bad boy to be walking to school together, was a sight to see.
It was as rare as seeing a pig fly. I'm surprised no one took a picture.
While I was trying to keep myself from punching someone's face in, it seemed Finn was enjoying himself.
The amount of dirty looks I got from girls was enough to have Finn tumbled over with laughter.
"Eat a dick." I mumbled to the next girl who gave me a dirty look, making her jaw drop.
"Whoa, no need to be rude, Cupcake." Finn whispered in my ear, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips.
I'm sure that simple gesture made everyone's eyes bulge out of their heads.
Grab some popcorn and pull up a seat, why don't you.
"Stop calling me that. My name is Zara." I mumble rather rudely.
I hate being watched.
"I like Cupcake better." He said, he chuckled softly.
His lips were inches apart from my ear and the thought made me shiver.
"We're not doing this again." I tell him strictly, finally turning my head to look at him.
He had an amused smirk on his face, his eyes shining with a slight twinkle.
"Alright, fine." He says slowly, beginning to walk away.
I thought I was in the clear before he screamed for all the school to hear: "See you after class, cupcake!"
"Ugh, people have a staring problem." I scoff, sticking my tongue out to some girl watching me.
Her eyes widen slightly and she whips her head around.
"I know right." She rolls her eyes. "Don't worry, they'll find something else to talk about by lunch." Natalia tells me and I nod.
We walk side by side down the now empty hallway, taking our sweet time to get to class.
God only knows how much we hate math.
"Hey you." I heard a voice say from the other end of the hall. I roll my eyes and continue walking. "Don't walk away from me. I know you hear me."
The clicking of heels getting closer makes me turn around, a bored expression on my face.
Scarlett Hampton stood before me, her arms on her hips.
Today, she was wearing a crop top that didn't even reach her belly button with the lowest v-cut I've ever seen and a mini skirt. She also had her hooker heels on.
"What do you want, Scarlett?" I ask, letting out a sigh.
I wasn't trying to get to class anytime soon, so I might as well hear what she has to say.
Scarlett and I have never had a real conversation before. The only encounter we've ever had was that one time with Finn, so this is kind of a surprise to me.
"Look, I don't know who you think you are, but I don't take kindly to people who try to steal my boyfriend." She clenched her jaw and tapped her foot, her death glare never leaving me.
"Look, I don't know who your boyfriend is but if I slept with him-"
"Don't act dumb." She snapped. "You better stay the hell away from Finn."
With that, I laughed.
"What the hell are you laughing about? I'm not afraid to kick your ass." She defends herself, her eyebrows furrowing together in frustration.
"Finn?" I manage to say between laughs. "You think Finn is your boyfriend?"
Her jaw dropped. "Well, he certainly isn't your boyfriend."
"And I thank God for that everyday." I chuckle. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a math class I have to skip."
Before she could retaliate, I turn around and walk away with Natalia by my side.
Ugh, why do I keep writing short chapters? >-<
I'm super excited to publish the next chapter, though. :D
Chapter 12 is written and published. Hope you all enjoyed it. <3
Follow my social media's, all links are in my bio. :)
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