Okay! This is just a collection of oneshots that I had written because A) I was bored or B) I was uninspired to write anything else but this. Also, let's face it, Techno bromance does not get enough love.
Please keep in mind that this is strictly bromance . It's not slash, i'm not shipping them together. This is just pure, unabashed brotherly love. :)
Disclaimer: I do not own LEGO: Ninjago. If I did, that last episode of Rebooted would have ended differently.
Humor(takes place before the Pilot Episodes):
Jay honestly thought that he was pretty funny. Sure, some of his jokes fell flat from time to time, but that was normal. More often than not, his jokes made people smile or smirk. The best part was when they laughed with him. It made his heart soar and filled him with joy.
When he first arrived at the monastery with Sensei Wu and met one of his new teammates, Jay was determined to hear his teammate laugh. Thankfully, it only took a few jokes to make Cole chuckle, and to his delight, Jay quickly discovered that the older teen had a great sense of humor.
When their newest addition to the team came, Jay couldn't wait to make him laugh. There was just one problem.
Zane, their new teammate, didn't have a sense of humor. At all.
If Jay didn't know any better, he would have thought that the dude was a freaking robot. He was so serious! He rarely smiled, he never laughed, and he didn't understand sarcasm whatsoever! Any jokes that Cole or Jay made just seemed to fly over Zane's head. It was a travesty, an absolute travesty!
It finally came to the point where Jay had to do something. Cole had just made a really funny pun and Zane didn't react to it at all. He didn't even laugh!
"Okay, that's it!" Jay declared suddenly, startling both Cole and Zane. "I've have enough of this! YOU!" Here he pointed dramatically at Zane. "You're coming with me, right now!"
He stomped right over to his startled teammate, grabbed the back of his hoodie, and started dragging him inside the monastery. The feat was rather impressive(and looked ridiculous) due to the fact that not only was Zane older than Jay, the platinum blond was at least three inches taller.
Zane, understandably, was very confused. "I do not understand," he said, turning his body around so that he wasn't being choked by Jay pulling on his hood. "Did I do something wrong?"
"Yes, yes you did," Jay replied. "You, mister, lack a sense of humor, and I refuse to let this continue! I will find your sense of humor, even if it kills me!"
"Do you not think that that may be a little excessive? It would be rather tragic if you were to die doing this." Zane said, sounding genuinely concerned that Jay might die trying to help him.
Jay abruptly let go of the blond's hood and spun around to face him. "See?! There, right there! That is what I'm talking about! You take things way too literally!" He drew in a deep breath and managed to calm himself down a little. "But never fear, Zane! I am here to help you!"
"Oh this oughta be good," Cole predicted, taking a seat and getting comfortable.
Jay decided to ignore him. "Okay! First up, let's work on your reaction to jokes. We'll start off simple!" He gave a loud cough for dramatic effect. "Knock, knock!"
Zane tilted his head to the side. "Er, come in?"
Jay rolled his eyes. "No, silly. You have to say 'who's there?', it's a knock-knock joke! Try again. Knock, knock!"
"Um, who is there?" Zane asked, skeptical.
Jay grinned. "Banana."
Zane blinked. "Um, come in, Banana?"
Jay facepalmed while Cole laughed. "No, no, no! You have to say 'Banana who?'! Come on, dude! This is the simplest joke in the book!" Jay sighed. "Okay, try again. Knock, knock!"
"Who is there?"
"Uh, banana who?"
Jay grinned. Now they were getting somewhere! "Knock, knock!"
Zane looked confused. "Uh, who is there?
"Banana who?"
Now for his favorite part! "Knock, knock!"
Zane sighed. "Who is there?" he asked, voice monotone.
The look on Zane's face was one of complete confusion. "What?" he asked.
Jay could barely hold back his giggles. Despite the fact that Zane didn't say what he wanted him to say, he decided just to say the punchline. "Or-orange you glad I didn't say banana?! Bwahahahaha!"
The blue-eyed teen burst out laughing while Cole groaned. "Boooo, that joke sucks," he heckled. Jay didn't care.
He did care, however, when Zane didn't even crack a smile. If anything, he looked even more confused. "I...don't understand. What is so funny?" he asked.
Jay gasped, absolutely floored. "But-but that joke's a classic!" he exclaimed. "How do you not find that funny?!"
Zane shrugged, looking slightly apologetic.
Jay groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Okay, maybe knock-knock jokes aren't your thing. Let's try some other jokes! How about this one? What's black, white, and red all over?"
Zane tilted his head in thought. "...a newspaper?" he guessed.
Jay chuckled. "No, it's an embarrassed zebra!"
Zane's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "But...a zebra cannot be embarrassed."
"Well, yeah, I guess. But, it's still funny!" Jay protested.
"Not really," Cole piped up, smirking.
"Shut up, Cole. You're not helping!" Jay complained. "Okay Zane, let's try this one. Why did the skeleton not go to the dance? And before you say, 'But that's impossible. Skeletons cannot go to dances', just pretend that they do."
Zane sighed. "Very well. Why did the skeleton not go to the dance?"
"Because he had no body to go with! Get it? Cause he's a skeleton, he doesn't have a body. Hehehe."
Cole snorted in slight amusement, but Zane still didn't laugh.
Jay was absolutely floored. He usually got at least a smile by this point! "Oh come on! What's it take to get you to laugh?!"
Zane shrugged.
Jay groaned. This is going to be a lot more difficult than I thought it would be, he lamented.
"Hey Jay, I've got a joke," Cole called.
Jay instantly perked up. "You do?! What is it?!"
"What do you call a person who illegally crosses the street?"
Jay's smile turned upside down. "Not. Funny," he deadpanned.
Zane cocked his head to the side. "I do not understand. What do you call someone who illegally crosses the road?"
