You just can't get this show out if you mind...
- You see a swan and your immediate though is EMMA!!!
- You see a yellow bug and your immediate thought is EMMA!!! NEAL!!! DEATH!!!
- You see a boat and you think KILLIAN!!! JOLLY ROGER!!! TRADED:( FOR EMMA :)
- You see a keychain and even if you never liked Neal, you still think of Emma. If you did like Neal and if you shipped Swanfire at some point, you think of that. Then hit yourself in the head because you can't remember WHY YOU EVER DID?!?!? (Wtf, past me?!?)
- Peter Pan is on. You are nearly at the point where you don't care, but you still feel the need to inform everyone in the room that the child on that screen is evil.
- You hear "We're Off to See the Wizard" from The Wizard do Oz and you start singing along, but with this instead: "We're off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of Oz! Because, because, because, because, becaaaauuussseee... Heeee... Turned into a monkey and tried to marry Emma!" (And yes. I am insane enough to come up with that. It's sad.)
- Someone tells you to act like your favourite princess and you come back ten minutes later, wearing a red leather jacket, carrying a gun and yelling at an invisible Killian to hurry up behind you.
- You make friends during the hiatus by first complaining in public about missing this tv show you watch, and next thing you know, you have like four people who are now fan girling with you!
- You really couldn't care less about how insane people think you are. Because, there's really no going back now that everyone thinks you have issues.
-When your friends say you belong in a mental asylum, this is your response: "I will gladly go to an asylum if it is in past cursed Storybrooke and Belle is my roommate. In that case, I will spend the rest of my life there until Jefferson comes and tells us to find Mr. Gold and then I will pose as their child when Belle remembers and I will know what is about to happen and I will force Emma and Killian to get married," and your friends just kind of back away slowly...
- The fact that you probably spend most of you day waiting for new chapters of fanfics you're reading about the show. Or writing them. (Or in my case, writing whatever the heck this thing is...)
- Every little thing you do, you compare it to the show. For example, you try to decide between coffee and hot chocolate and you can't because Killian drinks coffee, but Emma and Mary Margaret and Henry all drink hot chocolate with cinnamon and... "I'll have both please!"
- there's too many to list...
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