part 2 mission paw
Sweetie was like the paw patrol pups she had her own pup pack and tools as well
" Ok I have a plan and I really hope chase is ready for it "
Sweetie said smirking and laughing
Later on the castle was very dark because it was night time the princess was asleep in her pink fancy bedroom not worring about the crown because chase was here to gaurd it.
" wow it's really getting dark now everyone must be asleep now "
Chase was kinda right but still had no idea sweetie was still up planing to get the crown away from chase and become queen.
" ok so chase is there and am here but the crown is over there to so maybe a pup biscuit will help "
Sweetie ran to the royal kitchen and grabbed one of her pup treats she thought maybe chase would chase it and that could by her some time to get her paws on the crown so without thinking she flipped the treat away from chase but he could see were it landed from his distance. But unfortunately for sweetie chase didn't leave his post he just sat there looking around for intruders like her.
Sweetie sighed she thought that chase would of followed the treat and stop to eat it but she was very mistaken.
" ok so maybe that didn't work but this will I think chase hates mess so I'll make the floor slippy and he will clean it up while I swipe that crown "
So as sweetie said she would she knocked over a pan of grease all over the floor and hopped it got Chase's attention and this time it did but chase still didn't move out of him space.
" Oh who made that mess I would clean it up but I need to gaurd the crown I know I'll leave my drown near the crown while I clean up this mess "
Sweetie was now angry he just couldn't be tricked and that stupid drown would ruin her cover and chase would hurt her down.
" you have got to be kidding me he just won't move at all oh this is useless wait a second Ryder is his leader i bet he would leave if Ryder was hurt and needed him oh I'm just to good to beat
Sweetie said walking over to the computer she kinda new how to hack and change people words when they speaked.
Meanwhile chase had finished cleaning up the grease mess
" how did all this grease get on the floor in the first place "
Chase was very suspicious when random things happend he was always ready for anything or anyone but not this time
Back with sweetie
" when Chase thinks his leader Ryder is hurt he will leave barkingburg and go to his rescue meanwhile I'll take the crown and become queen "
Later on Chase's pup tag flashed blue witch mean Ryder was calling him so he immediately answered it
" hey Ryder sir "
Chase said he did love talking to his owner he missed Ryder and the pups since he got here and couldn't see them until tomorrow
" Chase we have a problem I need your help in fell over and broke my knee and we'll I can't get up and no other pups know where I am so I need you to come back to adventure bay and help me please "
Sweetie said using the voice changer to sound just like Ryder she knew chase would have no choice but to leave barkingburg to help Ryder who was really playing a game on him pup pad trying to go to sleep but the game wasn't helping that was keeping him awake even more that ever
" Ryder sir why haven't you contacted the other pups like Marshall or skye "
At that moment sweetie completely froze what is she going to say
Hope you guys are liking the story and please comment if you like it i will continue this story for you guys so please keep reading ok thanks
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