Chapter 21
Shadow's P.O.V.
"Are you ready?" I crossed my arms and raised a brow when I saw Sonic walking out of the guest room yawning. "Don't tell me you just woke up." I sighed.
"So what? Sue me." Sonic mumbled and stretched. "When do we have to go?"
"We should've been there already." I walked to the kitchen. "Go take a shower to wake up, I'll make you chilidogs."
"Chilidogs?" He quickly dashed to me. "Where?" He looked at my hands.
I rolled my eyes playfully and pushed Sonic's face away since it was close to mine. "Go get ready!" I chuckled when I saw him frown and lightly blushed when he kissed my cheek quickly.
"You better make them spicy!" Sonic said before closing the bathroom door.
"Just get ready! We're late." I sighed. "I called you half an hour ago! Why did you sleep again?"
"You did? I don't remember anything." Sonic came out of the shower, his fur dripping wet on the floor.
I tried not to blush at seeing him like this and raised a brow. "Are you trying to get me mad?"
He laughed softly and dried his fur. "Maybe~" He threw the towel on the floor. "Where are my chilidogs?"
"You'll get chilidogs when we come back. We're late." I reminded him and grabbed his wrist then dashed to G.U.N., where Sally and her father were waiting.
"Here you are, I thought you ditched us." Sally chuckled and raised a brow when she saw Sonic pouting. "What's wrong?"
"I didn't let him eat breakfast, he just woke up." I quickly answered. "The commander should be inside, follow me." I walked inside and went straight to the commander's office. I opened the door and glared at him.
"Project Shadow. What are you doing here?" He raised a brow and glared back at me. "Why did you bring Kin-" He was cut off by King Acorn.
"He brought us here because the law you have told everyone about is false. This town was never against homosexuality." He said in a serious expression.
"That's nonsense! I have the papers that prove it!" The commander stood up, his expression showing no emotion, but I could see that he was scared.
"Then show them to us." The King continued. "And I will leave you in peace. But if you don't, I'll make sure you and the law will be forgotten."
The commander looked at me and gave me a death glare, which I gladly returned. "Why are you here, may I ask? You live far away from this city."
"That is none of your concern. Show me the papers, or the law will be no more." Sally's father walked to the commander's desk. "Now."
"Fine! You got me! I don't have the papers! It's all a lie! What are you going to do about it?!" The commander gave in and growled.
"Simple. The law with be canceled." The King said calmly and took out a paper. "Sign this and you will be free to work like usual. But you can not arrest anyone that is homosexual because of the law. If you do, I'll shut this place down." He lightly glared at the commander who growled. "I'm not asking."
The commander took a pen and signed the paper, his expression is the best thing I've seen all day.
"Here. Now leave my building." He said in a threatening voice and glared at Sally.
"Don't look at me like that, old man." Sally glared back and left with her father, Sonic following.
I walked behind them, feeling the commander's glare from behind my back, but I simply ignored it and walked out of the building, only to be tackled by Sonic.
"We did it!" Sonic laughed softly and hugged me tightly. "Wave is safe!"
I smiled slightly and looked at Sally who was smiling at us. "We'll take care of the rest. You can go save your friend." She said softly and walked away with her father.
I nodded and tried to pull away from the hug. "Sonic. We have to tell Rouge." I chuckled when he groaned. "Sonic."
"Fine. Let's go." He pulled away from the hug and dashed to Rouge's house. I followed and knocked on the door when we reached her house.
Rouge opened the door and raised a brow. "Yes?" She was holding her stomach in pain.
"Rouge! Guess what! We got Wave out if jail!" Sonic said and grabbed Rouges hand. "Let's go get her."
Rouge dropped her ears and looked at us shocked, then suddenly started crying and hugged us tightly. "Thank you so much!"
I awkwardly hugged back, not being used to it, and rubbed her back to calm her down. "You're welcome. Now calm down, you'll ruin your makeup."
"It's already ruined." Rouge sobbed. "You have no idea how grateful I am." She pulled away and cleaned her tears.
"It's no problem, Rouge." Sonic said softly. "Now let's go take Wave." He started walking to the prison with Rouge to his right.
I walked a few steps behind them, can't help but feel uneasy for what we just did.
It was easy. Too easy for my liking. The commander wouldn't give up so easily, I know he wouldn't. So many years and he's never given up.
Why now?
When we reached the prison, we saw Wave standing outside the building, looking around.
She seemed weak, hurt, afraid, all that made Rouge's ears drop, she run to Wave and hugged her tightly. "Wave!"
Wave tensed up and smiled slightly then hugged back and let out a few tears.
"Aww~" Sonic said quietly and smiled softly at them.
"You're safe now Beautiful. No one will hurt you again." Rouge sobbed lightly. "Let's go to my place." She pulled away from the hug and started walking to her house, holding Wave's hand.
I sighed in relief that everything was okay and that Wave was safe. I looked at Sonic and saw him smiling brightly at me. I raised a brow and chuckled. "What is it?"
Sonic shook his head. "Race ya to your house!" He kissed my cheek quickly and dashed to my house.
My ears perked up in surprise and I chuckled then skated after him, I stopped when I reached my house and saw Sonic waiting for me. "What took you so long?" He smirked cockily.
I rolled my eyes playfully and opened the door. "Shut up." I mumbled and walked in.
Sonic laughed softly and walked in after me and hugged me from behind. I smiled softly and kissed him after I closed the door behind me.
I was laying on the bed with Sonic asleep in my arms, purring loudly and nuzzling my chest fur.
I was smiling brightly and rubbing his back, happy that we didn't have to be afraid anymore.
It was midnight, but I couldn't sleep. I was still wondering why the commander gave in so easily.
I was lost in my thoughts, that I didn't hear the front door opening, or the footsteps coming to my room.
I gasped and tensed up when I felt arms grabbing me and covering my mouth. They pulled me away from Sonic and out of the room. I tried to call for Sonic and get away from whoever was holding me.
I turned around and dropped my ears when I saw the commander smirking at me.
"You really thought it'd be so easy?" He walked to me. "You can't be serious."
I moved my head away and growled loudly. "I knew you were onto something."
The commander chuckled. "I hope you enjoyed your time with Sonic the Hedgehog." He said with a wide smirk and snapped his fingers, then a soldier put a cloth over my muzzle, making everything blurry.
"You won't ever see him again~"
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