Chapter 16
Shadow's P.O.V
I purred softly as I laid next to Sonic, who had fallen asleep in my arms with a bright smile.
It was cute, very cute. But it was also hard for me to move any part of my body.
His legs were between mine, his arms were around my torso, his head on my chest fur and he was sleeping. If I move, he'll wake up, and he told me earlier that he didn't get much sleep, so I didn't want to be the reason he's tired.
I smiled at how peaceful he looked as I slowly rubbed his back, which was the main reason that he was purring.
The other reason was my chest. He had his face buried in my chest fur, sometimes he nuzzled it and made me purr louder, but after a while, he'd stop and continue sleeping without any other movement.
It was a little frustrating when he stopped since I was sensitive there and it was nice when he nuzzled me, but he's asleep so he's not controlling his actions. This time I'll let it slide.
But only this time.
I looked at his quills, his beautiful royal blue quills, and admired how the shine from the light that came through the window. I was a little jealous of him, that his quills had only one color, while mine had that stupid stripe on them.
After a couple of minutes, I started feeling sleepy, Sonic's purrs were very calming, I was way calmer than usual, it was very nice. I really liked it.
I gently kissed Sonic's forehead and purred louder when he nuzzled my chest fur again. I couldn't help but smile.
I closed my eyes and kept my lips on his forehead, loving how warm and soft it felt. I soon fell asleep smiling and nuzzling him.
"Oh my~" My ear flickered when I heard a female voice followed by some footsteps coming towards me. I tensed up when I remembered I was still hugging Sonic and opened my eyes to see Rouge smirking at us. "Looks like you don't need my help after all~"
"Shut it." I shouted/whispered at her and pulled Sonic closer.
Sonic hummed softly and purred louder then tightened his grip around me and nuzzled my chest fur, making difficult for me to stay quiet.
I lightly blushed and glared at Rouge when she started laughing. "What's your problem?"
"Sorry Hun, I just never thought I'd ever see you like this." She smiled softly at me and looked at Sonic. "He won't let you go."
I rolled my eyes and rubbed Sonic's back to calm him down. "How's Wave?" I changed the subject, feeling embarrassed that she saw me like that.
"She's... Fine..." Rouge's expression quickly changed and she lowered her ears.
I sighed quietly and slowly pulled away from the hug then put a pillow in my place. "Talk to me." I sat on the side of the bed.
Rouge sighed and covered her face. "She'll get an abortion... She's not ready for a kid."
I slowly nodded and slightly smiled when I saw Sonic nuzzling the pillow. "Do you agree with her decision?"
Rouge slowly shook her head. "No... But I can't tell her what to do. It's her body. Her life. Her decision." She mumbled and looked at the floor.
I felt bad for her, both Rouge and Wave. I don't want her to break up because of a stupid law.
I was shocked when Rouge started crying. I didn't expect to ever see her like that, I hoped I didn't see her like that, because I don't know how to comfort people.
I glanced at Sonic wondering if I should wake him up to help me, but I quickly changed my mind. "I'll help you."
Rouge looked at me with watery eyes and her ears pinned on her head. "Y-you will..?" She asked with a small smile.
I nodded and gasped when she hugged me, I felt uneasy since I never let anyone near me, but I slowly hugged back.
"Blue really did break you." Rouge chuckled softly and pulled away then wiped her tears, her makeup was ruined and she looked like a zombie. "You usually never let anyone near you, but now you accept a hug."
I was about to say something when Sonic hummed and slowly opened his eyes, he lightly blushed and quickly stopped purring when he saw Rouge. "Rouge? What's wrong?" He sat up and stretched. "How's Wave?"
Rouge dropped her ears and looked at me, I sighed and looked at Sonic. "She's getting an abortion." I answered for Rouge. "But Rouge doesn't like the idea."
"But why didn't you-" He went to ask the same question as me, but I cut him off.
"She doesn't want to." I sighed and rubbed my face. "We have to end this madness."
Sonic nodded and ran his fingers through his quills. "But I need to get out of here to actually stop it."
"Leave it to me Blue." Rouge chuckled and walked to the door. "I'll figure something out."
"You should do your makeup first." Sonic laughed went Rouge gasped and looked at the mirror then ran outside. When she left Sonic looked at me and hugged me.
"I should leave." I said as I hugged back. "I don't want anyone to see me."
"You'll be fine. No one comes to this room unless I make noise." Sonic rolled his eyes.
"But I have to help Rouge." I gently rubbed his back.
"Fine." He groaned and pulled away. "But you owe me a hug."
I chuckled and nodded then chaos controlled to my house and got ready for G.U.N.
But I prefer to call it. Hell.
A/N: Did you guys notice something? When I say "I looked at his quills, his beautiful royal blue quills, and admired how the shine from the light that came through the window.", on the 10th chapter I said that the room had no windows. I did it on purpose to see if anyone would notice. If you haven't, I guess the book is too boring😅
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