Chapter 3
(Note I do not know this song or own this video!) said
Jacob's POV
I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock I angrily hit the off button on my phone. I turned back to my side and looked at Lucas. He was so peaceful as he slept, every muscle on his face was relaxed, his white hair framed his frail face perfectly and the way it fell was adorable, I just wanted to keep him close by so no one can hurt him. the guys and I have needed someone like Lucas in our live's for awhile, someone who need help, someone who needs to be rebuilt...someone like Lucas, the way Lucas was. was just perfect, he had the nicest smile, his voice soft and he was just amazing,"Good morning." I was snapped out of my thoughts when Lucas yawned and stretched,"Morning." I held his head close to my chest,"How'd you sleep." he wrapped his arms around me,"Good and you?" I just kissed his head in reply,"Well I'm excited for work!" I sat up and stretched,"Get dressed we leave in ten minutes!" I walked out of his room and into mine. I was wearing white skinny jeans and a white shirt...
time skip
As we walked into the building we where greeted by the sweat smell of donuts and coffee, and the loud fun music,"MORNING JACOB!" I smiled at everyone,"Morning everyone!" I noticed that Lucas stuck to my side but not in an annoying way ofcourse, in this cute way where he'll just either hold onto my side, hold my arm, or stand behind or next to me. He quickly started to fit in with everyone,"WHAT! YOU LEARNED MOZART'S TIRKISH MARCH RONDO ALLA TURCA K. 331 at age 6?!?" I was making coffee when I heard Sofia's ear spiting scream,"HOOOOWWW!?" I walked over to her little room where she played classical music,"I was a fast learner I could learn anything in under five months at max." I watched as Sofia grabbed the mic,"WE'VE GOT A PROTEGEE HERE! I REPEAT WE HAVE A TALENTED PERSON!" Soon I watched from next to Lucas as literally everyone filed into the room,"Do you mind playing?" I noticed as Lucas froze and got uneasy,"I..I-" I walked over and interrupted,"He can't play it any more his father beat him every time he tried to play any music in the house. Please don't make him feel stressed." I rubbed his back calming him down,"Jacob never gets defensive over anyone! You must be a real gem!" I smiled at Lucas when he looked at me with smiling eyes,"Lucas is special to me." I rubbed his arm as he clung to my side,"Awe you guys are so cute!" As soon as everyone finally excited out of the room it wast just the classical people, then Lucas and I. I decided that it was time that I go and get to work,"So Lucas you like art right?" I was half way out the door when I just froze,"Sadly I don't like art that much, my father used to paint and he forced me into I never was able to enjoy painting anything like that to be honest." I turned around,"This may sound stupid but I'm afraid of paint brushes and other tools and canvases they just remind me of my father and I get all messed up and have a panic attack." I looked at Sofia,"Well you know that painting is Jacobs job right?" The smile faded from Lucas's face,"Y-yes I know that if he loves it I'll be willing to give it a shot." I smiled and walked out of the small room and to mine.
Lucas's dad's POV
I followed the address I was given and saw this large building. I parked my car and stormed into the building. I shoved past everyone and followed the laughing voice of Lucas,"LUCAS!" This is the first time I had seen my son smile like the way he was. His arms had cuts all over them, his face had a cut on the cheek and he had a bandage wrapped around his neck. his hands also where wrapped up to,"Lucas?" I don't know why but when I saw the brunettes arm around Lucas and Lucas smiling and holding on his waist every little thing I thought and knew collapsed. The way my son looked reminded me of Daisy at the hospital with her brother,"Your a mere image of your mother." The look on his face was sickening he hide behind that brunette,"Look I don't want to fight. Just go home with your brother Lucas and let things go back to the way they where okay?" An angry man came from behind everyone,"JACOB YOU SAID THAT YOU HAVE ONE PERSON WHO IS COMING TODAY!" I snarled,"David this is Lucas's dad.." Turns out that brunette did have a name his name was Jacob,"You never mentioned him!" Jacob sighed and I got pissed,"Because I never told Jacob that I was coming." I walked over to Lucas and grabbed his arm,"I'm taking my son home!" I snapped, immediately Lucas screamed,"NO! PLEASE NO!" He started to freak out and cry,"LET HIM GO!" I tightened my grip on Lucas,"Oh yeah?" I reached into my bag and pulled out a gun,"Nobody move or I'll shot him!" I placed my gun to Lucas's head he just froze and his eyes widened,"NO! STOP DON'T!" Lucas's fearful look turned into a panic attack,"P-please don't hurt me." I looked down at Lucas and dropped him,"DROP THE GUN!" I turned my head to see the FBI,"Alaskan.." Lucas mumbled.
