Part 1~☆
Once upon a time, there was a princess who lived in a castle which was big enough for her family. She loved playing with her sister chara and her brother Asriel.
Frisk's P.O.V
I was bored inside my castle, I wanted to do something more fun.
I layed down on my bed upside down and across. I faced at a direction and I saw my old bouncy ball.
Now that's an idea.
So I got up from my bed and walked over to my bouncy ball and bounced it up and down.
It got pretty boring after a few moments so I put back my ball.
I thought of going outside, I guess that's more adventurous and I love adventures! My parents say that it's not a proper princess way. But I don't really care.
I am a very determined 10 year old!
So I took off my pj's and I got dressed into my proper dress.
Then I grabbed my ball again and slid down the rail to downstairs.
But my trick failed..
"Pfft. Another trick. Failed by frisk, again" Chara laughed even more.
I blushed with embarrassment. "Hey. At least I didn't hurt myself!!!" I said as a response.
I got up and brushed off the dust on my dress.
I walked to the front door and then stopped. "Hey Chara! Can you tell mom and dad I'm heading outside?!" She smiled "alright"
Then I opened the door and walked outside.
The door slammed shut behind me.
I loved the way the wind brushes right past me, keeping me cool.
I sighed as I had no one to play with.
I looked down to see an echo flower.
I picked it up and said.. I wish I had someone to play with since I'm all alone...
I felt someone dash behind me.
I quickly turned my head to see who, but I didn't see anyone.
Was I daydreaming? Hmm... I guess..
I'll just assume I'm daydreaming. Because I am not crazy.
I felt wind dash passed me again.
I quickly turned my head again. Still nothing. I know I'm not daydreaming. So I spoke up.
"I know your There! Come out and show yourself!" I acted brave but I actually wasn't..
Then someone tapped my shoulder.
I turned my head to face the person.
My eyes widened as I saw the boy.
He was one of those persons who steal stuff from the stores and markets.
He actually got away from the guards really quickly.
He was one of the top monsters who steal stuff.
I quickly backed away and then I accidentally tripped on a rock.
"Wha- oof!.." I scooted away as he takes a couple steps closer to me.
"Please don't hurt me." He paused.
"Woah. Hold up princess! I won't hurt you." I looked up at him and looked at him directly at the eyes. His eyes met with mine.
He held out his hand to help me up.
I was confused now. I thought he..
"Look. Sorry for spooking yah. I was just playing around with you." I grabbed his hand then he helped me up. "B-but. A-arent you s-sans??? " he looked puzzled "um. Yeah. I'm sans. " then he figured it out.
"Oh. So, you heard of me on the news?" I nodded. He tisked. "Look. Again I'm sorry. I have reasons and I just steal stuff because I want em." He smirked. "Tibia honest I'm a pretty humerus theft"
I held in my laughter. "Okay. T-that was just terrible!" He smiled "I know that your gonna laugh princess" he winked at me. I smiled "noo! That was still terrible!!!" He smirked "you sure? Anyways.. what was your name miss royalty?" I smiled slyly "it's frisk and I'm not a girly princess as everyone wants me to so don't you ever say I'm miss royalty"
He smirked "alright.. frisky" then he winked at me again. "Pfft. Hahaha" that was really funny though. I couldn't stop myself by that pun.
Wow. I never really expected him to be really nice. "Hey. Um.. sans?" He looked at me.
"Yeah kid?" I glared at him. Okay he's not THAT nice but he's pretty nice and funny. "Why weren't you gonna threaten me?" Our eyes met once again. "Um... why would I threaten you?" Then a tall skeleton jumped out right in front of us. He looked one inch taller than Sans. I was startled that I fell onto the floor again.
Sans chuckled "heh. What's with you and falling today kiddo?" I glared at him again then I faced the tall skeleton.
