part 10 mission paw
" Sweetie put chase down "
Ryder said calmly and slowly
" I don't think so here what's gonna happen you and your paw patrol are gonna leave barkingburg or you will lose your first pup your chose Ryder "
Sweetie said smirking knowing Ryder would want save chase
But to be honest Ryder had no idea what to do he knew chase was 2nd in command is first pup is best friend and he loved chase with his life but sweetie would get away with the crown and Ryder couldn't let that happen by Chase's life was more important to him and the pups
Ryder was seriously stuck with this situation he didn't want to tell the whole adventure bay he couldn't beet one pup with six others on his crew paw patrol might get shut down for good he couldn't let that happen
" what should we do Ryder " Skye said she really wanted chase to be safe
" Wyder what are you thinking dude "
Zuma said hugging rocky who was concerned for chase
" Ryder we we we gotta rescue chase he he is just a pup " Marshall said filling with desperately and scared look on his face he even had tears near his eyes begging to fall down
" Ryder am waiting " Sweetie said she had a smug smile across her face that said I will do it if you don't leave now
Ryder knew what to do he would have to get chase back who looked like he could struggled soon
" Well " Sweetie said still smirking I saw her favourite toy on the floor buzz bee and had a plan
" ok sweetie " Ryder said in defeat mood and winked at rocky and skye then too zuma and marshall as in he was about to do something drastic he then made a small smile at Rubble
" you you give up ha I knew it Ryder just a 10 year old kid after all " Sweetie said still holding chase who was now not fighting to brake free from her paws
" i was gonna say I will never leave barkingburg until my work here is done " Ryder said smiling at the pups as in get ready
" what you don't care that a have chase in my grasp and I could hurt him very badly your stronger than I thought but I know you want me to not hurt chase Ryder its written all over your face you can't't fool me "
Ryder mouthed that's what you think sweetie
" ok now skye " skye flew across to were sweetie and chase were and grabbed buzz bee and dropped it in Ryder's hands
" how dare you steal buzz bee give him back paw patrol or i will take chase and never give him back to you"
"Ok I will give you your toy sweetie when you give me chase and the crown " Ryder said holding her toy
" ok fine i give you up "
Sweetie let go of chase who fell on the floor and handed Ryder the royal crown as promised Ryder gave sweet her toy back and walked over to Chase
" Chase are you ok " Ryder said picking up the German Shepherd who looked hurt
" am fine Ryder sir thanks for saving me " Chase said licking Ryder face and making him laugh
" Sweetie you naughty pup how could you want to take my crown" said the princess
" I just wanted to become queen " Sweetie said in a angry tone
" you are a very naughty pup Earl please take sweetie to her dog house "
" Of couse princess " he said picking up sweetie and carrying her to her dog house witch got moved to the dungeon with a cage now
" im so sorry chase i thought you took my crown please forgive me please "
The princess said sadly
" its ok princess and I would never steal anything from anyone I'm a police officer after all but even police pup's need to be rescued ones in a while " Chase said smiling at her
" you will always be my favourite paw patrol pup I love you chase "
" aww thanks your royal princess Ness "
Chase said all the other pups just laughed including chase himself
Your all such good pups and princess whenever someone tries to steal your crown just yelp for help
" ahhh there a crab near me " Marshall said everyone else just laughed as Marshall tried to get away from the crab
And done hope you like please don't be mad at my ending i just made it paw patrol way and just in case kids read i wanna be safe ok 💖💞💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
Bye till my next story think you and out
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