Part 7, Shadow's dance
Hello everyone
Same rule applies with italic for Neon and underlined for Regan.
While I sit outside I hear can hear their conversation through the wall.
"So this is where you've been hiding." The man was the first to speak.
"I wasn't exactly hiding." Regan sounded like a child being scolded.
"If you aren't hiding then why didn't you come home?"
"It's not her fault." Neon growled; I could fell it reverberate through the wall.
"Neon, stand down." Regan's voice trembles, it's like she's scared of getting angry.
"NO, I won't calm down. It's not your fault it's..." Neon yells but is cut off by someone else in the room.
"Mine." Everything goes quiet. "I sent Regan to Mark, do not blame her for something she did not do Grandmaster. The voice I hear doesn't sound like Regan, there's something darker even about the way this person talks. Everyone was speechless or afraid to speak up. The voice sends a chill down my spine, like nails on a chalkboard.
Sometime passes in dead silence, I don't know what's going on in there. I gently knock on the door. I'm greeted with that cold voice.
"You may enter." I step in to see a pair of blood red eyes staring at me. The room feel ten times colder then outside, even with the window and door shut. Neon fidgets from one foot to the other by the window when I step into the room. The old man is sitting at the foot of the bed with his eyes on the ground. And the red eyes are in the place of Regan's.
"Hello Mark, my name is Shadow." That cold voice is matched with an even colder stare. "By my guess Neon and Regan haven't told you about me." Shadow's face start to soften at this point. Neon lets out a breath I didn't know she was holding.
"Where's Regan?" I ask, trying not to seem rude.
"Regan is asleep at the moment." I nod, still having no clue what was going on. "This is our Grandmaster by the way, Mark." Shadow said, pointing to the old man in the chair, he gives a slight nod but doesn't take his eyes off the ground. If he's the grandmaster, then why does he look scared?
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