"No!" Jay shrieked, but it was too late.
Cole's smirk grew absolutely wicked. "A jaywalker!" He said, cackling.
Jay facepalmed, blushing furiously. "I hate you Cole," He grouched.
"No regrets," was the reply.
Jay scowled and stuck his tongue out at the black haired teen. He turned towards Zane, prepared to tell another joke, only to pause.
Zane was watching him, his bluish-grey eyes sparkling with mirth. He wasn't laughing, but there was no mistaking the bemused smile on his face.
Jay beamed. There may be hope yet!
There was absolutely no hope.
Try as Jay might, he couldn't get Zane to laugh at one of his jokes. He tried everything he could think of, with Cole occasionally helping, but the blond teen did not laugh. Most jokes he either didn't get or thought they weren't funny, and puns just made him confused.
Finally, after an hour with zero success, Jay decided to call it quits. "Uuuuugh, that's it. I'm done," he groaned, allowing his body to go limp and fall on the floor. "I surrender, I freakin surrender."
"Well, that lasted longer than I thought it would," Cole said, standing up and stretching. "Shame, I should've made popcorn."
"Have I ever told you that I hate you, Cole?"
"Yeah, like, a million times in the last hour."
"Actually, I think Jay only said that six times."
Jay let out a pathetic whine, while Cole rolled his eyes. "It's just an exaggeration, Zane. Sheesh."
"It's freaking hopeless," Jay complained, face smushed on the ground.
Zane smiled sheepishly and gently patted Jay on the shoulder. "It is okay, Jay," he said. "Perhaps we can try again tomorrow?"
Cole sighed and shook his head. "C'mon Jay, get up. Let's go have some dinner."
"Don't wanna...." the depressed teen whined.
"...would it help if I made dinner?" Zane suggested.
Jay lifted his head off the floor slightly. "Can you make chow mein?" he asked.
Zane smiled. "Of course."
The ginger-haired teen thought about it for a second before slowly standing up. "Alright, fine. I'm up."
"Sweet! Let's go eat!" Cole exclaimed, heading straight for the kitchen. Zane and Jay were right behind him, though Jay was a little slower.
Despite the fact that Zane was an amazing cook and the chow mein was delicious, Jay barely touched his plate. He was still very disappointed that he was unsuccessful in his quest to make Zane laugh. It's like the guy just doesn't have a sense of humor! He complained mentally. Maybe my jokes aren't as funny as I thought they were...
He shook his head, banishing the negative thought. No way! I swear, one of these days, I will make Zane laugh! I know he has a sense of humor in him somewhere!
Even with his short little pep talk, Jay ended up going to bed early, even though it took him a few hours to actually fall asleep.
When Jay was woken up early the next morning by Sensei Wu's gong, he was in a rare bad mood. His shoulders were slumped, he had a headache, and his humor took the shape of biting sarcasm. Not even a cup of green tea helped his mood.
Cole also seemed to be in a bit of a sour mood at having to be woken up so early. He kept yawning every few minutes and actually fell asleep during breakfast. Jay sympathized with the whole 'not a morning person' thing. He hated getting up early.
Zane, however, seemed to have no problem waking up. In fact, he seemed rather happy at getting up at some ungodly hour(okay, it was, like, 7 in the morning. But still!). He was the first person at the table for breakfast, sipping a small cup of tea that Sensei had offered him.
Jay was suspicious of what, exactly, was in that tea. There was no way that someone was this happy this early.
Unfortunately, his tired brain wasn't able to keep his mouth closed and he ended up saying it aloud.
"Uuuugh, how is Sensei this happy this early in the morning? It doesn't make sense, he doesn't even drink coffee! Is there something in his tea, did he spike it with something? Is Sensei high?" Jay suddenly realized something important. "Zane, you drank some of his tea, are you high?"
Cole burst out laughing, but Zane, as always, took Jay seriously. "No Jay, I can assure you that I'm not high," He deadpanned. But then, to Jay's utter shock, he leaned over and whispered in his ear, "though I can't argue that Sensei isn't."
Jay's jaw dropped as he gaped at the blond teen. He could hardly believe what he just heard. Did--did he just--no way. No freaking way! DID ZANE JUST MAKE A JOKE?!
Then, something even more incredible happened.
Zane took one look at the slack-jawed Jay....and started to laugh. It wasn't terribly loud, and he was covering his mouth, but he was laughing!
Jay continued to gap while his teammate laughed. Finally, after a few minutes, Zane got control of his giggles and gently pushed Jay's mouth shut. "I would advise you to keep your mouth shut, my friend," he said, his bluish-grey eyes twinkling with amusement. "You might catch flies."
Jay's eyes bugged out even further. His hands started to shake a little bit. Finally, the ginger haired teen could contain himself no longer. His mouth stretched into a huge smile and he proceeded to give Zane the biggest hug possible.
"Um, yes, I did," Zane replied, a little confused. "I did not think it would be the cause of celebration."
"Okay, okay, we get it Jay," Cole said, still laughing a little. "That doesn't mean you have to scream it for all of Ninjago to hear."
Cole shook his head, but couldn't hold back his chuckles. Zane also laughed, still somewhat surprised but pleased that he had put Jay in a good mood.
Eventually, Jay had to let go of Zane in order to train. But he couldn't hold back a grin at the thought of Zane telling a joke.
Even if it turned out to be rather short lived.
Because Zane's sense of humor still sucks.
Author's Note: I probably should have warned you guys that the jokes in here are super cringey. Whoops. XD
Also, the thing about Sensei being high is a joke between me and my friend @starkid_weasley3 (I'm starting to doubt that Sensei actually drinks tea...)
Anyways. Leave a vote if you liked the story, and tell me what you think by leaving a comment. Thank you all so much for reading this. Bye! :)
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