Chapter 2
My room was all grey and had blue in it, a small bed, a little bathroom, a desk, and a large window,"I know it's small but I hope you like it." I nodded and Jacob just sighed,"My rooms next to yours it's got a diamond on it, if you need anything ask me. I just need to tell the manager you'll be joining me tomorrow okay? And I need to run to the store so if you need anything ask one of the guys okay?" I gave him a smile and nodded,"Cool!" He gave me a thumbs up and walked out,"He's so nice.." I mumbled as my phone rang,"Yes?" I was not expecting such a loud angry voice,"LUCAS HOW DARE YOU DATE ANOTHER MAN! I REFUSE TO HAVE A GAY IN MY FAMILY! AND HOW DARE YOU RUN AWAY WITH THAT MAN TOO! YOU GET YOUR STUPID ASS BACK TO YOUR BROTHERS RIGHT KNOW OR ELSE I WILL COME OVER THERE RIGHT THIS INSTANT!" I was a shaking mess,"D-dad it's not what I look like-" I was cut off by his voice and had to pull my phone away from my ear and put it on speaker,"WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE?" I was crying,"Dad he's just a friend. I had a nervous breakdown and Clair was busy so I couldn't talk to her and-" I heard angry voices chatting,"YOUR MOM AND I HAD JUST EXCITED THE PLANE!" I was shocked,"WE WHERE GONNA HAVE A SURPRISE- a surprise party for you but I guess you'll never change will you?" I was gonna say something but he caught me off guard,"I'm done with you Lucas...your a disgrace to this family and I hope I never see you where a mistake." Then he just hung up on me. I gripped my hair and started to cry,"Dammit..dammit. GOD FUCKING DAMMIT! I FUCKING CAN'T!" I kicked my luggage and was having a panic attack. I was loosing control of my emotions, I felt so weak that I couldn't stand I just fell onto my knees and gripped onto my hair as my hands trembled,"Hey what's wr-wrong?" Olive walked into my room and dropped his phone on the ground when he saw me freaking out,"PHIL! ALASKAN GET HERE KNOW! AND SOMEONE CALL JACOB ASAP!" Olive rushed to my side,"Lucas what's wrong?" My phone vibrated again and from the corner of my eyes I saw who was calling stepmom, I hesitated but then remembered what my dad had said,"I..I don't want to hear their voices." I mumbled and hit decline with shaky hands,"I called Jacob to get here but why-" Alaskan froze along with Phil,"Damn dude what happened?" I was freaking out my breaths where hitched and I felt weak,"Where's Jacob?" Olive turned around,"He said he's five minutes away." I heard more vibrating and noticed my dad was trying to call me,"Olive pick it up it! His dad might know what to do!" Olive nodded and picked up,"Hello?" I covered my mouth and backed away as more tears flooded,"No..This is Olive I am one of Lucas's roommates-Oh shit dude no need to yell- HEY YOU SHUT UP! NO ONE DESERVES TO BE CALLED THAT!-Huh he hung up." Olive made a stupid face and set my phone down,"Jeez your dads a real asshole-" Olive was cut off by a sprinting Jacob who had dropped everything and was out of breath,"What's wrong?" I was still trembling and crying by my bed and Olive holding my phone,"What happened here?" I gripped my knees close to my chest and shut my eyes close tight,"We don't know, I just heard yelling and ran up here and saw Lucas having a panic attack, and his parents kept calling him-" Jacob cut off Olive again,"It's okay Lucas, they can't hurt you..I won't let them hurt you." Jacob walked over to my shaking figure and wrapped his arms around me,"Shh it's okay..calm down." He held my head close to his chest and gently rubbed my back,"Calm down...whatever your family said I promise you that I won't let them lay a single finger on you." I started to calm down by this point. Everyone just looked at us in aw as Jacob calmed me down,"Jacob really does have a magic touch." Alaskan snickered,"If Jacob's pissed about Lucas's family then so are we!" All three guys nodded and walked over to me,"Lucas your safe with us." Jacob cradled me in his arms,"We won't let anyone hurt you..." My eyes started to close and my breathing went back to normal," calm.." I slowly drifted of to sleep when I heard my phone ring again,"Shit..dude your dads calling again." My eyes shot open,"Phil not helping-" I grabbed my phone and answered the phone putting it on speaker,"Your stepbrother gave us the address your at. We're coming to get you. And no matter what you say and do you're coming back with us, and there will be meager consequences!" He just hung up after that and I began to shake,"H-he's gonna force me to go back to Ireland.." I was siting on Jacob's lap since he wanted to comfort me. I just hung my head in sadness,"Dammit...goddammit." I mumbled,"Hey Lucas it's fine Alaskan here works in the FBI whatever your dad did to you tell him and he'll have a chat with him okay?" Jacob pulled me close to him again and kissed my head,"Ok-okay.." I nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck and wrapped my arms around him in attempt to calm myself down,"Hey guys give us some space okay?" All three boys nodded and left Jacob and I alone,"Lucas no matter how much talking about your past hurts, I need to know why your so scared of your father please..please tell me.." I had already started to drift of to sleep,"I promise you can sleep afterwords but I need to know why your in the state you in okay?" He was holding me away from him by my shoulders,"O-okay." He nodded and sat me in front of him,"Well when I was younger I had ADD, and kids would physically bully me and call me names. That lasted most of my life, then my father and mother abused me also. I was a very weak, fragile kid, I was a nerd for almost everything and never really fit in, and when I finally found my talent my father broke it and continued to abuse me. I get anxiety and panic attacks, I take lots of medical pills to keep me calm, I had to live with someone who was close so they could monitor me and stop whatever they where doing to help me, I originally lived with my dad but he kicked me out, then I lived with my Uncle and Aunt then they said I was to much work and kicked me out, then I lived with my brother but that never really worked. I never really had friends besides Claire and Taylor they where my best friends and I was Taylor's right hand man for their wedding, I almost died once I already told you that story." I stayed calm the entire time because Jacob was holding my hand the entire time,"I thought I was gay for the longest time and that's why my father hate's gays, I have never celebrated my birthday before or any holiday and enjoyed it before- infact most things I can't do because I wasn't allowed to do it as a child...and I'm not allowed near knifes...atleast that's what my dad and mom always told me.." I trailed off saying a few other things I wasn't allowed to do when I remembered something,"I wasn't allowed to play any instrument or every time I broke that rule I would get whipped and miss dinner. But I kept doing it over and over again because when I played the piano the house was filled with wonderful sounds..But at one point the beatings where so bad that I couldn't play the piano and my dad decided to burn all my music sheets along with my piano." Jacob pulled me into a hug and stroked my head,"Your parents sound like real assholes." I nodded,"You've had a stressful day you need to sleep." he picked me up and gently set me on the bed and tucked me in,"J-Jacob can you please stay...just for a little bit?" Jacob smiled and plugged his phone into his charger,"Okay.." He lied down next to me and pulled me close to him, he wrapped his other arm around me keeping me close to him,"Your safe.." He just watched me as he gently ran his fingers threw my hair making me fall asleep in his warm embrace,"I'm happy we met." A smile was plastered on my face as I heard Jordan say those words,"I'm happy your in my arms." I had fallen asleep snuggled closely to Jacob.
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