Chapter 1
Lucas POV
I was walking towards the door to meet up with one of my friends when I felt a sharp pain in my face,"OUCH!" I looked to see Cole and Damian laughing,"Have fun!" I rubbed my cheek to see that me entire face was bruised and cut. I walked out of the apartment and to the restaurant at which I was gonna meet my friend. When I entered the place it was empty and quiet I looked around to see Clair, Taylor and some other guy who had brown hair,"Hi Clair!" I waved towards her and made my way over to her,"Mor...ning?" She stood up and grabbed my chine, tilting my head up, down, to the left and right examining me,,"Jeez Lucas those cuts and bruises are getting worse! And your glasses have cracks in them! What's going on at your house?" She sat down and ushered me to sit next to that brown haired guy,"heh nothing much just guys being guys I guess." Taylor looked angry,"I don't think guys beat each other up for fun." I froze and just looked dead at Taylor,"Umm well anyways Lucas this is Jacob. Jacob Lucas!" I turned and looked at Jacob. There was an awkward silence that was broken by Taylor's phone ringing,"Wait that's today? Okay we'll be over in five!" He whispered something to Claire,"Sorry guys but me and Taylor need to go!" I was shocked,"What do you want us to do then?" Claire hesitated then got an idea,"Well you both have all day free and your house is probably the cleanest so just go to your house and chill!" I was gonna protest but Claire and Taylor where already out the door leaving me and Jacob all alone,"Well you heard the girl let's go to your place Lucas!" I nodded and we both made our way back to my place. As soon as I reached the door I was hesitant about unlocking it,"What's wrong Lucas?" I was a shaking mess as I heard Cole and Damian laughing inside,"Hey dude are you okay?" When he touched my shoulder it wasn't ruff and cruel but gentle and kind,"Lucas what's wrong?" He titled my head to look at him,"I-I'm fine." Curse my stuttering,"Then open the door if everything's alright." I unlocked the door and immanently something was thrown at me,"hehe welcome home loser!" I stumbled backwards into Jacob's arms,"Oh look he brought back a friend!" I was trying to regain my balance when I felt another book thrown at my head, this time since I was next to Jacob I hit the wall,"Heheh!" I grunted and walked into the house followed by Jacob,"Jacob meet my roommates." I didn't even introduce them I just quickly walked to my room,"Hey nerd aren't you gonna introduce us?" Cole grabbed me by the neck and ruffled up my hair,"Fine!" I swatted him away,"Jacob Cole." Cole grabbed me again,"Jacob Damian." Damian copied Cole,"Okay we're good? GOOD!" I swatted both men away and walked into my room,"Well this is my room." I felt something wet roll down my face,"Hey Lucas your crying." I touched my cheek to see tears,"Are you okay? Do you need me to leave?" I wasn't thinking but I still said it,"No! please..please don't leave me with them!" I had only just met this guy but I had this strange feeling that made me want him to stay,"Huh?" I collapsed onto my knees and sobbed,"I-I know that we just met. B-but C-clair and t-Taylor t-trust you...and t-their b-busy an-and I don-don't wann-wanna seem w-weak." I hesitated but looked up at him,"I- usually c-call the-them in t-this situ-situation.." He seemed to know what I was saying and knelt down and held me close to him,"It's okay.." He gently stocked my head in an attempt to calm me down which worked until Damian barged into my room,"Hey nerd-" He started to laugh when he saw me crying in the arms of another guy,"Hey Cole come here!" Damian took pictures along with Cole,"What a total nerd!" They both slammed the door before leaving,"What assholes." Jacob grumbled under his breath before focusing on me again,"Hey don't let them get to you okay?" I held my head in my hands and freaked out,"That's it I'm screwed!" I moved away from Jacob and gripped at my hair,"Cole's Mom is married to my dad! And Cole will send those pictures to his mom then his mom will show it to my dad! Then he'll fly here and..and..and! It'll be just like last year!" I was a shaking mess,"He'll think I'm gay again and kill me!" I stood up and paced around me room like an idiot with Jacob still siting on the ground,"Why do you think Cole will do that?" I stopped and looked at Jacob with