Part 8, Story time
Shadow sees the confused look on my face and beacons me over to her side.
"You look lost, let me explain some things. I'm a demon that is sharing a body with Regan which is an anodite, a being made of energy. Neon and Regan are also royalty, princesses to their people. Regan's and my powers combined make us unstoppable; my powers alone surpasses Grandmaster's." That explains why he's scared. "The reason I'm before you right now is because I come out when Regan gets angry or threatened. Since we share a body, I try my best to protect her." Shadow continued.
"That explains a lot." My voice shaking. That was a lot to absorb in one hit.
"I'll let Regan return now. It was nice to finally meet you Mark." That was the last I heard of that cold voice. The red eyes clear and those strikingly blue eyes return as does the temperature in the room.
Instantly Regan drops her head into her hands as her face crumples like paper. Tears flowing down like rivers. I couldn't do anything to help her as her body shakes.
"I'm sorry... so sorry." She uttered, voice muffled by her hands as she cries. Neon moved so fast, one second she's next to the window, the next she's cradling Regan in her arms as she sits up on the bed beside her.
"Regan, it's ok." I hear Grandmaster as he gets out of the seat and takes a step towards Regan and Neon.
"GET OUT!" Neon screams, followed by a deep growl. Sharp white teeth gleam in the light. Grandmaster does as instructed and leaves, nodding to me on his way. Neon doesn't notice when I leave, I hear her softly humming a lullaby to Regan, softly closing the door as I leave.
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