Plesase dont xxx
Conney's P.O.V
( currently sitting with Xavier awkwardly)
"I cain't even phantom to how I got in this situation." Conney thought to himself, he wasn't sure how to respond to Xavier so he just sat back with his book bag in his lap and pressed his face against it for support. It was a short silence till Xavier spoke softly to him
"Oookay look man I just wanted to apologize for any inconvenience that I have caused you. and that what I did to you man. ..... i-it's was soo outta line for me, and to make it up to you you can request anything you want for me like rides home, money ohhhh I can even be your personal body guard if you want . Just name anything and I got you brah on the real on my grandmother grave."
I just looked at him confused and a little bit flustered you could say , cause he actually came to apologize To Me..!!!! Usually if I had gotten treated like that some would call it a favor to harassment me and violate me on short notice.then again this could be a good idea of getting back at him for the way he treated me". Conney couldn't decide what to do with the offer he was just given he took a long pause and came up with a final decision.
He turned his head to Xavier and he could see that Xavier was waiting for an answer..seeing the impatient Ness on his face just made me more nervous
"Y-y-Your're telling me that I can request anything right. .?" I whispered
"Yeah." He responded in a low voice
"Okay Uuuuuh Umm I-i wa-want kind and special treatment and ,a little protection from the ready of the bullies at school and it would be n-nice if you were more nice to me too." I answered with no confidence whatsoever Xavier raised his brow at the responds "SPECIAL" . But soon accepted my answer.
"Ight I gotch." Xavier said with a little confusion in his voice.
"Hey i know this is random but, come to my house, I know you don't live far cause we got the same stop."
I yet again was taken aback by Xavier's suggestions.
"E-Excuse me.???." i said in confusion "Mannn i know yo ass can hear me .I said come back to my house so we can talk bout a few thing i need to get off my chest."he said angrily and annoyed
before i could get another word out our stop had arrived. he didn't even give me a chance to give him my final answer cause he just grabbed my hand and slugged me down the aisles of the bus till we made our way out . when we were off he continued to pull me but, the opposite way of my house i tried to halt myself against his weight but he was much stronger than i was and ruthlessly dragged me his way, tugging me to his house which really wasn't that far but, tiring when you're trying to go the other way but, finally reaching HIS destination in front of his doorstep. He still had a tight grip on my wrist as he reached in his other hand reached for his keys in his pocket. claiming his keys he shoved them into the lock and unlocked the door pushing it open with one hand pushing me in with the other hand. i had a terrible balance and ended up tripping on my own feet falling on his carpet floor, thoe the floor was carpet my heavy bookbag brushed me harshly on the floor causing me to scrap the scar from earlier on my face from this morning which really stung...
"Xavier OOOWWW ssssss oow." I whimpering in pain, Xavier closing the door locking it turning around quickly hearing that he had hurt me.
" Oh shit i'm sorry i didn't mean to push you that hard really i'm sorry Conney forgive me"he said concerned and worried helping me off the floor while assisting taking my bookbag off."
"I-It's alright you didn't mean to." I said lowly"no nun of the stuff that has happen to you is not okay conney."xavier stated firmly i was taking by surprise at the concern he had in his voice but, really flipped my head was when he bent over cupped the back of my legs and, soon i was snugged in his arms as he carried me down the hallway."this is kinda embarrassing." i kept thinking to myself as my, legs swinging over his arm.we reached to stop in the house and, he slowly laid me down on a bed that was in the far left corner i wasn't sure what room i was in cause all the blinds were closed throughout the house so it gave off a night-ish vibe which i didn't mind till he switched on a light it was a nice neat looking room book shelf ,computer-desk ,,shoe rack full of different jordans and posters of basketball players tv closet.
"i'm guessing this is your room." i whispered"that guess is right too." he responded while walking to his closet which had a dresser in the inside he was rambling threw i wasn't really sure what he was doing but, i just waited.
"why exactly did you invite me here." i asked curiously . He finally was done rambling through the small dresser with something in his hand walking back to me." You really don't listen nigga for real." he said handing me what looked like to be clothes "w-what am i supposed to do with these." looking into his eyes nervous "you told me to be kind and to treat you special right." i was confused but, nodded my head slowly. "well nigga i'm doing what you said ." shoving the clothes into my face i just looked at him terrified."mannn do i have to do every damn thing around here." with that being said he grabbed both of my arms and, to take off my shirt which started to make me nervous all over again. "w-what are you doing."i asked in a panic he leaned over face to face towards me " Be Quiet sometimes." me murmured i kept quiet for a moment then, he proceeded to undress me . He unfastened my belt sliding it off slowly "Lay back." he demanded i was beginning to feel flustered and humiliated i felt the red rushing to my cheeks but, laid flat on my back and covering my face. i could feel his big hands sliding down my waist till he reached my ridges of my pants and slid the tips of his fingers into my pants pulling them off slowly ." Oh My God please don't do this please don't do what i think you're going to do."i cried "please" i begged begging to cry "please don't do this'' but, he turned me over pulling off my underwear i just cried for mercy hiding my face into the covers for about what seemed to be 10 minutes but i stopped when i felt something cool hit my back i turned around to see nothing but a big black towel laying over me. i leaned up wiped my tears falling from my face looking up at Xavier who was just standing their with his arms crossed looking down at he with a blank expression. the embarrassment hit me like a rock falling from the sky. "oh." was i could manage to say so embarrassed and a little ashamed for assuming the worse" But i had every right for assuming for what had previously happened" i thought to myself trying to but my mind at ease ."Get up." he told me and i did as i was told he, grabbed the towel wrapping it around my waist picking me up once again carrying me and leaned over grabbing the clothes as well to a new location my guess the shower.... "ohhhhh
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