"SANS! WHERE ARE WE GONNA SLEEP TONIGHT?" I was confused "heh. I dunno bro.. I don't even think I pay the inn for another night.. I only have $2.00 left.." the tall skeleton sighed. "DOES THAT MEAN WE HAVE TO SLEEPOVER WITH UNDYNE OR ALPHYS?" Sans sighed "I guess so bro" then the tall skeleton smiled a bit.. "ALRIGHT BROTHER! AS LONG AS WE DON'T HAVE TO SLEEP IN THE CARDBOARD BOXES AGAIN!" Then the tall skeleton ran back into the woods.
He sighed. "I guess I have to go.. I have to pack everything at the Inn.. cya later kiddo.." I felt really bad.. I never knew that they were poor... I checked my wallet.. I have $30.00 ... I guess I could give my thirty to them.. after all.. it was for a good cause.. "hey Sans! Wait!" He turned his back I gave him my thirty dollars. His eyesockets widened.. "Woah. Kiddo! I can't take This! This is all your money!!" I smiled.. "don't worry. I make $5.00 everyday anyways.. so.. take it.. I don't mind..also I don't need it as much as you do."
He looked really happy. Then he suddenly broke this into a hug. I hugged back "thanks princess.. you don't know how much this means to us.. I really owe you.." I smiled. "It's alright.."... "can you come outside and hang out with me tomorrow? If your not busy.." "not at all" he blushed tinted blue.
"Anyways I really need to go tell paps the good news! Thanks again!" "no problem cya!" I waved good bye then he was gone in a flash of light. I wasn't surprised. I guess that's how he gets away easily.
Sans's P.O.V
I teleported to papyrus. I never knew frisk was really kind. Most girls are never kind like her. Eh. At least she's a friend. Even though the king wants me killed because I always steal stuff.. I only steal because I'm poor and I need to take care of my little brother.
My mom died.. and my dad.. I don't even want to explain about him...
Meh. Anyways I can't believe frisk gave us $30.00 which is pretty cool.
She's a pretty good friend...
..I can't stop thinking about her now... eh... I probably should tell my really close friend, Grillby about my problem...
"Hey!!!! Papyrus!!!!!!" He stopped running then turned to me. "YEAH BIG BROTHER?" I smiled "You know the princess frisk right? The girl who was next to me while we're talking?" He was puzzled "YES, I KNOW THAT HUMAN!" "She gave us thirty bucks to spend so we can sleep in the inn!"
He flashed a smile on his face and jumped up and down "THAT'S GREAT BROTHER!!! I REALLY WANT TO THANK HER!!!" I started thinking.. "what should we get her? We only needed 22 g. To stay inside the inn.."
"OH. SANS! I SAW A NECKLACE THAT COST 9 G. !!!" Hey.. that's not bad! That's pretty cheap. "What kind of necklace is it?" "IT WAS A FRIENDSHIP NECKLACE!" ....that's why it was pretty cheap.. eh. I can afford that anyways... "cool alright. You can show me where the necklace is tomorrow!"
I grabbed papyrus's hand
"Wanna use the 'shortcut' bro?"
He yawned "ALRIGHT SANS" then I snapped my two fingers together then I teleported us to the inn.
We both walked inside.
I walked up to the counter and the check in. I waited patiently for the female rabbit to get my attention .
She faced me. "May I help you?" She scanned me and my brother. "Oh. So you two are the two thefts who just robbed the market for noodles and tomato sauce and all that other stuff!"
I sighed.
"yes. That's us. Now take the money and give us a room." I handed the female bunny the 22 g.
She was surprised.
She handed us the key card to our room. .. room 155 same room we were in last time. Not too shabby.. wonder if our stuff is still there..
I teleported once again in front of our door and unlocked the door.
And our stuff is still there.
Hello beauties and gentle beauties!!~
Mettaton get out of here..
But darling~ it's a show~ and I'm always in a show! Because I'm fabulous!~
...bleh... alright, whatever..
So.. sorry if the first chapter was really short to you people..
Darling~ you really suck at writing stories...
Anyways... I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter!
Because this very hot killer robot hasn't~
*shuts up*
Anyways... I hope you guys enjoyed!
Stay determined you determined undertale fans!!!
And Frans shippers~
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