wide teary eyes,"Because Cole hate's me! He's always hatted me!" Jacob stood up and held my hands in his,"Why does Cole hate you?" I felt hot tears roll down my cheeks again,"Because his parents got divorced and his mom married my dad. And he thinks I'm responsible for it and I don't know why?" Jacob's gaze softened and pulled me into another hug,"Hey it's fine.. just move in with Taylor and Claire they'll probably let you stay with them right?" I shook my head,"Clair's pregnant remember? So they'r house is chaotic! And plus I'm a ton of work, I need to be watched 24/7 because of my state. That's why I live with Cole and Damian even if their my collage bullies." Jacob's grip tightened on me,"Then move in with me, I have an extra room plus my job is really simple and my boss doesn't care if someone is always with me. I'm fine with helping you Lucas." I looked up and into his blue eyes,"Why are you offering this to me?" He moved his gaze down to me,"Because everything Clair and Taylor have said about you was nothing but good words, and plus i can tell they really care for you." I began to cry again,"Thank you.." I mumbled and wrapped my arms around his torso, he just kept running his fingers threw my hair with one had and the other holding me closely to him,"Let's pack you up.." I nodded and backed away from his grip. But when I did I felt that empty space in my heart fill..
time skip
I had loaded my luggage into Jacob's car when I felt his arms snake around my waist,"Your shaking.." He mumbled in my ear,"I-I'm fine..just scared of what Cole said.." he backed away and held my hand,"It's fine...Lucas he won't hurt you as long as I am near you." I nodded and sat in the passenger seat,"I never asked but what is your job Jacob?" Jacob had started the car when I asked this question,"Simple I work at a artist school." I smiled,"I am one of the painters there." I nodded as we started to drive,"Do you have a job Lucas?" I shook my head,"No not really, I myself like the arts..I sing, I used to be in Capella but then.." I stopped and looked at my hands as tears welded up in my eyes remembering that horrible night,"Hey what's wrong?" He rubbed my thigh gently, I cleared my voice,"Well..I had just finished a concert, and walked to the changing rooms when I felt a sharp painful punch to my throat. that punch was so strong and powerful that It had cause me to stumble backwards and over my backpack, when I fell it knocked me out. And the next day when I woke up I was in the hospital with something around my neck. The doctor told me I wouldn't be able to sing properly any more. So we all just pushed it to the side and went back to our daily routine, the security said they couldn't find the man who had knocked me out. So when we where practicing I was off key by a lot and I apparently was ruining it so they kicked me out." Jacob had pulled into his driveway but turned to look at me,"It's upsetting to me because my mother had taught me how to sing, and I had won so many things as a child and threw my teen years that when I was told I couldn't sing anymore my whole world shattered and I was devastated." Jacob just nodded,"I see.." He looked away and at the house,"I-I am truly sorry and I would love to hear you sing." He sighed and softened his gaze,"Well we're here!" I looked at the large house that had three other cars in the drive way,"My friend is the CEO of Target..Yeah." We both excited the car and walked to the house,"Okay little warning the guys are very explicit." I just nodded as he opened the door I heard yelling,"Okay so I will introduce you to them then I'll show you my room and your room!" I just gave a slight nod,"OI!" Jacob yelled as we walked to a large living area with three guys, one had bright red hair and was playing mario cart with a green haired boy, and a blue haired guy was siting alone reading a book,"Hey guys!" All three boys turned around,"This is Lucas he will be living with us!" They all waved,"My name's Alaskan!" The green haired one said,"I'm Olive." The blue haired one replayed,"And I am Phil." The red haired boy said,"Okay we're all good know?" Everyone nodded and I just slowly blinked my brown eyes,"Okay well I am gonna show Lucas around okay?" In reply they all returned their attention to the game. I followed Lucas to the rooms.
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