I woke to a loud knock on my door. " Wake up Draco. If we don't move we'll miss breakfast before class." Says Blaise's voice.
I quickly hop out of bed and head to dress. Once I'm dressed and ready for the day, I open the door to see Blaise still standing there.
He was leaning against the wall. " Well it's about time. I was about to leave without you. My stomach feels like it's about to eat itself." Says Blaise.
I rolled eyes and step out into the hall, closing the door behind me.
" Don't be over dramatic. " I say.
" Draco if you don't remember, this isn't over dramatic. Last time he claimed if he didn't eat he would die, then he proceeded to fall to the ground and say he was dying and that he loved us." says Pansy walk up.
" Well I do love you guys. " says Blaise in his own defense.
We smirked at him and both grabbed his arms and led him to the common room.
We were the last ones here. We left and started making our way to the Great Hall.
We walked in through the open doors and headed towards Slytherin Table.
We sat down and I looked across the Great Hall and locked eyes with Potter.
He was smiling. He nodded at me in a small hello and I nodded back.
He then went back to talking to the muggle born. The Weasley was sitting with some other people.
" Draco what are you looking at?" Says Pansy.
" Nothing." I say. We start eating. After a while the Owls fly in carrying letters and copies of the Daily Prophet.
A letter and a copy of the Daily Prophet was dropped in front of me by my owl.
I knew the letter was from my parents. There's no doubt about that.
Father works at the Ministry. He'd be one of the very firsts to get a copy of the Daily Prophet. Which means so would mother.
Before I read the letter and found the story in the Daily Prophet and read the stories of all four champions.
Then I find my story.
The Malfoy Champion.
Draco Malfoy, one of the Triwizard Champions. Called up by surprise, or so he claims.
Draco claimed he never wanted to be in the Triwizard Tournament. I think this is a cry from the true Malfoy deep within.
He said he doesn't want the glory of winning. I think he does. Who wouldn't want all that glory.
When I asked if he had told his parents he never answered, my only thought would be that he hasn't yet.
I guess he wanted them to wait till they read the story, here in the Daily Prophet.
Question is now, will Draco Malfoy survive or will he die in the midst of one of the three dangerous tasks?
I slam it down on the table. I can't believe that freak.
Posting the story I specifically ordered her not to.
Pansy placed her hand over mine and rubbed her thumb over the back.
" Stay calm Draco. If you react badly people may think she's telling the truth." Says Pansy.
I nod. I take my parents letter and shove it in my robe. I'll read it tonight when I'm alone.
Throughout the day I've had to send glares at people laughing and snickering as they looked at me.
Potter passed my in the corridor and roughly bumped his shoulder into mine.
" Sorry Malfoy. Wasn't looking where I was going." Says Potter.
His eyes then look at my hand and he leaves.
I look to see he left a note in my hand. I walk on. Once I find a empty hall I stop and open the note.
Meet me back on the Astronomy Tower at midnight. We have a lot to talk about. Harry.
I put the note in my robe where my parents letter is.
I then hurry on to my next class. Soon after everything is done, Pansy, Blaise and I are in the Great Hall eating dinner.
While Pansy is talking to Blaise, I look at the Gryffindor table. Potter spots me.
I send him a nod to let him know I'm coming tonight.
He slightly smiles and nods back. I look back and started talking to Pansy and Blaise.
" People can be real jerks." Says Blaise.
" Do you have any idea how many times I had to knock idiots upside their head for the way they were speaking about Draco. " says Pansy.
" Forget it Pansy. " I say.
They both look at me. " Their gonna say things behind my back anyway. It won't matter if we try to stop them. I'll send a glare every now and then, but I don't need to act mean. People then will believe what that freak wrote in the Daily Prophet. " I say.
They nod. After we eat we head to the common room.
We sit and talk for a while before we all head to bed.
I go into my room and take out the ore from Potter and my parents letter.
I guess now is as best as any to read it.
I set it on the counter and open the letter.
Dear Draco.
We read your story in the Daily Prophet. Your in the Triwizard Tournament? How did you even get in? Draco this is really dangerous. You could die. Your father went ballistic when he found out. For him, it's more of the fact you never told us the second you were announced a Champion. I'm more worried about you. I don't like you being in this Tournament, but I know the rules of the Goblet of Fire. You have no choice now. If you could though, please send back a letter and explain to me your reasons as to why you wanted to be in this Tournament? Your father will come around. It was probably best I sent the letter. He would have probably sent a Howler.
In other news. Things are doing ok here. Same as usual. Your fathers been acting a bit more different then usual and I can't place the reason. I'll let you know when I figure it out.
Let me know how your doing. Stay safe Draco.
Love Mom.
Oh thank goodness it was her who sent the letter.
She's right. My father would have sent. Howler. I'm seriously thankful she sent it.
I check the time. It's ten minutes till midnight. I'll wake up early and write to mom then.
For now I'm gonna go meet Potter. He's right, we do have a lot to talk about.
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