Lucas POV
I was lying on the cold hard ground having a panic attack,"DROP YOUR WEAPONS!" Yelled Alaskan, I was about to crawl away when I felt my dad pick me up by my hair, then I felt something cold against my temple it was his pistol,"Goddammit Lucas look at what you've created. If you just stayed with you brother and never disobeyed or left him this would have never happened. Everything you do creates a mess. I should just take you away for good shouldn't I?" I then lost it, my eyes widened and I shouted something I never thought I would have shouted, to my father,"GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME YOU OLD HAG!" I twisted around and grabbed his pistol and hit his arm making him drop it. I quickly stood up and pointed the gun at him. I lost control of all my actions, I stood their breathing heavily showing my teeth as I growled,"L-Lucas you wouldn't kill your own father would you know?" I placed my finger on the trigger,"Lucas please calm down." I took a deep breath in and turned the safety on and took the magazine out and kicked it away along with the gun,"Your right I wouldn't kill my own father...non the less anyone." I sighed and ran my fingers threw my hair,"Your weak..I knew it, I knew you would loss it if I spat those words, I knew that you wouldn't pull that's because your weak..just like your mother, you'll always be weak, you'll die one of these days." I rolled my eyes,"We all will die one of these days." I turned around to walk to the bathroom to throw up at my actions when he said something,"You can never get fixed, your stuck the way you are..and someday you'll lose it. You'll lose everything. And you'll lose your will to" I froze and started to shake again,"Why else do you think we gave you the wrong medicine before you left?" I started to freak the fuck out I didn't know what to do I just turned and looked at Jacob,"I want to go home." I mumbled and he nodded,"Alaskan we'll meet you back home..Lucas needs some time.." Alaskan nodded as Jacob wrapped his arms around me and walked me outside to his car. He started the car and held my had tightly,"Your safe know." I nodded and just kept my eyes on the road as Jacob drove...As soon as we parked in his driveway I rushed inside past everyone and into my room,"Pills Pills Pills." I mumbled as I walked into the bathroom looking at all the pills everything seemed to be fine until I looked at my Xanax pills..the bottle was empty, fear washed over me. (Xanax-It can treat anxiety and panic disorder.) He took my Xanax pills away, I heard a knock on the door, Pills where scattered all over my bathroom counter top with the bottles,"WAIT!" Jacob walked into the bathroom his jaw dropped,"Lucas are these all pills?" I nodded and rummaged threw my cabinet until I found the prescriptions,"Here there all doctor signed." Jacob looked at the papers as tears filled his eyes,"Lucas..I.." He quickly pulled me into a hug and started to sob,"I never knew you needed help this badly..some of these pills are.." I looked back at the empty bottle of Xanax,"he took them...he took all of them.." I mumbled,"what do you mean?" I looked up at him,"He replaced all the important pills..I-I'm scared.." Jacob pulled me out of the bathroom and picked me up so that I was facing him, my arms wrapped around his neck, and his arms wrapped around my torso and my legs wrapped around his torso for support ,"Jacob what are you doing?" Jacob just smiled at me and kissed my forehead,"Phil's a pharmacist, Alaskan's a FBI agent, Olive is the owner of Target, and I work as an artist." I nodded and just rested my head on his shoulder,"Hey Phil can you get Xanax for Lucas here's his prescription." Phil walked over and looked at it,"Sure is next week good enough for him?" I tumbled at the thought of having to go threw a week of trying to manage my emotions,"How soon do you think?" I had my arms wrapped around Jacob's arms as I looked up at him,"Hmm maybe three to four days?" I nodded,"Sounds great thanks!" He carried me into the kitchen and set me on the counter,"So what do you want for lunch Lucas?" I shrugged,"I..I'm fine with anything." I mumbled as I started to feel nervous,"You cool with sandwiches then?" I didn't respond,"Hey Lucas-" He stopped talking and just walked over to me and spread my legs so he could wrap his arms around me,"Please don't be scared." I could feel his hot breath on my neck,"I'm not scared anymore." I wrapped my arms around him and just stayed like that,"Hey guys Alaskan said the- I need.To come back. Later?" Jacob quickly backed away and shook his head,"Uhh nono it's fine." A small blush crept on to both of our cheeks,"Okat well I was gonna say that Alaskan said that he needs both of you to go to the police station right know." I felt a knot in my stomach when he said that,"I-I..I don't want to.." I mumbled and hung my head in shame and just traced my bandages around my hands and wrists,"Please? The FBI and police need to know why you snapped!" Olive grabbed my arm,"Listen to me no matter how damn much it hurts you need to face that man!" I yanked my arm away and slipped off of the counter,"I..I don't want to face that man. he's a monster!" I hissed and moved away, I was in blue jeans, and a blue and white flannel my white hair had speaks of red in it (BLOOD!) Jacob grabbed me by the waist,"please?" I got lost in his eyes and just stared into them,"Hello? Earth to Lucas?" I just looked at him until he waved his hand infront of my face,"Hello earth to Lucas?" I snapped out of trance and nodded,"F-fine.." Jacob kissed my cheek and held me closer to him so there was no air between us. we both leaned forward in attempt to kiss but that moment was yanked away,"WE NEED TO GO NOW!" I nodded and parted away from Jacob and followed Phil into the black car.
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